oh yes. i went that route too.
I learned rather quickly that I didnt have a poor enough body image to fit in. I didnt like to preach to people either so there was strike two.
Strike three was that I dont fall into the " im better than you" mindset.
I couldnt handle it. I couldnt afford it very well either.
but i will say this.... I have never EVER in my life learned as much about nutrition as I did then. I can go toe to toe with most of the so called nutritionists I know and leave them properly questioning their education.
I was never much of a drinker so alcohol was hardly ever discussed. I never gave it much thought honestly.
I just remember the vegan in my life squacking as she stumbled the importance of red wine in the diet and how white wine was filtered with fish bladder.
I think I actually peed myself laughing so hard