Sex by the third date?

Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 06:04 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Why would an unattached man get attached to one woman when he can play with several at once, and always on his terms? Men are in the drivers seat, they know it, and they take advantage of their power.

what a load of b*llocks!
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Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 06:07 pm
ehBeth wrote:

hawkeye10 wrote:
Men are in the drivers seat, they know it, and they take advantage of their power.

you are one seriously deluded man


as my wally says "wimmen have 100% of the pussy, and they know it"

I don't get off on that kind of power, but I can say I've never begged a man for sex, but I've had more than one say "oh...pleeze pleeze miss chai" I wasn't withholding, I was saying a definate "no"

Remember that song by Meatloaf "Paradise by the Dashboard Light"

"What's it gonna be boy? I can wait all night"

Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 06:09 pm
you are one seriously deluded man

I am under the impression that you are too young to know what older women put up with to have a man. This is not the kind of thing that they are going to brag about, you are not going to hear about this sort of thing over coffee.
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Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 06:14 pm
That must be pretty boring hawk. There can't be much fun in that.

as a man who loves women, a lot of different kinds of women, I don't see where to boredom comes in. I am 47, and my wife does not mind if a sleep around (she does as well), I was hopping that the stories are correct, because it would mean that old age is going to be even more fun than middle age. Time will tell.
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Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2009 07:11 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Are they really ugly? Any woman can get sex, it's love and commitment that's hard to find

the way I understand it is the women of a certain age need to give up sex in order to obtain COMPANIONIONSHIP, often part time at that. Love is in theory possible, commitment is unavailable. Why would an unattached man get attached to one woman when he can play with several at once, and always on his terms? Men are in the drivers seat, they know it, and they take advantage of their power.

They only TRY to take advantage of the power they "think" they have. Wink
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Green Witch
Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 03:37 am
Hawkeye, I don't even know how to respond to your delusions about women and sex, but this sort of summed it up:

Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 04:00 am
@Green Witch,
i always knew the sex by the third date
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Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 05:49 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

the way I understand it is the women of a certain age need to give up sex in order to obtain COMPANIONIONSHIP, often part time at that. Love is in theory possible, commitment is unavailable. Why would an unattached man get attached to one woman when he can play with several at once, and always on his terms? Men are in the drivers seat, they know it, and they take advantage of their power.

Oh, for heaven’s sake.

I could just see you rubbing your hands in glee as you posted that Hawkeye.

Look Ma!

AHhaha. Heeeeeeeeeeee.

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Green Witch
Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 09:36 am
I think Mrs. Hawkeye is happy to let Mr. Hawkeye chase other women because it keeps him away from her. Anyone woman who loves her man (in bed and out) would never put up with it.
Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 09:48 am
@Green Witch,
Green Witch, this was such a good response I might even forgive you for insulting my libertarianism by calling "lawabider" a libertarian in the other thread. Let's just have three dates together and talk about it.
Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 11:05 am
@Green Witch,
I think Mrs. Hawkeye is happy to let Mr. Hawkeye chase other women because it keeps him away from her. Anyone woman who loves her man (in bed and out) would never put up with it.

You say that,but there are more than a few whom have opted for open marriage, or who are swingers. The majority of people who are not in such situations cheat, and only sometimes is cheating the end of the primary relationship. I think that you have a vision in your head about how people are which is little more than fantasy. I also think that me and my ilk are not any different that you and your ilk, except that we are more honest to ourselves and others about who we are, what we need/like, and what we do.

I also think that the animosity that I churn up is closely related to those who object to me and my openness about who and what I am having not accepted who they are. They are battling with themselves to repress a part of themselves that they don't like and don't want to deal with. They end up taking out on me some of the emotion that their battle with themselves causes. I am an unwanted reminder of the ongoing repression.
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Green Witch
Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 11:54 am
My apologizes for any splatterings on your political beliefs. I was really just trying to point out Lawabider's hypocrisy. If the third date involves a trip to Paris I might be seducible.

