Recovering Abuzzard.Born somewhere in the first half of the last century. Most recently I taught at a detention facility for incarcerated youthful offenders in Boston, MA (USA) and do some contract work for the US State Dept. Currently residing on the Big Island of Hawaii. Language, literature and history are among my chief interests. Also jazz and classical music, painting and sculpture. Former officer in the Army National Guard, former newspaper reporter and editor, former World War II refugee, former drunk. I'm a friend of Bill W. and a full-time survivor. Draw and sketch for a hobby, play chess. I like firearms but don't like to kill animals, so I don't hunt except with a camera. Kill a lot of empty tin cans for target practice, though.
Sun 10 Oct, 2010 11:38 pm - I miss LightWizard. He's busy posting on FB but I hardly ever visit my account there. I much, much prefer the easy cameraderie here, trolls and idiots and all. (view)
Sun 10 Oct, 2010 10:19 pm - Who was that Dutch gal on Abuzz? The one with the rampant agoraphobia, the one who always remembered everyone's b'day and would start a threadon the appropriate day? (view)
Sun 10 Oct, 2010 10:14 pm - [quote="BillRM"]
[quote] to buy raw milk from grass fed cows when I can. [/quote]
You do know you can die from drinking such as Henry Ford son did?
I probably do 20 or 30... (view)