The thing is that most of them can't be hypocrites about illicit sexual activity because they don't really believe there is much that amounts to illicit sex.
If one has low or no standards for one's personal life, it is difficult to criticize anyone for failing to meet their own, but since witholding criticism is not an option, charges of hypocrisy must do, and since people who argue for high standards are never perfect, they are particularly vulnerable to charges of hypocrisy.
Without being willing to criticize anyone for failing to live up to standards, lest they be criticized themselves, the sin of hypocrisy must be elevated to its standing among the very worst: intolerance, certainty, human exceptionalism, American exceptionalism, and consumption.
Nevertheless I don't believe they have immunized themselves to charges of hypocrisy
With a little effort I'm sure I could come up with a list of Democratic hypocrites comparable to revels.