I think I'll leave Hawkeye to his delusions and fantasies.
Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 12:01 pm
@Green Witch,
Laughing You're a good negotiator, Green Witch!
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Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 12:38 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Why would an unattached man get attached to one woman when he can play with several at once, and always on his terms? Men are in the drivers seat, they know it, and they take advantage of their power.

Thanks for the belly-laugh! You have GOT to be joking. Sure, some guys have the art of seduction down to a T. That doesn't mean it's not up to me whether I spread my legs or not. If "I" want it, I will. If "I" don't, I won't. If he doesn't like it, I care not. I doubt there are very many women on the face of this earth, that have not had an "unattached" man, beg them for sex. Wait! Did I say beg? Where's this power you speak of?

Reminds me of a guy I was with "one" time. Was all good. Sex was great. Then he began "the chase" because he wanted to come back for more. In his book, I got what I wanted out of him, and discarded him. He even accused me of "using him." He was right. Still....isn't that something that females are supposed to accuse the guy of? Not the other way around? This dude wasn't hard up! Quite the opposite.

Men have all the power????? NOT! If you are a woman and a man has uninhibited sex with you, and he considers you hot, smart, funny, and a firecracker in the bedroom, most of the time that man will lie down at your feet for the chance at something bigger than just the bedroom. His machoism melted into a little puddle. I know that I'm not the only female that has ever encountered this.

Power? Women have it, and plenty of it. It's ok if you want to live in your own little disillusioned world, Hawk. Though you are correct, I am sure, when you speak of the mindset of people (male and female alike) in the BDSM clubs, or any kind of sex club for that matter. Outside of there, most bets are off. Though, even outside of those clubs, there are exceptions, I'm sure. Some women just love being controlled. If that's what men/women, like/want...then it's very cool. They are getting what they want. But keep in mind, it in no way means you have power over them.

As for the best sex. Is it with love, or without love? Great sex is great sex. No matter the category. But there's just something so mind blowing about crawling into the arms of someone that you love after a breathless session of smokin hot sex. It beats the snot out of laying there wishing the guy would just go home now, cuz you're done with him. And no one night stand can bring you to a climax so powerful that it brings you to the point of real tears as the rush of that orgasm engulfs your body and joins with the powerful emotion of love. It is totally indescribable through words. But I'm sure most women here know what I'm talking about.

In simple terms, I say this, and I think I speak for most women. "If I want sex with you, I will give it to you. If I don't ....sorry about your luck. If you relentlessly continue the pursuit, I will tell you to f*ck off." Ye, oh powerful man!

Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 12:52 pm
Brooke, you seem to have missed that I was speaking of the older ageset, 50+ years old if not older. Younger than that the situation is different. Unattached women who don't have a lot to market probably can not afford to be stingy or demanding when it comes to sex, as men will move on the greener pastures. On the other hand younger men have been raised in a demasculinized world and are not anywhere near as willing or able to secure sex on their terms as their forefathers did, so the women set the terms and the men either agree or get nothing.
Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 02:50 pm
If you are speaking of the older woman, 50+ ... are you also speaking of men in the same age bracket ( 50+) when you say they have all the power over these women? That puts them on a level playing field and even at that I still would beg to differ with you. The men in that age group have aged, also. Some of them not so gracefully. Not all women are going to be into big bellies and balding heads. So what makes these men more powerful?

I also believe that by the time a woman reaches that age, they are likely past the power trips that men might try to lay on them. They know who they are, where they've been, and where they're going. If they just want sex, they'll find it. On their terms. This world is not so small that they have to bow down for sexual gratification. Unless they want to. While there may be more women available then men, in that age group, there's still plenty of both out there.

If you are talking inside the perimeters of the BDSM clubs, then yes....they may be at a huge disadvantage when they are up against the younger female. Though I am a long way off from being in that age group, I see a lot of these women that are still pretty damn hot lookin'. And very powerful. Actually, my Mom is in her 50's and still gets whistled at, A LOT! Many women in their 50's look much, much younger these days, and attract much younger men.

