You can get a flavour of what I meant by reading the posts on the Latest Challenges to Teaching Evolution thread after I posted this on it--
Quote:Scientists on the BBC's Horizon Show demonstrated tonight that we don't have free will. How did de Sade know that over 200 years ago? He used a very similar argument too.
You're not choosing to be atheists at all. You only think you are. Your neurons are in charge. As they are with the kids in the schools.
I suppose it must be an evolutionary mechanism to protect us from the dangers of rationality and logic.
It's on i-player if you can get it.
In fact the whole thread is very similar.
I've watched the Horizon show again. Nothing but scientists. At the end the hero was signing a document donating his brain for research and he said that he was doing so despite him no longer being sure who he is.
But you will see posts in which I'm told to go **** myself, a fatuity from effemm, something about after a nuclear war when only the Kenyan Kikuyu survived being "interesting", the nth thousandth assertion from ci. that I wouldn't or couldn't understand evolution if my life depended on it coupled with an instruction to "give up", another bloody picture of Saturn's rings and an approval gesture agreeing that I should go **** myself.
Anybody who can't see what I mean about Yanks being unable to conduct intelligent discussions need look no further.
And, in this case, they are all Yanks who are seeking to promote science in biology lessons.
It's hilarious. How Finn can think of giving up such a reliable source of tittering material beggars belief.