Advocate wrote:
Quote:Considering the shootings at TX and FL,
is it your belief that the deranged have a right to bear arms?
My vu is that the Constitutional right to bear arms
applies to humans.
In my opinion,
a precondition for being deemed human is having the ability to reason.
Regardless of the fact that lunatics have human DNA,
thay cannot reason; on that basis, in my opinion,
the 2A does not apply to the deranged.
(I already
know that many on this board will say that leaves me out.)
Advocate wrote:
Quote:I gather that it is your view that there should be zero
restrictions on the right to bear.
See above. Regardless of the state of the law, or the law of the state, the deranged
and anyone else who desires sufficiently to possess anything
that he chooses to possess, probably
WILL possess it
if he spends enuf time, effort and cash on his acquisitive desires.
That is how the world works.
I suggest
ISOLATION of the deranged
and the criminally malicious, who have been convicted of crime.
U cannot prevent them from arming themselves; that is impossible,
but u can
prevent them from having
access to the decent people.
That is what I recommend.