Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 09:58 pm
Is a majority of her constituency ultra-liberal, and perhaps anti-military?

In Congress Boxer made a name for herself as a staunch opponent of defense spending. She opposed the costs of stealth aircraft and the Patriot missile, pushing repeated floor amendments in the house to cut government spending for these projects. Boxer also voted against funding for the Nicaraguan contras. In addition, she lent support to the Congressional Black Caucus in its recommendation that the defense budget be cut in half.

Boxer became best known as a representative for publicizing particularly egregious cases of wasteful military spending. Posing for photographers with a $7, 622 coffee pot for a cargo plane, and a $600 toilet seat cover, she dramatized the issue of government excess, bringing public pressure to bear on efforts to reform government procurement. As a result of these efforts, Boxer was able to take partial credit for a series of military procurement reform amendments, which included a 1988 measure to protect whistle-blowers, and a measure to allow competitive bidding for contracts to provide spare parts to the military. Despite her best efforts, however, Boxer was unable to keep the Presidio, a historical military base in San Francisco, off the list of military bases to eventually be closed



Rep. Barbara Boxer (D-Greenbrae), whose Bay Area colleagues face a number of possible base closings and consolidations, engaged in a sharp exchange with Budget Director Richard G. Darman at a House Budget Committee hearing Tuesday.

"This is an intimidation tactic by the Administration which is saying that, if we move against the defense budget, there will be a lot of pain for us," she asserted.

Darman rejoined: "If you are going to have substantial troop reductions, you are going to have base closings


though I was living in Monterey at the time (wife military) and the way I remember it SF and CAL politicians were being all around dicks to all of the branches of the military, making it expensive and difficult to run the SF area bases. The Pentagon and most the the rest of Official Washington Sent SF area politicians a giant "**** you" by fighting to close all of the SF bases, which was accomplished. (Alameda, treasure Island, Oakland Terminal and so on)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:06 pm
Intrepid wrote:

genoves wrote:

And you, parados< What do you think of this(I know you won't answer since I usually win our debates)

Boy, that got me shaking my head. I haven't seen you WIN a debate against anybody. Much less parados. You have just won quote of the day.

IS genoves actually claiming he won the debate he ran away from after posting the same thing even after it was shown to be nothing more than speculation?

Ole Possum doesn't know the first thing about debate. He seems to think declaring yourself the winner makes you the winner in spite of the pitiful showing he put forth.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:11 pm
SHE manufactured the event? She asked to be addressed by her title. No big deal.

As I pointed out, if the Brig General was following military protocol in addressing a superior in the chain of command it means that Senators must be part of the military. Are you willing to argue that hawkeye?
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:16 pm
As I pointed out, if the Brig General was following military protocol in addressing a superior in the chain of command it means that Senators must be part of the military. Are you willing to argue that hawkeye?

Says the one who is ignorant about the chain of command

Commander-in-Chief -
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff -
Army Chief of Staff .
Theater Commander -
Corps Commander -
Division Commander -
Brigade Commander -
Battalion Commander -
Company/Troop Commander -
Platoon Leader -
Section/Squad/Team Leader

Edit [Moderator]: Link removed

Go ahead, show me, where is Senator Boxer in the Chain???
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:22 pm
H2O MAN wrote:

Brig. Gen. Walsh was following military protocol, which advises officers to use "sir" or "ma'am" when addressing
anyone higher than them on the chain of command... Bitch Boxer should have known this and shown all due respect.

She made the mistake and she needs to step-up, admit the mistake and apologize.

Hmmm.... So you are saying Boxer isn't in the chain of command hawkeye? What do you have to say to Squirt about his statement then?
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:24 pm
George OB1 wrote( and a very good comment too)

The incidents reported here are rather trivial and not of much consequence. However they do - in my opinion - illustrate some salient characteristics of the esteemed senator from California.

