Correct, ossobuco, but perhaps that fact simply cannot be integrated within the cartoon image of conservatives fashioned by some for their collective entertainment.
I don't cede judgment only to God. If I did, what would be the standing of our judical system? And I certainly don't cede anything but legal judgment to our judical system.
I have judged Vick and find him despicable.
I do cede the susbtantive punishment for the guilty to our legal system and it has metted out what it feels is appropriate for Vick's crimes. All this means however is that I cannot punish Vick in any of the methods in which the state controls: execution, imprisonment, fines, reduction in legal rights.
I do not owe Vick the second chance he never gave any of the dogs he tortured and murdered. I am not refrained from scorning him publicly, from refusing to purhase any product he endorses, or hoping his NFL career fails. The state decides his punishment, but it is based on legal calculus not moral. We would like to think it involves the latter but there are far too many examples of immoral judgments rendered to accept that fantasy.
Everyone is guilty of transgressions. Often the appropriate punishment for which is the personal shame they feel, but as the scope and nature of the trangression expands, so should the punishment.
I really know nothing about Vick's background, nor do I think it matters.
Not every poor kid born in a house with negligent parents tortures animal, deals drugs, mugs, rapes or murders. These factors may more readily lead the individal to the opportunity for crimes, but they do not force the individual to commit them. The test to resist may be greater but so too is the reward for resistance. And that reward is not material and it need not even be spiritual if you can't abide such notions, but it is reward of true self-esteem and confidence that it bound to reverberate for the rest of the individual's life.
And this is not similar to someone shooting a wild deer. Humans have breed dogs to adore us, to have unfaltering loyalty, to sacrifice themselves for us. We took wild animals that would never allow us to subject them to the abuse Vick heaped upon his dogs, and created creatures that are capable of loving us, even when we abuse them. The betrayal that is pet abuse is horrendous.
Vick's redemption will not be bought with a prison sentence or a fine, nor a circuit of speaking arrangements. It don't expect it matters one iota to Vick, but I don't believe that he is truly on the road to redemption, and since, whether we want to admit or not we all judge people every single day of our lives, I've judged him, and Tucker Carlson saying he should have got the death penalty on national TV ain't all that much of a punishment.
If Christians want to give him a pass they're more than willing to. I can understand their thinking, I just don't agree with it.