"how much do u think a lazy eye effects your dating success?"
As much as you let it. No physical characteristic can't be overcome by having the right attitude about it. If you aren't comfortable with it yourself yet (that can wait, it will come one day if you don't obsess) at least act like it and don't let it be a big deal to you. I knew a guy with a glass eye that used to disarmingly say things like "I've got my eye on you". He did well for himself, even if some people didn't get past that particular thing.
But remember, some girl may not find you her type just because of your haircut, or her mood that day, or any of many trivial things (like your spelling! And at least that you can change). That's just life, and the guys who do the best with the girls are the ones who don't let that bother them. Looks don't get you as far with girls as being comfortable with yourself and being willing to take rejection to
try. There are things you can change about yourself, and things you can't. If you fixate on what you can't you are going to make it harder for yourself, and it will make a difference in your ability to approach girls.
In all the partying I have done, the guys who always were a hit with the ladies weren't ever the best looking, or the richest, they were just the most shameless and persistent. It's like sales, you have to start seeing rejection as an inevitable part of success. You can't bat 1.000 so you are going to have to go through a "no" or two to get to a "yes", and the guys who fixate on the "no" tended to get a lot less "yes" in my experience. The guys who didn't let a "no" bother them put themselves in a position to get a lot more "yes" and the difference was that they didn't mind the "no". Hell sometimes just by being so easy going about them they turned into a "yes" on the spot.
P.S. girls (especially in the night club scene) say cruel horrible things about the physical appearance of guys, just as some guys do about girls. The only way you should let that affect you is in that it should make you think twice before you casually criticize appearance yourself.