hey, are you the Latin expert around here? My son is getting a tattoo and his name is Benjamin, which in its Hebrew derivation means "son of the right hand" but the Biblical usage of that is meant to be "son of honor" since the right hand of God was the position of honor for the Lord. So he now wants to write "son of honor" OR "honored son" in LATIN, not Hebrew - only since he thinks it will look cooler in a callligraphy script. Is it something like filius honorem? Or is that way off? (I'm actually a Spanish teacher, but don't trust online translators one little bit since I know how they butcher Spanish translations, usually! Ha, ha) Please let me know what you think, or options, if there would be more than one way to express that. What we DON'T want it to come out like, is as if he is calling himself The Righteous Son or anthing like that! Not taking anything away from our Lord!! LOL Thanks if you can help.