You do realise that not being racist is very easy, right?
Person of Race & Colour A (A)
Person of Race & Colour B (B)
A & B are in conflict. All not being racist takes is a conversation like:
- so from A's perspective, they thought A / B / C
- and from B's perspective, they thought D / E /F
- A's response, while understandable, wasn't proportionate to B's actions
- B did what he/she did because of G / H / I
- A did what he did because of J / K / L
- The time, place, environment and A's subsequent actions show that <interpretation>
- A could also have considered <other context>
- B in dealing with A could have <action> based on the context
Still, overall I think B was right because of M / N / O, but I can also see how A would have done what A did
...ie. it's very easy to show understanding why each does what they do.
But your stance is hardline black and white...with:
- each of the black people you've discussed on this forum virtually always being wrong in everything they did, and
- each of the white people virtually always being right in everything they did.
That is, no balanced conversation comes out of you - only biased conversation, in favour of white people over black people.
And yet still - not being racist is very easy - just show understandng of both sides, and admit valid points on both sides (there are almost never valid points only in one direction)