She appears to be a classic case of an overcompensating short person. Add to that an inflated sense of self-importance and a strong vindictive streak and you have a rather thoroughly obnoxious character. A few years ago I witnessed more of this behavior in a restaurant in Marin County where we were (by chance) seated just a table away from the senator and her companion. A well-dressen woman walked up to her table, and expressed her admiration for the senator and apparently wanted to shake her hand or something like that. Up until that point I hadn't paid much attention, but very quickly the senator loudly complained that she was at dinner and did not want such uninvited intrusions and demanded to be left alone. The woman, crestfallen and very embarrased, beat a hasty retreat. Boxer then loudly summoned the headwaiter and chided him for allowing such an intrusion, creating an equally big distraction for all the other diners around her. A real eye-roller !
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:26 pm
Hawkeye 10--with his usual penetrating intelligence wrote:

H2O MAN wrote:

Brig. Gen. Walsh was following military protocol, which advises officers to use "sir" or "ma'am" when addressing
anyone higher than them on the chain of command... Bitch Boxer should have known this and shown all due respect.
She made the mistake and she needs to step-up, admit the mistake and apologize.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:34 pm
Parados wrote:

IS genoves actually claiming he won the debate he ran away from after posting the same thing even after it was shown to be nothing more than speculation?

Ole Possum doesn't know the first thing about debate. He seems to think declaring yourself the winner makes you the winner in spite of the pitiful showing he put forth.


I don't know what you are talking about. I invite anyone to visit the thread on Global Warming where you have been soundly rebutted and beaten. You never respond to the questions asked and you ignore posts made which destroy your points. You are obviously a statistician or some such thing but you know NOTHING about the politics of Global Warming and you hav e steadfastly refused to answer questions or to rebut statements which show you to be misinformed.

One of your most egregious dodges was not to respond to any post which gave strong evidence that China and India were not going to live up to any plan in the coming December meeting to lower the alleged "global warming" unless they were compensated to an enormous degree.

That compensation, according to the statements made by the Chinese themselves would amount to one half of a percent of our yearly GDP.

You never answered this, along with other proofs, Parados.

You got trounced on that thread. and on others.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:36 pm
Hawkeye 10( with his usual pointed evidence) laid Boxer and her cronies out!


Re: Foofie (Post 3682279)
Is a majority of her constituency ultra-liberal, and perhaps anti-military?

In Congress Boxer made a name for herself as a staunch opponent of defense spending. She opposed the costs of stealth aircraft and the Patriot missile, pushing repeated floor amendments in the house to cut government spending for these projects. Boxer also voted against funding for the Nicaraguan contras. In addition, she lent support to the Congressional Black Caucus in its recommendation that the defense budget be cut in half.

Boxer became best known as a representative for publicizing particularly egregious cases of wasteful military spending. Posing for photographers with a $7, 622 coffee pot for a cargo plane, and a $600 toilet seat cover, she dramatized the issue of government excess, bringing public pressure to bear on efforts to reform government procurement. As a result of these efforts, Boxer was able to take partial credit for a series of military procurement reform amendments, which included a 1988 measure to protect whistle-blowers, and a measure to allow competitive bidding for contracts to provide spare parts to the military. Despite her best efforts, however, Boxer was unable to keep the Presidio, a historical military base in San Francisco, off the list of military bases to eventually be closed



Rep. Barbara Boxer (D-Greenbrae), whose Bay Area colleagues face a number of possible base closings and consolidations, engaged in a sharp exchange with Budget Director Richard G. Darman at a House Budget Committee hearing Tuesday.

"This is an intimidation tactic by the Administration which is saying that, if we move against the defense budget, there will be a lot of pain for us," she asserted.

Darman rejoined: "If you are going to have substantial troop reductions, you are going to have base closings


though I was living in Monterey at the time (wife military) and the way I remember it SF and CAL politicians were being all around dicks to all of the branches of the military, making it expensive and difficult to run the SF area bases. The Pentagon and most the the rest of Official Washington Sent SF area politicians a giant "**** you" by fighting to close all of the SF bases, which was accomplished. (Alameda, treasure Island, Oakland Terminal and so on)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:39 pm
Boomerang wrote:

Brig. Gen. Walsh was following military protocol, which advises officers to use "sir" or "ma'am" when addressing
anyone higher than them on the chain of command... Bitch Boxer should have known this and shown all due respect.

Every military officer I've ever met (and I've met several very high ranking officers) call everyone "ma'am" and "sir". Boxer was being a doofus but she doesn't owe him an apology. I'll bet you dollars to donuts that BG Walsh never gave this a second thought.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:43 pm
Hmmm.... So you are saying Boxer isn't in the chain of command hawkeye? What do you have to say to Squirt about his statement then?

