I think s/he's a poster who's interested in spirituality. I happen to enjoy his/her posts. I don't read the bible very often, but when I am exposed to the language again, I remember how much I love it (the language).
0 Replies
Sat 28 Nov, 2009 11:38 am
Someone who thinks he has a soul, not knowing he has lost his..
Quoting the silly book replaces his personal thoughts..
Someone who is obviously mistaken about happiness and the jubilation of life...
0 Replies
Sat 28 Nov, 2009 11:52 am
2 universe or multi universe
Are 2 or more universe or just one universe ?
How many ?
from this first thread and post i assumed he was billrm's split personality, the one with slightly better grammar
People that replace the logic of everyday's life with quotes from the bible can make the life of others a hell..
Anyway, I think you would have quite a different reaction is this site was stuffed with quotes from the qur'an, like it is right now with quotes from the bible.
I have a strong feeling and a more dangerous theory that she's the Dr. Jekyll
to the Mrs. Hyde of Leona!
Now THERE's a frightening thought!!!
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Merry Andrew
Sat 28 Nov, 2009 12:22 pm
Francis is absolutely right. Quoting the Bible is the lazy person's way to presenting what is supposed to pass for an argument. Reliance on spiritual authority is, at best, a poor way to make a point.
Francis - please don't try to guess or assume what my reaction would be to anything. I'll be the judge of that - thank you.
I do love language - from wherever it may spring- thank you again for your understanding.
You don't have a point of view, Einstein, that's the problem. Copying bible
passages in a most senseless way, won't help you the least. Besides, the majority
of people here couldn't care less about your religion.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Nov, 2009 02:22 pm
@gold einstein,
I don't have any problem. As I said, I enjoy reading it - please continue to feel free to post as you feel led to post.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Nov, 2009 02:26 pm
I don't have any problem with golden einstein having a spiritual nature. It would, however, be nice to have his/her posts expanded upon rather than just use scripture.
Nothing wrong with scripture. Quotes from the New Testament should not offend anybody unless they out and out just dismiss anything from the bible. I also don't have a problem if people want to quote from any other book or religion either.
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I - Instruction
B - Before
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E - Earth