My reading is that everything BRM says is pure fantasy. Anyone can say anything on the Internet. He was probably in the SEALs too.
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No seal and no military background or police background just a guy who love to go shooting at the outdoor range. Lord I am good very good indeed.
And I did in my younger days enjoy skydiving and my old MX ultralight was fun to fly.
I picked her up for only a thousand dollars but I needed to then put a thousand dollars plus into her to get her flying and another thousand dollars to learn to fly her without killing myself.
All the above is hardly all that remarkable and if I was writing fantasy I would do a far more interesting job of it.
Let see I would be a mountain climber and maybe a ranger instead of a seal and a commerce 747 pilot and a great lover. Oh I am a great lover<grin> or at least I married a woman able to tell me that with a straight face.
If you Brandon9000 consider such to be so far out as to be fantasy then you are living more of a dull life by far then me and I consider my life fairly dull but for the times I had taken my life in my hands and dare to ride on the sidewalk<grin>.
Hmm maybe my life is far out to one with a rabbit type makeup?
Is that it someone who had run any risks in his life at all is beyond your understanding even those there are millions of people good at handling firearms and hundreds of thousands of people who enjoy skydiving and ten of thousands of owners of ultralights such deeds is at the same level as being a seal in your mind?
Poor little rabbit..............