Thank you Izzie and JPB. (P.S. I loved seeing your pics.)
Today I had the meeting with the hospice counselor. She was very nice. The building was very professional and corporate. I was surprised because I always think of hospice as a sad thing, so I expected some depressing place.
Anyway, she did a depression verses grief assessment on me. She said she doesn't feel I'm clinically depressed. She said she normally doesn't tell people this but she can tell who will need a lot of help and who will be okay eventually, and she said she can tell I will be okay. She offered to either meet with me every other week for a couple months individually or to have me attend a grief support group she runs. Although she did say it's better to wait a couple months after the death to attend a support group.
Also, BorisKitten, she said what you have been saying about you have to go "through grief" because there's no way around it.
So bottom line is I think everyone should know that if you're grieving, you can call a hospice company, (some are national and have offices in most cities), and they will give you free counseling, even if your loved one wasn't in hospice. I think it's great that they do that.
As far as the appointment that was canceled yesterday, I think I'll hold off on that and see if my mornings are still as bad in a few months, then I might see him. But for now I'll keep doing what I'm doing.
The counselor said that it's never "time heals all wounds"...it's what you do with that time that can help you eventually adjust. So my plan is that I'm going to try and spoil myself like my Mom did. I will do fun things that I normally wouldn't do like doing a spa day with massages and stuff like that. I will try to be good to myself, but also just let myself feel bad when I feel bad. I will give myself all the unconditional love my Mom gave to me, so anytime I think of something negative, I will tell myself something positive like she did.
Oh and I just ordered the suncatcher.