Amanda Knox

Thu 3 Jul, 2014 03:36 am

I'm offline at least until Saturday, so if the pedo comes up with something horrendous-sounding and I don't reply, he didn't chase me away or anything. I'll just have to get caught up when I get back.

(Happy July 4th to all non-pedos.)
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Walter Hinteler
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 04:35 am
oralloy wrote:
izzythepedo wrote:
If Oralboy had come out with the filth he spouts in the UK on twitter he would have been jailed.

Nonsense. It's not against the law in the UK to denounce atrocities.
It would be prosecuted at least under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, the Malicious Communications Act 1988, and the Defamation Bill. (See The Guidelines for Prosecution and The Magistrates' Court Sentencing Guidelines)

When you look at what those, who went to jail for such, had actually done, they were virgins compared to you, oralloy
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 04:57 am
@Walter Hinteler,

Internet troll jailed for posting vile messages about murdered teacher Ann Maguire on Facebook......

Quite similar, judging by the vile things this troll has been posting on this thread about the late Ms Kercher.
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 05:59 am

Despite your opinion of me, I've never told you what you can and can't do, my ego would have to be enormous for me to do something like that.

You certainly have a way of twisting words, don't you? I had only asked you to respect what was repeated regarding another poster in confidence, a poster who infuriates one beyond measure. You, izzythepush, treacherously deceived me, using what i said in a private PM as a weapon to attack Oralloy....how LOW can a poster stoop?! By behaving the way you have, YOU, izzythepush, have exhibited to all who understand my meaning, that you are a deceitful individual! You show no moral respect or integrity regarding words spoken in a PM in confidence. True, your ego has been bruised during these exchanges, but given time, you'll forget all about it; the memory of you being a double dealing swine might linger in the minds of some a little longer, wondering if what they told you in privacy might not surface one day.

Anyway, other than hearsay, what concrete proof do you have that Oralloy is a 40-yr-old living with his parents? Can you prove this? You keep saying to Oralloy, "tick tock tick tock"? Did it ever occur to you that his parents may have provided for him handsomely, and the "tick tock" implication has no resonance? You could be sued for slander if one were to follow up on such....

A any rate, this concludes anything else to do with you; as a general rule I do not exchange posts with slippery posters.
I'm outta here with my significant other to enjoy the long holiday weekend.....after these unhappy exchanges with you I feel a change of environment is just what the doctor ordered.
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 06:38 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
You could be sued for slander if one were to follow up on such....

I could be sued for slander, after what he said about my kids? You really are having a laugh.

I treacherously deceived you did I? What a load of hyperbole. You were more than willing to dish the dirt, none of which was asked for.

You're a gossip, and you needed no encouragement from me.

I hope you have a lovely holiday weekend.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 07:42 am
izzythepush wrote:
I could be sued for slander, after what he said about my kids? You really are having a laugh.
Actually, this really is the worst I've ever seen here as a personal attack.

Without using a crystal ball: that would be 6 month prison minimum ... for a first offender.
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 07:48 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
True, your ego has been bruised during these exchanges,

What gives you that idea?

I really lost any respect for you after you starting effusing over Advocate just because he took a similar position on certain liberal causes. This was after knowing he was a racist who licked Pamela Rosa's holocaust denying arse.

I prefer to draw a line in the sand and have no truck with racists, even if I do agree with them on other issues.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2014 01:09 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Nonsense. It's not against the law in the UK to denounce atrocities.

It would be prosecuted at least under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, the Malicious Communications Act 1988, and the Defamation Bill. (See The Guidelines for Prosecution and The Magistrates' Court Sentencing Guidelines)


Walter Hinteler wrote:
When you look at what those, who went to jail for such, had actually done, they were virgins compared to you, oralloy

Going by the case Lordyaswas linked to (although sleaze like the Mirror can't really be deemed a reliable source of information), my posts are nothing like those cases.

However, there are posters here (izzythepush, eurocelticyankee, contrex, mctag, etc) who do make posts similar to those.

It is quite telling that at the same time that you falsely accuse me of making posts like that, you voice no objection to those people who actually do make posts like that.
Sun 6 Jul, 2014 01:11 pm
Lordyaswas wrote:
Quite similar, judging by the vile things this troll has been posting on this thread about the late Ms Kercher.

