Omigod! TMI! TMI!
Now I will never be able to watch a circus innocently again!
Back to Rush...poor, put-upon guy. Maybe he and Bill Bennett can get together and commiserate over drinks.
Clown suits rule, but HASMAT suits rule, I wish I had one today, we're voting in this city! The fun one could have....
Bloodstains on clownsuits? That's why I wear all the all red ones while cruising along in my "work" van.
Of course, the observation already made here, to the effect that this will not effect the core support of his dittoheads, is very much to the point.
But, Lush Rimbaugh will not get the bully pulpit he wanted, and loses this opportunity to expand his base with the clueless and the hateful.
and that's enough for now, set......... :wink:
Right ye are, BPB, one step at a time . . . his audience does make one wonder if maybe eugenics might not be a good idea . . .
we must be careful that we not sound like his mentor , HRH Georgie II
Very low brow remarks by me, i know, a nasty streak which i sometimes try to control, but not one which i feel makes me a bad man . . . pointing out that my opinion in that matter is biased won't matter, either, i've grown fonder of my opinion than of anyone else's.
There is a powerful "how the mighty have fallen" factor in the enjoyment of those who snicker at Lush's misfortune.
yes the proud and stiff necked shall be layed low......
BPB 3:16
Always here for ya big dog.....
setanta-did that dog in your avatar, just graduate? why is he wearing a mortarboard?
seems the National enquirer has some tapes from Limbaughs housekeeper , who was wearing a wire and using it for a shakedown or just "fear insurance" The drug story may prove satisfying and entertaining .
i confess a sort of fascination by his many sided spins of stories , and, i must say, he never sounded "stoned" like Elvis while he was on the radio. perhaps his manic paper shuffling and rapid mannerisms meant that he was also using coke as an upper after his evening load of oxy.
well, an interesting past few days with the Limbaugh story. Many of the radio stations that have carried his show have pulled the plug on the erzats subs. The local affiliates have decided to carry local talk show hosts rather than just sit on their hands.
in Philadelphia, the lead-in for Rush's show was
"And now Philadelphia, its time for your daily Rush fix"
Boy, they were closer to the truth than they knew
As a former drunk, i notice that Rushs last outing was an explanation that he became addicted as a result of his use of"hillbilly heroin" for pain.
Hes gonna have to drop the excuse , no matter what consolation it gives him, Hes addicted because hes an addict. Period.
ive noticed that a2k has been almost respectful of rush's plight. Well, Ive been there and when he gets dried out and strait, I want to hear how his moral patter has changed. as well as the moral patter of the dittoheads.
will they turn on him, or will they , realize that humans are weak but they can still do some credible work to "embiggen us all"
al Franken said something like Conservatives see their leaders as , mommies. Like , Mommie cant do any wrong.
Liberals see people and their faults and accept them both.(I hope I had that close)
That Mommy crap is so stupid.
Liberals see people... Yeah. And, liberals' **** smells like flowers.... I feel so morally corrupt. Oh, a member of the evil pack, who doesn't see people as people, and who needs room deoderizer when I go to the can.
Oh, if I were only a liberal.
Sofia honey, I'm sure you have the most lemony fresh ass in the entire conservative western world....and a cute one I'd be willing to bet......
The Bear loves ya, conservative or not.....xxxooo

Yeah i'd take that bet too..
Thank you.
If we ever go to one of these gatherings, I will be glad to show both of you my splendid, round buttocks, and give you nookie in the cloakroom.
You seem totally sincere.......