Rape & the U.S. Millitary

Fri 29 Jan, 2010 04:57 pm
For the benefit of that huge crowd as a2k who constantly use threads on sexual aggression to promote their female victimology world view:
Military sexual trauma by the numbers


... make up 10% of veterans.

... make up 49% of military sexual-trauma victims.


... make up 90% of veterans.

... make up 51% of military sexual-trauma victims.

One in five female veterans reports having been sexually assaulted while serving in the military.

One in twenty male veterans reports having been sexually assaulted while serving in the military.

Source: Pack Parachute, Office of Veterans Affairs, Department of Health and Human Service

0 Replies
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 05:03 pm
georgeob1 wrote:


More elephants are illegally taken by poachers in lands where the elephants are more plentiful too. Pointing out this peripheral fact, or the relative poverty of the poachers themselves for that matter, does little to address concerns over elephant populations.

Likewise, murder rates spike up enormously as population densities increase, but I have yet to see anyone side-step the inherent wrongness of murder by pointing this out. One would think a group of persons who have all sworn an oath to defend the constitution of our land could be held to at least as high of a standard as the general public who has sworn no such thing.

What point are you trying to make?


Perhaps you would then illuminate us with your foolproof program for preserving elephants , or eliminating crime, even among populations that should know, and behave, better.
How about we just stipulate our agreement that no foolproof plan exists to protect elephants from poachers, murder victims or rape victims... and stop pretending that age, proximity, or lack of other opportunity somehow constitute an excuse for rape?

georgeob1 wrote:
Oaths to defend the Constitution are generally ineffective in persuading powerful Senators not to add self-serving earmarks to legislation or take financial payoffs from important constituents.
Frankly, I hold your average enlisted person in higher esteem than I do your average "powerful Senator", but the comparison (transparent dodge) is utterly irrelevant anyway.
georgeob1 wrote:
They don't do much to restrain horny young men in close proximity to sometimes willing temptation either.
"Horny young men" don't rape, George; RAPISTS do. I've been pretty friggin horny before; have you? Never made me even think about raping anyone though; how about you? Ever rape anyone George?
georgeob1 wrote:
Neither behavior is admirable, but both are common.
Speeding is even more common, so what? Do you really make no distinction between rape and "self-serving earmarks"?
georgeob1 wrote:
Despite this the general incidence of crime in the military is a good deal lower than that in comparative populations elsewhere.
If this is actually your point, you'd do well to provide a basis for the assertion... rather than following the misogynistic assholes in playing down the severity and heinousness of rape.
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 05:10 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
To the extent that such behaviors are a predictable response to the age distribution and physical circumstances of military organizations, then we have an argument for excluding women from the military - something I suspect very few posters here would support.
I'd rather you made this argument than the "don't blame the good ole boys tone of your last post.

georgeob1 wrote:
To the extent that it reflects some correctable defect in the structure or behavior of military organizations, then we have a different - and far more complex situation involving both corrective remedies and their usually unamnticipated side effects.
Do you think taking serious crime seriously, and making examples of offenders might have some effect? The opening post contained not just crazy high statistics, but a general tone of little being done about it. If you flat out don't believe any of it, that's one thing; but please don't go on trivializing it unless you really do see things like Shorteyes and BillRM.
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 05:18 pm
If you flat out don't believe any of it, that's one thing; but please don't go on trivializing it unless you really do see things like Shorteyes and BillRM.

Allowing warriors to be aggressively sexual might be a price that this society needs to pay to be provided with a superior warrior class. Your assumption that stopping aggressive sexuality with-in military is a good idea is at this point an unproven assertion.
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 05:25 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

If you flat out don't believe any of it, that's one thing; but please don't go on trivializing it unless you really do see things like Shorteyes and BillRM.

Allowing warriors to be aggressively sexual might be a price that this society needs to pay to be provided with a superior warrior class. Your assumption that stopping aggressive sexuality with-in military is a good idea is at this point an unproven assertion.
Kill yourself already, you demented ****.
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 05:45 pm

So last year we talked here at a2k about how a bunch of folks wanted to demand that soldiers not be allowed to use tobacco, and many a2k'ers said that this was a good idea. You were one of them I believe. But the pro's, those who run the military decided that this is a bad idea right now, that we are fighting a war and soldiers need the stress relief, the relief and promoting effective war fighting trumps the do-gooders desire to make people behave in a certain way.

How is sexual aggression different...why should we not take the same decision here?

You have not proven your case.
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 05:59 pm
I think you should stop hyperventillating.