First, I denounce your hypocritical false accusation that I am trolling.

You actually have engaged in trolling (the thread about young women being horsewhipped at the recent Olympics).

I, on the other hand, have never engaged in trolling.

And second, no, the only people here who post messages similar to those in the article you linked are: izzythepush, contrex, eurocelticyankee, mctag, and probably a couple others I don't remember off hand.

What I am doing is vigorously defending the victims of those predations.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2014 01:12 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
By behaving the way you have, YOU, izzythepush, have exhibited to all who understand my meaning, that you are a deceitful individual!

As long as we agree about people like izzythepush, is there any chance I can get you to also take a moment and consider how wrong it is to lynch the innocent victims of a horrific atrocity?
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2014 01:13 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Actually, this really is the worst I've ever seen here as a personal attack.

I'm not sure if hypocrisy is the right word for what you are doing (since you are not the one making the vile personal attacks), but the way you are silent about the much worse personal attacks against me, yet speaking out against me for merely engaging in self defense, it's one-sided and immoral.

Walter Hinteler wrote:
Without using a crystal ball: that would be 6 month prison minimum ... for a first offender.

You'd have to assume that the prosecutors and judges would be willing to overlook actual commissions of that crime, and instead want to unjustly convict someone who tries to protect the victims of such crimes.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2014 02:15 pm
Have a good time away? Did they manage to find the chipmunk that controls the levers in your head?
Sun 6 Jul, 2014 03:05 pm
izzythepush wrote:
Have a good time away?

Sort of. Kind of a somber atmosphere this year. One friend's wife died from lack of health insurance a couple years before Obamacare came into effect. Another friend recently shot his son to death in self defense, is pending prosecution on open murder charges, and was too depressed to even come.

We out-fireworked the people at the nearby public access dock. We always do. (Cannons verses firecrackers isn't much of a contest.) The people at the public access dock seemed appreciative though based on their drunken cheers.

I like my new tent. The ventilation is awesome. Never again will I have to wake up boiling in a 200 degree tent after drinking until dawn and sleeping in past noon.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2014 03:19 pm
Did you win best of breed? (In the Jesus, what the **** is that? category)
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2014 03:51 pm
You're a gossip, and you needed no encouragement from me.

What's wrong with this picture? YOU're labeling me a "gossip"? Who galloped as fast as his fingers could type to INFORM the board that Oralloy "was a 40-year old virgin?! It certainly wasn't me!

Oralloy's post infuriates so much that I was relieved to be able to confide in someone, to release this pent-up emotional anger at this poster.

Oralloy is the only poster I have discussed with you. While you sent me a pm informing me a certain poster (whom I didn't know) was using an alias. A "gossip" is one who engages in idle talk/rumor, especially regarding the personal or private affairs of others. It seems to me YOU are the embodiment of a gossip, one who cannot wait to tattle especially if you can dig it into your opponent on the board. As soon as I mention the Oralloy info to you in "strictest confidence," YOU GALLOPED AT FULL SPEED to tell the board, without any 100% confirmation that what you were posting was true, stating "Oralloy is a 40-year-old virgin living at home with his parents!" …And to top it off YOU ARE STILL CITING THE SAME OLD GOSSIP, without any regret, even after I informed you that I was not definitively sure. I was so angry that YOU would dare post something given in privacy on the board for all to see that I sent you a PM imploring you to never, ever PM me again, and that you were one of the most deceitful posters I'd ever encountered. Who then, is the "gossip"? Eh!? I never would have mentioned this "gossip" to the board even if I had concrete evidence. It is not in my nature to be deliberately cruel to anyone but expressly those with a mental handicap; one can observe, objectively, that Oralloy is not balanced mentally for if he were he would not speak so damagingly of the murdered victim's mother. What kind of creature will disparagingly curse the parents, particularly the mother of a child who was brutally murdered?! What kind of mind would conceive of churning new born babies into food for dogs because he was angry at the country, Italy, for its verdict on Amanda Knox? The person who conceived of this act to punish innocent babies, has unquestionably a sick mind! Oralloy crossed the line of sanity when his mind thought up a way to get even with Italy! Because I see someone with a flawed mentality, I have more of an understanding of who this poster is…he deserves not our hatred, but understanding as one who simply doesn't know any better; I placed Oralloy on ignore a long, long time ago. I DID NOT POST FALSE INFORMATION ON A MESSAGE BOARD FOR OTHERS TO SEE AND HUMILIATE THIS PERSON WHO IS OBVIOUSLY NOT ALTOGETHER THERE!!!!