He is wrong.
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:47 pm
Of course he is. He was wrong when he started this thread and is still wrong. Asking to be addressed as Senator is not out of bounds by a Senator.

The Brig General was doing what he thought was right. Boxer corrected him to use what she prefered. They both went on with their lives. It's other idiots that got their undies in a twist over this.
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 11:12 pm
Parados wrote:

Boxer corrected him to use what she prefered.

Parados is tossing out a red herring. The issue is not whether H20 misstated the Chain of Command. Parados is evidently desperate to get away from the FACT that Boxer is a hypocrite and a far left wing liberal.


Note her voting record--

A. One of the strongest Abortion Rights in the Senate

But the most important fact which Parados is desperate to ignore is that it is indisputable that Boxer is a HYPOCRITE.
Senator Barbara Boxer Calls Condi Rice "Ma'am!"

Princess Barbara Boxer was offended by the words of a mere commoner today, namely one Brigadier General Michael Walsh who was testifying before Her Highness.

Forgetting his manners in a most atrocious form, the General called her "ma'am," which is a contracted form of the word "Madam."

Her royal highness immediately dressed down the scoundrel, assuring him she deserved to be called by the title to which she has worked so very hard to achieve:

Put aside that in England where the word originates, Madam is used to address the queen or a royal princess. Forget that in America, Madam is an appellation of respect used toward women. It is all still far below Her Liege Barbara Boxer.

Recall though when former Secretary of State Condolezza Rice was testifying before Senator Boxer two years ago. That was when Boxer dressed Rice down for having the nerve to be a childless woman who has the power to make decisions.

Few may remember that Boxer called Rice 'Madam" three different times during that testimony.

So, what is good enough for the childless Condi Rice is certainly not good enough for the all high and fertile Barbara Boxer.

Bow down. Kneel before your new Democrat masters.

B. A strong proponent of international planning organizations that provide abortions.

C. She actually MARCHED across the capital to protest the cross-examination of Anita( the pubic hair on the Coke can moron) Hill.

D. Actually stated that there was little to believe in the charges against Bill Clinton UNTIL he admitted their truth and even then limited her condemnation to a perfunctory statement combined with a total committment to defeat impeachment.

e. A rabid frothing at the mouth advocate of gun control

This is only a partial list of the idiotic policies of Boxer. SHE WAS LABELED AS THE MOST LIBERAL SENATOR IN THE SENATE IN 1999 and 2000( Unfortunately, She did not win the title when Barack Hussein Obama was made Senator since BHO won the most LIBERAL title when he was in the Senate.

So these are her positions, so what?

She is also a huge Hypocrite who called Condelezza Rice --MADAME --at a Senate Hearing instead of Ms. Secretary.

Of course, that is par for the course for someone like Boxer.
Merry Andrew
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 11:22 pm
Parados is tossing out a red herring. The issue is not whether H20 misstated the Chain of Command. Parados is evidently desperate to get away from the FACT that Boxer is a hypocrite and a far left wing liberal.

genoves is wrong again, as usual. It's not Parados who is tossing out the red herring but, rather, genoves himself. The rant which ensues, listing every negative thing that genoves can think of in regards to Boxer, has exactly zero to do with the subject of the thread. The thread is about whether Ms. Boxer should apologize for having corrected a general officer's use of the honorific "ma'am." Even if we were to stipulate that Boxer is "a hypocrite and far left wing liberal," that stipulation would have no bearing whatever on the subject at hand.

Genoves is very good at blowing smoke rings and tossing out red herrings to totally obfuscate the subject at hand. And he actually believes that through these sleight-of-hand tactics he, somehow, has won an argument. Pathetic.
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 11:24 pm
11. How do I verbally address a Senator or Congressman or a Congressional staff member?