Are you suggesting that the military doesn't take crime seriously, or is lax in enforcing its rules? If so perhaps you could provide us with something to back up your case.

I'm not responsible for the way you perceive what I write or the hidden "tones" your prejudices reveal to you.

Evidently we agree that the statistics at the opening of this thread were exaggerated and out of meaningful context. Your inferences that nothing is being done about it are entirely of your own imagination. I suggested that in my first post, however the ball didn't bounce.

I believe that very few of the most highly opinionated posters here have any experience of a military organization, of the nature of the culture it presents or indeed of the reality behind these statistics. That, however, doesn't appear to inhibit them at all.
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 05:59 pm
BillRM wrote:

LOL the military is three times safer for women then a college campus do you not love it!!!!! You do have to pick the right universes such as young women not 88 years old women.


According to a federal study, about three percent of college women are sexually attacked and thirteen percent are stalked during an academic year. "The Sexual Victimization of College Women" was released last year by the U.S. Justice Department's National Institute of Justice and Bureau of Justice Statistics. The report is based on interviews with 4,446 college women (employing a nationally representative sample) and examines the frequency and nature of sexual assault on college campuses in the United States.

Of the women surveyed, 2.8 percent experienced either a completed rape (1.7 percent) or an attempted rape (1.1 percent). The victimization rate was 27.7 rapes per 1,000 female students; 22.8 percent of the women were raped more than once, for a rate of incidents of 35.3 per 1,000 students. For a campus with 10,000 women, the number of rapes could exceed 350 per year.
What in this story tell you the Military is 3 times safer... and why do you "love it"?

This appears to be a reasonable source... one that sources it's material at least... and it's claiming 28% http://www.veteransforpeace.org/files/pdf/Sadler%20Military%20Environment.pdf
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 06:14 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

I think you should stop hyperventillating.

There's nothing accelerated about my breathing, George. Don't let my writing fool you; it's a style issue... and one you should be well accustomed to by now.
georgeob1 wrote:
Are you suggesting that the military doesn't take crime seriously, or is lax in enforcing its rules? If so perhaps you could provide us with something to back up your case.
Yes. I am suggesting that if these stats are anywhere close to accurate, the Military, not unlike most every other Law Enforcement entity I'm aware of, is entirely too lax in enforcing its rules. This problem is compounded by people in higher ranking positions, blowing it off as not a big deal... the way you have been doing here.

georgeob1 wrote:
I'm not responsible for the way you perceive what I write or the hidden "tones" your prejudices reveal to you.
You are, however, responsible for what you write. Again George, horny young men don't commit rape; rapists do.

georgeob1 wrote:
Evidently we agree that the statistics at the opening of this thread were exaggerated and out of meaningful context. Your inferences that nothing is being done about it are entirely of your own imagination. I suggested that in my first post, however the ball didn't bounce.
From what I've been able to find; the statistics may or may not be far off, but as Deist aptly pointed out; even if they were 10 times lower the heinousness of the remainder would be worth addressing. Do you actually disagree? Or are you just being disagreeable?

georgeob1 wrote:
I believe that very few of the most highly opinionated posters here have any experience of a military organization, of the nature of the culture it presents or indeed of the reality behind these statistics. That, however, doesn't appear to inhibit them at all.
I believe you are probably right, and I am in that category. But, you won't convince me I need to serve first before opining that rape is wrong in the military (Appeal to authority, denied.)
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 06:20 pm
How is rape different than smoking? I do hope the authorities catch your sick ass one day, so you can learn the difference between rape and smoking first hand.
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 06:27 pm
How is rape different than smoking? I do hope the authorities catch your sick ass one day, so you can learn the difference between rape and smoking first hand.

They are not, it both cases it is claimed that a freedom must be curtailed because it brings harm to the innocent.....in both cases the criminalization of behaviour has been promoted by those who clearly want to engineer social change at the expense of personal freedom....in both cases the bullies should be thrown back and told to mind their own business.
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 06:32 pm
Rolling Eyes No more troll feeding.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 06:33 pm
Are you suggesting that the military doesn't take crime seriously, or is lax in enforcing its rules?

Two quick examples come to mind, Gob, MyLai and Tiger Force, but there are hundreds if not thousands of such instances.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 06:38 pm
both cases it is claimed that a freedom must be curtailed because it brings harm to the innocent

Give them free access to alcohol; that'll help them relax and as an added benefit, they will be much less reluctant to commit war crimes.
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 06:42 pm
How is rape different than smoking?

How is rape different than killing 100,000 Iraqis, Bill? I do wish your sense of moral outrage was, shall we say, a wee bit more evenhanded.
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 06:45 pm
Give them free access to alcohol; that'll help them relax and as an added benefit, they will be much less reluctant to commit war crimes.

