Setanta wrote:
Quote:I'm free not to promulgate unfounded character assasination, so if I do promulgate it, I bear some responsibility.
Jesus, the irony here is incredible. This is exactly what you're doing to Walter. Walter did not promulgate unfounded character assassination. He posted an article about someone who made an accusation against Cheney. You have not established that the charge is unfounded, so that's bullshit right there. I rather doubt that the Director of Central Intelligence can substantiate such an accusation, but as soon as you describe it as unfounded, you take on the responsibility for that statement. Walter promulgated nothing--he reported on what newspapers were reporting.
Once again, hysteria from Mr. Righteous indignation.
The accuser is responsible to prove an allegation. The accused and his supporters are not responsible to prove it's unfounded. However, since Cheney pretty clearly never said he wants us to be attacked or anything like that, it would pretty much have to be unfounded.
Once again, promulgating wild accusations of wickedness against someone is irresponsible, except in a few special cases, e.g. unless one is a newspaper with a responsibility to report all significant occurrences. Coming from someone who dislikes Cheney, quoting wild accusations against him is even more suspect.