You can never really tell...
Ooooohhhh.....pushin' and shovin'...... add moanin' ,sweatin' and rug burn and you've definitely got my attention
I got my attention, too! Wasn't expecting sex talk this early in the day.
I'll have to go fuss in politics to get my mind right.

Or, it's to the showers, and I only got out of the shower an hour or so ago.
I'm just getting more sexed up the older I get. You'd think I would lose interest...
get a chain saw and disconnect the clutch....works great...one and you're done.........
I cannot surmise what you want me to do with the chain saw, and I don't think I want to know.
It is to the benefit of the right thinking and intelligent peoples of the United States that Rush Limbaugh is removed from the air.
Rush Limbaugh was always an oversimplifier. He took difficult problems and tried to make the solutions look easy. He misled many who do not have the training and capacity to understand just how superficial he was.
Of all the many right wing radio hosts on the air, Limbaugh was in the lowest 25% in terms of true understanding of issues and intelligence. Perhaps he thought it was the best way to do it but there are many many more on right wing radio who are much better than he and will benefit if people now cross over to hear them.
There are always "stupids" with a message that people listen to.
Limbaugh with his superficialities. Molly Ivins with her brain addled by Chemotherapy, Al Franken(stein) who could never last more than a week on Radio, The goofy Mike Savage who pointificates about nothing.
While in the meanwhile, the true bearers of substantial and well thought out messages like William F. Buckley, Howard Kurtz, Michael Isikoff, and Mickey Kaus who represent the truly intelligent bearers of political wisdom from both sides of the political spectrum are overlooked since they do not oversimplify like Limbaugh did.
Rush Limbaugh is a mindless oversimplifier who reminds me of Hobibit on these threads. Both are long on rhetoric and short on evidence.
well. I believe Al Franken could last a week on the air, as could Buckley. My favorite righty is G Gordon. Im sad hes no longer on the air. Too many megasyllabic words and vague references to classics. After all, he was Jesuit trained.
Sofia, I have a feeling you were annoyed at my mommy reference. I think you just use politics to get off. Heres a word
"Jobless Recovery"-- you should be quite aroused now.
I'm too transparent. I have to start posting under my alter, now.
But, c'mon--conservatives see politicians as their mommies (?), and don't want to disagree with them-- That has got to be the lamest psychobabble I've ever heard.
I can handle the usual BS, but this industrial strength crap is too much.
And, liberals see people as people--and accept their faults...<puking emoticon>
Prolly come as surprise to some, but I've long seen Rush, and most of his more ardent followers, as embarrassments to the Conservative cause. More embarrassing than O'Reilly, not quite as embarrassing as Savage. They, and a few others, are neither analysts nor commentators, they're self-serving, pompous, pandering entertainers. They most certainly are not journalists. I know a lot of Conservatives who feel the same way. The "Other Side" has a bunch of 'em too ... but I've noticed little embarrassment voiced by any on the left for their own egregious examples of spinmeistering, exclusionary, rabblerousing, prejudiced punditocracy. Its sad that either camp has a market, and sadder still the market is so lucrative for them. Saddest of all is that for some folks, those types are the chief source of what those folks take to be "News".
Timber could you name a nationally syndicated, or at least well known, rabble rousing embarrassment on the left. Other than Al Sharpton that's a gimmie.
Michael Moore, Al Franken, Paul Krugman, Dan Rather, Barbra Streisand, Sean Penn, Hillary .... I could go on ...
I'll grant you Moore, Franken is a comic, he makes his living being an embarrassment, Krugman is an academic an economist, and he documents his positions. Not everyone may agree with them but they are not lightly considered. The rest are celebrities who's main concern is making certain their names are spelled correctly. No one takes then as serious political commentators, least of all Penn. And what is Hillary doing on your list, she's more talked about than talks. For conservative her roles seems to be similar to that of the Arctic North Slope oil drilling for liberals. Red meat to toss out anytime you want to raise an argument.
timberlandko wrote:Michael Moore, Al Franken, Paul Krugman, Dan Rather, Barbra Streisand, Sean Penn, Hillary .... I could go on ...

With the exception of Dan Rather, I would agree with you. I would add the Dancer with Wolves, and any Sheen offspring.
Aaaah, I'll admit the Rather chip was a cheapshot. And the world would be nowhere as much fun without Hillary ... she's to us what GWB is to you guys, almost
Hillary however has not deployed the troops or passed the order for the carpet bombing, deaths of an entire culture, or claimed to be selected by God.
Not saying she might not succumb to such lunacy if given full reign, but she's not in GWB's league just yet, and I'd trade an embarassment for a genuine maniac any day of the week.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Hillary however has not deployed the troops or passed the order for the carpet bombing, deaths of an entire culture, or claimed to be selected by God.
However, those aspects you mentioned are the sort of things the far righjt actually seems to
prefer in candidates it supports.
BPB wrote:the order for the carpet bombing, deaths of an entire culture, or claimed to be selected by God.
No such conditions prevail other than in the minds of those pleased to believe such to be the case. Regardless of emotion or sentiment, the evidence fails to support the allegation.
hbob wrote:However, those aspects you mentioned are the sort of things the far righjt actually seems to prefer in candidates it supports.
See above, as would regard The Right in general. As to the Far Right, it is as looney as the Far Left, which would advocate suborning all soveriegnty to world government and the total abdication of personal responsibility and adherence to moral code.
Have carpet bombs been dropped? Did this order ultimately come from the Commander and Chief? Did the military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq begin before GWB gave the word or was it necessary for GWB to give the word for it to happen? Is the Iraqi culture effectively destroyed and being rebuilt in the image of the current administrations vision for it? Has George Bush publicly stated that he is doing Gods direct will? I believe so....and it's been paraded by us on the news constantly.