Woke up a 6am to walk our dog, slipped up on the ice. Funny at the time, and just that, i'd have been fine with.
8am I went to get breakfast to find we were out of food. Head up the shop and brilliant "Shop closed until Monday"
The next shop is quite far away and i couldn't leave the little kids at home alone (my dad had left for work)
So i went back, got them ready and we all set off to the next shop. Half way the 6 year old decided he couldn't walk any further so it took 10 minutes of persuasion at some minus temperature to get him walking again.
Eventually got there and the 8 year old walks straight into a stack of buiscuits, so we spent the next 20 minutes re-stacking them with a member of staff. Went to buy some cerial and milk to find i only had a couple quid, so it was cerial
or milk.
So we got home at ten and sat walking a slowing dying TV eating dry cerial.
At 11 my mum got home and we all went to my sisters grave so lay flowers and what not. Right across the earth lay 3 nice big foot prints - How nice is that? What kind of person walks straight across freshly laid earth, even more so across a ten year old's grave?
So at half twelve we left there, got in the car to head home and to round off the morning got halfway up a hill until the car decided it was too slippey. Bottom of the hill, scratched bumper and some very angry ladys broken fence (nobody hurt) by the time we were back home all parking spaces had been taken by various nabours and their friends.
And as a lovely surprise when we got in the house my brother had left the freezer open. Hadn't been too long but we still had an rather large puddle across the kitchen.
Of course by that point my mum was fed up enough to decide the open freezer was my fault and that our familt were just generally infuriating and stormed off to stay with my grandparents for another night, i sometimes think my 6 year old brother is more mature.
Saying that, he just blocked the toilet after an experiment to see how much toilet paper amoung other stuff he could flush at once.
So my dad came home to a house with no food, no wife and hyper children running around chucking dry cerial at each other.
He then proceded to sit by the front door and cry. The company he works for a starting to struggle and of course at the moment everyone seems to be losing their jobs so he has that to worry about and all.
To top it all off, the phone rang at 6:30 with the news that Holly, a 9 year old that was in hospital with my sister, also fighting cancer lost her fight today.
So all in all,
Today was crap.
Just thought i'd vent that with you. Congratulations by the way, if you read this far.
How was everyone elses day? I hope your was better.