@Merry Andrew,
Quote:But I do understand his concerns and sympathize with them.
the concern about student lead disruptions negatively impacting the learning experience is justified, and I also sympathize with his desire to promote the correct environment. What I question is what threatening the kids does to promote the long term goal of creating the right environment for learning. I don't think that he has chosen the right tool for the job, he has chosen Macgyver fix which harms the long term mission.
I remember 5-10 years ago we used to hear all kinds of stories about what were then brand new law and order schools, which were run on par with prisons, and of how great they were. You don't hear much about them anymore, because they don't work long term. They are on par with the parents who micro manage their kids lives, impose very strict rules upon their kids as if they are prison wardens, forgetting that their primary job is to raise strong and well functioning adults. They use a heavy hand to enforce a short term solution to a real or imagined problem and neglect totally their real job.