a far better idea is outlawing the republican larty, since it's not the dems doing the spike. Once they are outlaws they are by definition criminals, so they should alll be sent to gitmo, as oralloy has proposed. send them to gitmo with their favorite guns and ammo. since they seem to have such poor impulse control, the population in the calaboose would steadily decrease, less of a drain on resources. since they oppose a nanny government, there would be no need for a food allotment. they will get a year's weorth of seed when they arrive. If they want to eat, no govt interference,, they;ll be free to grow anything they want to eat for themselves. All the guards will have machine guns, any attempt to escape will be an armed insurrection and will be met accordingly. In addition, this would have the added benefit of increasing the average IQ of the remaining Americans resident in the States by at least fifteen points. sounds kike a wun/win solution to me.