You all have given me some good fodder for my discussion with my mother.

You see, she thinks I will wither up and die unless I get out of my house an socialize but the only things she really tells me I can do is 'go to the movies' . She can't think of anything else.
I can be social at times, but seeing as how I was in a relationship for 12 years with an unhealthy for me spouse, I'm really enjoying my alone time now that he is out. (it has only been a few months, divorce should be final in another 2-3)
Right now the thought of 'dating' is out. I want to go and meet people and make friends and enjoy doing things together but not have the pressure of seeing anyone in particular and I knew the movies was not the place to do that. Thanks for confirming!
From here I have to ask..where do single people go just to socialize? I am not a drinking type and I hate hate hate the kind of guys who think bars are a good place to find a woman. been there...done that.