I should have said that his poll numbers plummeted according to Rasmussen. I think, though, that it is clear to the several folks here that I have been using Rasmussen.
Here is what I have found on Real Clear Politics re recent polls on CT. The 1st number is Blumenthal while the 2nd is McMahon.
Rasmussen (4/7): 55% - 35%
Rasmussen (5/4): 52% - 39%
Rasmussen (5/18): 48% - 45%
Quinnipiac (5/25): 56% - 31% *
DailyKos (5/26): 52% - 33%
Rasmussen (6/1): 56% - 33%
* The Quinnipiac poll was of registered voters vs likely voters in the other polls.
Are you aware of any polls, other than Rasmussen's, that were taken a day or two after the Times story?