You have quite a year of study ahead of you, Abbie! I like your mixed choice of subjects. Sciences and the arts! Good, good!
Quote:Yep, the school knows whats been going on, they won't know yet that she's died but my uncles insisting that he comes in with me tomorrow and explains,

That's very good of him. What a lovely man. He really cares about you. And it's good to know that the school will be fully informed about what you've been through & what you'll be going through for quite a while yet ....
After you've stopped feeling embarrassed (

) about him doing this, you might find it was a whole lot less stressful & less difficult to not have to explain it all yourself. You never know.
Quote:The thing we didn't realise is that my brother thought that death was temperary, which has been differcult to explain, he's too young to really comprehend "forever" so unfortunatly, today he seems to have got it.
Quote:My friends have been great, Joe especially, i've known him since we were about 4 and he's dutifully kept his hair to at most centimeter long since Lilia lost hers and often shaved it all off upon her request, i guess he can grow it now.
Hooray for Joe! Now that's what I'd call a very good friend!
Glad to hear that there are other good friends, too, Abbie.