You say I turned you off initially because of my admiration for Advocate's political liberal attitude, a poster whom you cite as racist. There exist among us *a few* harboring personal animus against varying ethnicities. You are one of these imo with strong emotions especially against the US. I recall your intense message exchange with Frank Apisa regarding the "Special Relationship" between the US and the British. You feigned ignorance that you did not understand what this meant, "this special relationship." As an educator you should have been far more informed than most, that "both the United Kingdom and United States share a special close relationship; the level of cooperation between these two countries is economic activity; trade and commerce; military planning; execution of military operations; nuclear weapons technology, and intelligence sharing. This distinctive relationship has been described as "unparalleled" among major powers." You, izzythepush, during that exchange, revealed a spitefulness in your personal makeup with Frank Apisa that I was surprised to see.

The only true difference I have with Advocate is his remarkable insensitivity towards the Palestinians' pain, along with casting a blind eye towards the many odious crimes of Israel. I view advocate's turning a blind eye to Israel's many crimes as defensive towards what he might perceive as his home being attacked, so closely identified with the Zionist nation is he….that, of course, will never prevent my posting critical posts against the Israeli occupation of the disputed territories and being in verbal combat with him.

I do not patronize the Pamela Rosa(sp) board and actually have this type of human garbage on ignore….I believe Advocate to be a Democrat. I admire the poster's defense of President Obama and stance regarding the Democrats' liberal social agenda on women, Gays, justice for minorities, etc. Since I'm so politically motivated, I'm particularly fond of Advocate's articles/comments on the current embattled New Jersey Governor.

Look, all of us are racist (not one of us is immune), yet no baby is born intolerant, while some of us, once we mature, become more hateful than others….One of America's most pronounced liabilities, is its institutionalize racism, i.e., the stereotyping of ethnic groups, primarily African Americans. Also look at the present ongoing hatred in America against undocumented immigrants at US borders. Racism is the DNA of southern culture but is also very much in evidence in northern metropolitan cities but more nuanced. Overt racism in America is more pronounced today because of the Presidency of the first black president. Many white Americans simply refuse to accept this reality…they will probably go nuts at the first Latino or Chinese-American president,,,but by that time whites might very well be in the minority! "There is nothing constant but change." As long as Advocate doesn't target me personally or behave in an observable racist way in any of the very few threads I bother to read, I'm not going looking for racist motives, additionally, I like to determine the root of situations for myself….….and I do not envision ever socializing with this poster outside the virtual world.

Let me say in your defense, izzythepush....I am not blind. I can understand the psychological reasoning for your need to get back at Oralloy. On the Yahoo board he was at his worse because there were fanatical Zionists there that appreciated him, bringing out the worse in this poster. However, Oralloy doesn't need anyone to motivate his obscene words towards the grieving mother of Meredith Ketcher. Oralloy, the poster, literally ignites one's intense passion and if face-to-face in an argument with him, it would be difficult to not go for his jugular.
Sun 6 Jul, 2014 05:40 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
It is not in my nature to be deliberately cruel to anyone

You cheer for sending innocent people to prison.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
one can observe, objectively, that Oralloy is not balanced mentally for if he were he would not speak so damagingly of the murdered victim's mother.

You're speaking from the perspective of evil. You cannot fathom goodness and morality. However, that doesn't mean that goodness and morality signify mental imbalance.

It is wrong for the Kerchers to try to get innocent people sent to prison so they can steal their money, and I am right to denounce them for it.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
What kind of creature will disparagingly curse the parents, particularly the mother of a child who was brutally murdered?!

These thugs are trying to get innocent people sent to prison so they can steal their money. Anyone who has ethics and morality will condemn them in the harshest terms possible.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
The only true difference I have with Advocate is his remarkable insensitivity towards the Palestinians' pain, along with casting a blind eye towards the many odious crimes of Israel. I view advocate's turning a blind eye to Israel's many crimes as defensive towards what he might perceive as his home being attacked,

Israel is not committing any crimes.