“Sir” or “Ma’am” works for most everyone, but more specifically --

House: Congressman or Congresswoman; Representative;

Mr. or Ms., Sir or Ma’am

Senate: Senator, Sir, or Ma’am

Committee Chair: Mr. Chairman or Madam Chairman, Sir or Ma’am

Ranking Member: House: Congressman or Congresswoman;

Mr. or Ms., Sir or Ma’am

Senate: Senator, Sir or Ma’am

Staff Member: Mr. or Ms., Sir or Ma’am


Boxer was at the very least rude to a Military Officer. Given her history of throwing sharp elbows at the military, and her knowing that the Officer was addressing her in an approved by convention way, this is not "nothing".
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 11:31 pm
Is this important? Of course it is. People like Boxer on the left practically have a lock on Hypocrasy.


Ted Kennedy--The pious preaching piece of **** who would not own up to the fact that he was guilty, at the very least of manslaughter.

Bill Clinton--Probably the most accomplished liar of our time-"That depends on what the meaning of "is" is.

Jimmy Carter--The worst president in the History of the USA. His gutless approach to the Iranian crisis when they held hundreds of our citizens hostage for years, is the Democratic trademark--Hypocrasy----Talk tough but carry a "broken" stick.

Jack Kennedy--The liar and hypcrite who said he stared Khruschev down duirng the Cuban crisis.

and last but not least. Barack Hussein Obama, who said--He was "concerned' about the Iranian Elections---then the next day he saidHe was" very concerned"---and the next day he said he was" very very very concerned"

Now Parados and other left wingers do not think that the insulting behavior of Barbara Boxer was not a sign of hypocracy even though she had DONE THE VERY SAME THING SHE COMPLAINED ABOUT TO SECRETARY OF STATE RICE, is at bottom, the fatal flaw exhibited by the Democratic leadership--That is why, despite Parados's effort to bury this incident, this must be placed along side of other arrogant, supercilious actions of the Democrats so that we can have a change in our government as soon as possible.

Boxer--a hypocrite

Pelosi--a liar

Frank--a liar


That is why, Parados--This imperious supercilious act my Barbara Boxer is imporatant. It further defines the left wing of the Democratic Party.

And. please do not tell me that Boxer is not on the far left wing--The evidence is overwhelming!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 11:37 pm


Bullshit-Madame Boxer!!!

Senator Barbara Boxer Calls Condi Rice "Ma'am!"

Princess Barbara Boxer was offended by the words of a mere commoner today, namely one Brigadier General Michael Walsh who was testifying before Her Highness.

Forgetting his manners in a most atrocious form, the General called her "ma'am," which is a contracted form of the word "Madam."

Her royal highness immediately dressed down the scoundrel, assuring him she deserved to be called by the title to which she has worked so very hard to achieve:

Put aside that in England where the word originates, Madam is used to address the queen or a royal princess. Forget that in America, Madam is an appellation of respect used toward women. It is all still far below Her Liege Barbara Boxer.

Recall though when former Secretary of State Condolezza Rice was testifying before Senator Boxer two years ago. That was when Boxer dressed Rice down for having the nerve to be a childless woman who has the power to make decisions.

Few may remember that Boxer called Rice 'Madam" three different times during that testimony.

So, what is good enough for the childless Condi Rice is certainly not good enough for the all high and fertile Barbara Boxer.

Bow down. Kneel before your new Democrat masters.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 11:38 pm
Hawkeye 10 wrote:

Boxer was at the very least rude to a Military Officer. Given her history of throwing sharp elbows at the military, and her knowing that the Officer was addressing her in an approved by convention way, this is not "nothing".

Exactly, this is not nothing!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 11:43 pm
Parados must be a real fan of Boxer's. I note his rudeness when he attempts to intimdate H2O by calling him "squirt". I counseled H2O to give it right back to Parados. The tragedy here is that no one will remember that Parados has called H2O squirt many many times hoping that H2O would retreat from the scene.

If and when H2O returns Parados' insult in kind, the left wing will of course, begin to scream-AD Hominem, Ad Hominem--without, of course, letting other posters know that Parados struck the first blow!
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 11:49 pm
Merry Andrew wrote:

The thread is about whether Ms. Boxer should apologize for having corrected a general officer's use of the honorific "ma'am." .

There is about as much chance of the egotistical, far left wing, Anti-US Military graduate of Brooklyn College. Barbara Boxer apologizing to General Walsjh as there is of Ahmadminejad apologizing to Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

The thread clearly shows Barbara Boxer to be a hypocrite!!

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