Taking both sexes in that age group, I think you would find that BOTH men/women, on average, don't want the same things or think the same way as they did when they were younger. Therefore, they might put more value on things other than sex. Still love sex. Still want sex. Still need sex. But more willing to compromise on looks and less willing to allow themselves to be overpowered or made to feel lesser by anyone. As a matter of fact, I bet that most women in that age group would tell a man to go fu*k himself if he acted like he was doing her a favor by having sex with her because she can't get it like she used to.

There are some pretty powerful vibrators out there.......that don't talk back, discriminate, or degrade you.

Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 03:28 pm
I essentially agree with you Brooke, however because the men start to die off during their late 40's and women start later the difference in numbers between the male population and the female population continues to grow with age. Shear numbers make it so that the men hold the cards if both male and female desire a sex partner, or mate or part time companion.

I am not sure that this situation will continue however, young and middle aged females are much more willing to engage in lesbian sex/relationship than the generations before them were. I suspect that the power of old guys to dictate terms will diminish over time as increasing numbers of women decide that the going rate for a guy is too high, and get what they need/want for other women. Men are mush less switchable in our sexuality, so we are not with the same options.

Also of note that women are increasingly dieing early, it is believed because of work related stress, drinking and smoking. The number gap might shrink.
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Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2009 05:53 pm
Brooke, you seem to have missed that I was speaking of the older ageset, 50+ years old if not older.

Do you go with ladies of that age hawk? Rather you than me.

Germaine Greer reports that her anthropological studies showed that in most cultures such activity is viewed, and I quote her exact word, as "comical".

At that age women should be rolling pastry and bottling fruit and looking for bargains.
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 07:46 am
spendius wrote:

Brooke, you seem to have missed that I was speaking of the older ageset, 50+ years old if not older.

Do you go with ladies of that age hawk? Rather you than me.

Germaine Greer reports that her anthropological studies showed that in most cultures such activity is viewed, and I quote her exact word, as "comical".

At that age women should be rolling pastry and bottling fruit and looking for bargains.

Oh dear god. So I've only got 11 yrs left until I have to start bottling fruit, rolling pastry, and looking for bargains??? THEN I'm going to turn lesbian too? HOLY CRAP! I better get busy... time is ticking!

Hawk you can't be flippin serious? You sound just as delusional as my co-worker. Do you chase women that age because in your mind they're more desperate and easy to control? That's got to be the reason right? I think you and my co-worker would get along just fine. He also believes every woman should have the perfect body.

Regardless of the cost to them. If they're 10 lbs over their perfect body weight, have smaller than "c" cup breasts, or any physical imperfection as he see's it, well it's their own fault they are alone. They couldn't honestly expect a man to accept them for more than a one night stand... in the dark... if they aren't willing to look the part.

Why I even considered for a millisecond the possibility of there being even an ounce of truth to what he said about the three date rule is beyond me. I know he's off his rocker on certain things. He's been trying hard for a year now to get me into bed with him. He just can't understand why it is I won't sleep with him. Everyone else who's worked in my position at my job has slept with him, among other things. *gag* Nevermind that ring on his finger....
Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 11:44 am

Why I even considered for a millisecond the possibility of there being even an ounce of truth to what he said about the three date rule is beyond me. I know he's off his rocker on certain things. He's been trying hard for a year now to get me into bed with him. He just can't understand why it is I won't sleep with him. Everyone else who's worked in my position at my job has slept with him, among other things. *gag* Nevermind that ring on his finger....

There is much more than an once of truth to the three date rule, as is proven by google. It all makes perfect sense to be that a guy would have a perfect record of bedding the chicks but for one, and to obsess over that one. The thing is, if he is that good then there is a good chance that he will eventually figure you out, get you too.
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