MontereyJack wrote:Looks like there's a good chance the city will come after her for damages, not him, since she was at fault.
She is not at fault for trying to protect herself from a menacing black man.
And since people are now not allowed to call the police when a minority is menacing them, in the future people will protect themselves by taking matters into their own hands.
MontereyJack wrote:The shaming she got was all due to her actions.
The fact that progressives lynch people for calling the police when they are menaced by a minority means that people will start taking their defense into their own hands instead of calling the police.
MontereyJack wrote:She mistreated the dog on the video,, then voluntarily returned it to the shelter from which she got it, presumably with the usual condition she would treat it well, which she didn't. n gain, on her, not on him..
She did not mistreat the dog at all. She merely tried to keep it from running over to the thug who was trying to lure it away from her.
MontereyJack wrote:One hopes next time she'll be a little less flagrant in her flouting of social norms.
The notion that it violates social norms to call the police when a black man menaces you is why in the future people will take matters into their own hands instead of calling the police.
MontereyJack wrote:sort of too bad she got as much grief as she did, but in these days of proliferating taping of every misdeed you sort of have to expect it.
Actually I expect progressives to not be such freaks all the time. But progressives are just naturally freaks I guess.