Moment-in-Time wrote:The number of innocent Palestinians killed by the war-hungry IDF so outweigh the tiny number of Israelis that the gap is staggering!
First, the fact that Jews defend themselves when you thugs attack them does not mean they are war hungry.
And second, the numbers are about the same.
However, it should be noted that when Palestinians kill innocent Israelis it is intentional murder. When Israelis kill innocent Palestinians it is accidental collateral damage as the result of a desperate defense against Palestinian murderers.
Moment-in-Time wrote:How dare you bring up the small number of killed Israelis when the Palestinians not only have been brutally killed in large numbers, but many times over;
As noted above, the numbers are roughly the same.
The only real difference is that Israel accidentally kills innocents as they desperately defend themselves against Palestinian murderers. The Palestinians intentionally kill innocents because they think it is fun.
There is a reason why the only people who support Palestinian vermin are evil thugs who also support sending innocent people to prison.
Moment-in-Time wrote:The Israelis do not hesitate to send missiles into apartment complexes to get one target, killing and maiming children, women and men, all innocent.
Collateral damage is unfortunate, but it would not be necessary if the Palestinians were only willing to make peace.
Moment-in-Time wrote:You have the damn gall to paint Israel as the victim?!
Victim is the wrong word. Israel is preventing the Palestinians from victimizing them.
But Israel is very clearly morally in the right.
Moment-in-Time wrote:Your rabid-anti-Palestinian actions and views have crippled many a Palestinian child psychologically.
If they don't want people to keep defending themselves against them, the Palestinians could always stop trying to murder innocent people.
Moment-in-Time wrote:I don't blame them for using any means necessary to get the Israelis out of their land.
The dishonesty you use to justify atrocities is as appalling as ever.
That is Israeli land. It would not have become Palestinian land unless the Palestinians had been willing to make peace in exchange for it.
Moment-in-Time wrote:You're beginning to reek of your fanaticism to rid the West Bank of all the Palestinians.
The Palestinians did that one to themselves. They could have had the West Bank in exchange for peace. But they chose instead to keep trying to murder people.
When the Palestinians are all finally deported out of the West Bank they will have done it to themselves.