YOu mock, but there are a boat load of military experts who say that the American military practice on demanding dry combat zones is a misguided effort. Many if not most countries allow at least beer or limited hard stuff.

as it is now we have soldiers who binge drink most of the year they are stateside because they know that soon they will be back to being forced to go almost a year with nothing.

American Puritan foolishness knows little limits, and we Americans never seem to learn from our bad results of establishing moralities and legalities that don't conform the human behaviour and motivations.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 06:59 pm
JTT wrote:

How is rape different than smoking?

How is rape different than killing 100,000 Iraqis, Bill? I do wish your sense of moral outrage was, shall we say, a wee bit more evenhanded.
Are you really that dense? Reasonable people have been debating the pros and cons of that action for many years. No reasonable person disputes the wrongness of rape. Only misogynistic pieces of **** do that.

Fri 29 Jan, 2010 07:05 pm
No reasonable person disputes the wrongness of rape. Only misogynistic pieces of **** do that.

the smart ones of us however DO argue what is the proper definition for rape, and want to talk about what has been behind the redefinition of the term that has taken place over the last 30 years.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jan, 2010 07:13 pm

How about we just stipulate our agreement that no foolproof plan exists to protect elephants from poachers, murder victims or rape victims... and stop pretending that age, proximity, or lack of other opportunity somehow constitute an excuse for rape?
Interesting logical shift there. My opinion is there is also no foolproof plan to prevent rape, in the military or outside it. Nowhere did I suggest that age, proximity, etc. were factors that excuse rape. Instead I pointed out that they are statistical factors clearly and consistently associated with its incidence. I clearly pointed out that the lack of data concerning relative incidence in comparable populations that was precisely the key missing element here. Without it we might as well become exorcised about the incidence of rape among members of PETA.

"Horny young men" don't rape, George; RAPISTS do.
Interesting tautology. Is there any meaning behind it? (Evidently you have never been to Olongapo).

.. rather than following the misogynistic assholes in playing down the severity and heinousness of rape.
But I didn't "play down the severity of rape", and there are some posters here (probably on both sides of this matter) whose material I don't bother to read.

Fri 29 Jan, 2010 08:00 pm
georgeob1 wrote:


How about we just stipulate our agreement that no foolproof plan exists to protect elephants from poachers, murder victims or rape victims... and stop pretending that age, proximity, or lack of other opportunity somehow constitute an excuse for rape?
Interesting logical shift there. My opinion is there is also no foolproof plan to prevent rape, in the military or outside it. Nowhere did I suggest that age, proximity, etc. were factors that excuse rape. Instead I pointed out that they are statistical factors clearly and consistently associated with its incidence. I clearly pointed out that the lack of data concerning relative incidence in comparable populations that was precisely the key missing element here. Without it we might as well become exorcised about the incidence of rape among members of PETA.
No logical shift at all. My examples were intentionally as incidental to the meat of the discussion as yours. All should be dismissed to focus on what matters.

georgeob1 wrote:
"Horny young men" don't rape, George; RAPISTS do.
Interesting tautology. Is there any meaning behind it?
Not sure how you could have missed it, but: "Horny young men" is almost redundant in that young men tend to be pretty horny. This does not typically lead them to rape, however, except for the sickoes. These sickoes are called rapists, George. Your suggestion that "horny young men" are prone to rape is insulting to most young men, it depicts you as something of an apologist for young rapists, and displays a dispicable apathy for young rape victims. Why not skip the futile attempt to cover it up, and simply retract the sicko-encouraging statement?

georgeob1 wrote:
(Evidently you have never been to Olongapo).
Hadn't even heard of it, and don't see how it or it's legend applies here.

georgeob1 wrote:
.. rather than following the misogynistic assholes in playing down the severity and heinousness of rape.
But I didn't "play down the severity of rape", and there are some posters here (probably on both sides of this matter) whose material I don't bother to read.
Very wise to ignore some of these fools, but you did indeed downplay the severity of rape when you suggested it was the predictable activity of ordinary "horny young men", without any other qualifier... like 3 months at sea will bring out the worst in people... or even sometimes good people do bad things (a point I would dispute anyway, but beats nothing at all.)

Tell me George; were you ever a horny young man? Did this condition cause you to rape anyone? Or would you agree that being a horny young man is an insufficient explanation for rape? Point blank: Do you find rape, even by horny young men, to be a despicable crime? And if so, why impugn horny young men in general, with the deeds of the despicable rapist?

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