Thu 2 Oct, 2003 07:40 am
Rush goin' DOWN!!!!!! I'll bring the beer.
You know, Rush says its all because he struck a raw nerve, that he spoke the truth and the pile-on is because the liberal media can't handle the truth . . . truly, the man is a martyr . . .
I'm wondering if anyone should lose their job over such a statement.
He basically said:
McNabb is not as good as people say. (This is an opinion.)
The NFL seeks to create more diversity in the QB position. (Hasn't this been called for by the NAACP, and stated as one of the diversity goals of the NFL--along with coaching positions?)
McNabb was being plaudited due to the NFL's push for diversity, instead of his talent. (Another opinion.)
I think the fair thing to do would have been for one of the other guys sitting there with Rush to disagree on air.
Being fired for an opinion, when your job is to give opinions--seems wrong. Even if it is a dumb, or argumentative opinion-- Why didn't anyone disagree with him?
I think it was really rude--and I don't defend the statement--but was the firestorm really in line with the statement? I've heard this QB is too old, too slow, hasn't got the mustard in the box, has a chronic bad knee--
Somebody show me where this was so wrong to say. Was it racist, or just really rude?
Is he resigning because of a racial statement he made or because he is being investigated for drugs?
It was certainly rude, and the racist content consists in the contention that he is being bouyed in an unjustifiable manner because of his race, and that any game won in which he was the QB resulted from the defense and not his efforts. The racist contention is shot down by the number of black QB's in the NFL.
Rush resigned, he was not fired.
Doesn't it seem strange he is resigning then at the very moment his drug issues are coming to light? Perhaps he felt it more prudent to leave now in order to avoid being fired since the drug problems he has may directly negate all the things he has said against junkies in the past.
Funny I seem to find myself in the position of defending this guy--but, has anything been substantiated about this drug business?
Isn't it a National Enquirer headline? A lot of stuff has been floated in the news (especially about Iraq, WMDs), which was later found to be false or premature... Has any paper of substance made this allegation?
Give it a couple of days Sofia, it will hit the proper news soon enough.
Incidentally, Rush's computer has been seized, with all the e-mails between him and his dealer, and the maid kept a ledger of everything, and taped their transactions...sure, the Enquirer broke the story, but it is only a matter of time before this is substantiated. One thing the Enquirer did not print, because it was speculative (I thought that was funny) is that the pills Rush was taking are known to cause sudden hearing loss if abused. Remember when Rush went deaf? Hmm....makes ya think....
Rush is just a dork that the media uses to enhance revenues cause he appeals to other mindless dorks, i dont really give a damn what he says about anything and I don't care if he keeps the ESPN postion or not. As far as drug use goes, who cares.
This in no way a defense of the man but since when is giving an opinion an actionable offense. It was IMO a statement of an individual who knows very little about sports. Since performance is the only thing that counts. He was equating it to other fields where at times race has effected evaluation.
Well he aint do'in much for the white race
- other than I can say that was assnine
for what its worth, I just heard on CNN quote Rush "I was asked to resign"
I think at this point, the drug allegations have overshadowed the allegedly racist remarks.
I was saying to some friends awhile back."Rush is such a demigod among a whole batch of people who dont take time to analyze his statements as data. They accept it without question"
Consequently, I felt that his time would come when he , like Lonesome Roades in "Face in the Crowd" would leave his mike open and start to rant.
If we dont recognize that what Limbaugh said was just as patronizing and patently racist as the words of Jimmy the Greek, well then we havent gone as far as we thought.
Philly loves and hates McNabb cuz hes either brilliant or a fumbling passive fool. The opnly one who showed any class in this whole thing was Donovan McNabb, he just blew it off and got back to his game.
Rush has bigger problems than his Oral/anal inversion . Dont feel sorry for him .
I don't like Rush.
I really, really don't like Rush.
I think the comments were dumb.
But if I think about how I'd react if this were say Al Franken, or even Bill Maher, I find that while the temptation to point and cackle is strong, I'd like to find out more first.
All I know is that I just feel awful for this poor patriot.....I'm sure it will come out soon that he was buying his drugs from some Hillary Clinton/Kennedy cartel and thought at the beginning that the pills were Valtex of some kind and didn't find out the truth until those insidious Saddam sympathizers had him hooked. Here Rush
((((((((((((((((((Bear Hug)))))))))))))))))))))
Whatever, he stated his opinion. You can't talk about race issues without pissing people off.
All I know about that guy is he talks too much...even for a radio jackass.