The issue at hand here is not whether or not guns cause death-- the issue is a public that wants a solution to
violence itself. But violence is incurable. It is written in our blood. But to most people, that is not a proper answer. They want reprisal. They want solutions. So blame semi-automatic high-capacity rifles. Ban them. Death will go away.
That is not even an answer. It is an emotional response to a illogical act. But we never stop to think of why the Second Amendment was enacted. Not because we are some good 'ol can shootin' Americans-- it is a foresight. One written by our constitutional fathers in order to preserve the peoples right to defend themselves against an oppressive government.
Hitler disarmed the people before fascist Germany was born. Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Stalin, AMERICA to the Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek! Wake up. All nations go through cycles: democracy, representative government, oligarchy, dictatorship. What part of this cycle do you think America is at now?