I wondered about the swiss army knife scenario. I thought about it after the fact when someone said, 'Maybe he brought the utensil to school without the parent knowing about it,' and I realized that any mother of a son should know that if that boy got a swiss army knife for his birthday, he'd want to bring it to school to show his friends.
So in the morning before school, I would have said, 'Joey - where's your swiss army knife? Let me hold it for you until you get home from school, because we both know - you can't bring a knife or any sharp untensil that could be considered to be a weapon - even if you would NEVER use it as a weapon...it has to be kept at home and you can only use it when I allow you to.
I mean, for goodness sake - he could slice his finger open sharpening a stick to cook marshmallows on. He's FIVE (or six I think) = not eight - not ten - not twelve....I mean thinking for two minutes about a five year old's fine motor skills, coordination and inflated sense of his own abilities - I would keep the knife for him, and do my job as a parent keeping my own child safe and the other children he came in contact with safe.
The parents should have taken responsibility. I agree.
Because if the school does not follow through on their rules in this situation - how will they be able to follow through on their rules in the next situation in which someone might be bringing a weapon to school with intent.
The balloon should have been deflated or kept out of the childrens' reach - just like if you have a pool in your backyard - you put a fence around it and a padlock on the gate unless you're there to supervise.
A kid who would set another kid on fire has a much bigger problem than lack of parenting or supervision and inappropriate television viewing - I'd say. I haven't heard that story yet.
And the pledge of allegiance thing - in this boy's case, he seems to have had moral objections to it. But as Intrepid said, in a lot of cases it's nothing more than open defiance and/or lack of respect for authority.
And sometimes they don't even know why- and that actually very well might come from watching tv and movies.