The only pain the Palestinians suffer is caused by their refusal to ever make peace.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Overt racism in America is more pronounced today because of the Presidency of the first black president.


Moment-in-Time wrote:
On the Yahoo board he was at his worse because there were fanatical Zionists there that appreciated him, bringing out the worse in this poster.

Jews must get so sick of people spewing horrible hateful lies about them. It must feel nice when they hear someone speaking out and condemning all the hateful lies.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
However, Oralloy doesn't need anyone to motivate his obscene words towards the grieving mother of Meredith Ketcher.

She's not grieving. All she cares about is stealing Raffaele's money.

And it isn't obscene for me to speak out against her atrocity.
Sun 6 Jul, 2014 11:43 pm
"She's not grieving. All she cares about is stealing Raffaele's money....."

For once, just once, please supply one grain of evidence to back up one of your statements. Prove she is not grieving.

You keep coming out with these sweeping statements and absolutely no evidence to back them up. I put it to you that these are total falsehoods, made up in your brain when one of your brain cells has a conversation with the other.

I say you are either infatuated, really quite nasty or mentally unbalanced.

Probably an even threeway split.
Mon 7 Jul, 2014 01:14 am
Lordyaswas wrote:
For once, just once, please supply one grain of evidence to back up one of your statements. Prove she is not grieving.
You keep coming out with these sweeping statements and absolutely no evidence to back them up.

Your suggestion that I have a history of not providing evidence is an outrageous lie. However, my comment here was based more on logic than on evidence.

If she were actually grieving, why would she be fighting tooth and nail to block any and all examination of the supposed evidence in this case?

I submit that someone who was grieving would be interested in finding out the truth and ensuring that the murderer was exposed, not doing everything that they possibly could to prevent the truth from ever being known.

"Doing everything possible to hide the truth" is something that someone might do if they were trying to win millions of Euros in a fraudulent lawsuit however.

Lordyaswas wrote:
I put it to you that these are total falsehoods, made up in your brain when one of your brain cells has a conversation with the other.

Deny reality all you like, but it's still a fact that the Kerchers are doing everything possible to prevent the truth from being known so that they can win millions of euros in a fraudulent lawsuit. (That they would send innocent people to prison in addition to stealing their money seems not to bother them a bit.)

Lordyaswas wrote:
I say you are either infatuated,

The only people who are infatuated with Amanda are you thugs who favor sending innocent people to prison. You are the ones who always bring up sex. You are the ones who always focus on Amanda to the total exclusion of Raffaele.

The rest of us think the idea of "looking at the victim of a horrible atrocity and thinking about sex" is abominable.

That you thugs then turn around and falsely accuse us of sexual obsession only makes the whole thing even more repugnant.

Lordyaswas wrote:
really quite nasty

I am extremely nasty in certain situations (like when I'm defending an innocent person from a lynch mob).

That's a problem that is easily avoided simply by not lynching innocent people however.

Lordyaswas wrote:
or mentally unbalanced.

You're thinking from the perspective of an evil person here. What you're calling "mental imbalance" is actually basic goodness and common decency.
0 Replies
Mon 7 Jul, 2014 01:27 am
I called Oralboy a virgin long before you pmd me, and I wasn't the only one. You told me one thing in actual confidence. I have kept schtum about that. You keep dropping hints about it however.

You have this schoolmarm mentality that you think gives you the right to tell other people what to do. You even use a lexicon straight out of The Little House On The Prairie, I couldn't wait to tell my mates I'd been called 'a snake in the grass.'

I don't find Oralboy 'infuriating' I find him disgusting. The use of infuriating suggests a fondness on your part, the way a schoolmarm would describe the class clown.

Both you and Oralboy have been away at the same time, you with your significant other, (that phrase always makes me think of Delboy,) and on your return you claim Oralboy's virginity was just heresay.

Coincidence or what.
Mon 7 Jul, 2014 01:35 am
Weasel words about racism, Advocate comments are beyond the pale, and you know that.

I don't want foreign troops on our soil. The special relationship is a crock, and a one way street. Our troops fight your wars in Iraq. Where was the special relationship when the Falklands were invaded?
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