dlowan wrote:Quote:Do you think it's your field that's the problem or just your present place of employment?
Neither, really.
I mean, my field is very stressful and wearing, but also has great rewards.
My present position is fine.
I just don't want to play any more!
I'll get over it, I know it's normal...I don't need job change/career advice.....
if anyone has little tricks to get through the blahs that'd be nice, though.
Or just make me laugh!
The task at hand is to
raise your morale.
Lay cliche aside, that it not interfere.
Count your blessings;
savor them in your mind.
Think of
the happiest moment in your life for a few moments.
(For me, it was the death of communism on Christmas Eve of 1991,
when I was flying home from Las Vegas and the USSR went defunct n extinct.
Choose whatever jingles your chimes.)
Think of other intensely happy moments. Make a list (computer file?) of them for reference.
Was it ever significant to u that u made
someone else happy?
If so, think of that.
Any further instances thereof? Did u feel empathic joy? Mentally re-live it.
Think of your earlier successes & achievements in life.
Since age O, what have u done that was
really clever?
What was the most
HUMOROUS moment in your life?
In the privacy of your own mind: what r u
most proud of having done?
Think of your most prized possessions.
Think of how happy u were when u first
GOT your job.
Think of how happy u were when u got your
raises or other tangible professional recognition.
Think of your very finest professional successes and their results.
To the extent that is possible, organize the sequence of your work
so that u do the most urgent work first, so that if u run out of time later,
u 'll have that done. Decide what is
next in importance.
See if u can develop a momentum in your work; build success upon success,
so that u r on a roll.
Ask yourself whether u can u creatively re-organize your work
so as to make more fun or less burdensome.
Think of doing something fun in the near future, after your work is finished.
Think of
taking pride in your professional work.
Whatever 's worth doing is worth doing well,
'cause it might be
IMPORTANT; u never can tell.
So no matter how little it seems at the start,
if u
DO it, then do it with
ALL of your heart.