Guns: how much longer will it take ....

Reply Sun 1 Nov, 2009 06:47 pm
and to let 'em buy guns...
Reply Sun 1 Nov, 2009 07:19 pm
Ceili wrote:

and to let 'em buy guns...
That 's not a question of choice.
Can u think of any prohibition that has ever worked ??
Maybe the Prohibition against alcohol of the 1920s? Did that work?
How about prohibition of marijuana? Did that work?
Prohibitions are FUTILE.
Criminals even get or make guns in prison.
We know because sometimes thay accidentally shoot themselves,
a noise is heard, and a lot of blood is seen on the floor of their cells.

However, it IS possible to isolate bad men (like Cho).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 03:12 am

The best victim is a well armed victim

(from the victim 's own perspective).

0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 01:55 pm
My brother visited the States when he was 17. He walked into a store and bought a gun. He was an underage foreigner and nobody asked him for ID.
Cho obviously had problems and yet he was able to buy an arsenal. Stupid.
In my perfect world there would be a lot less guns and other nasty weapons but I live in a reality that this will never happen. Canada actually has more guns per pop. than the US. Crimes in this country are increasingly involving guns and gangland type killings.
Most of these killers aren't interested in bomb. Knives certainly, but these cowards aren't willing to look their unsuspecting victims in the eye. These monsters shower innocent or evil victims and anyone else in the vicinity of the spray of bullets. Damming anyone happening by to the quick staccato strafe. It would be wonderful if someone could stop the carnage before, during or after but... generally the damage has been done and the gun owner escapes.

In your perfect world, with cat like reflexes you would live to be the hero, shooting and blocking the first bullet mid barrel. Reality is not what either of us want or like, however, it's more likely all those gun toting hero's, at the ready to strike down an aggressor, would, at the first sign of trouble, stand out like a meerkat, blinking in stunned fear, then diving for cover and with hands shaking and heart pumping. They would manage to recover their senses and their Piece and the action would probably be over.
I know we all want to be heroes. We've been raised to believe we all have an inner Bruce Willis in us. You may play scenes over and over again in you mind what you would have done, or what other could or should have done... Reality is another thing all together.

Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 03:38 pm
Ceili wrote:

My brother visited the States when he was 17.
He walked into a store and bought a gun.
He was an underage foreigner and nobody asked him for ID.
If a Canadian chooses to come here and buy an American gun,
I don 't see a problem. Y is that "stupid"??
If a 17 year old fellow chooses to buy a gun, again,
I see no problem. I began my own gun collection when I was 8.
Some of the kids in my neighborhood who were younger than I was
had gun collections. We never had any trouble.
From the writings of Annie Oakley, we know that in the 1800s,
when she was 8, her mother put a rifle into her hands and sent her out
ordering her not to come back without lunch; every day.
From doing it so much, she became a proficient trick shot.

James Butler Hickok "Wild Bill" told the same story about himself, when he was 9.
It was no big deal. Did your brother do something inappropriate with his gun? (I bet he did NOT.)
If he asked to buy an ax, it is stupid to sell him that ?

Cho obviously had problems and yet he was able to buy an arsenal. Stupid.
He shoud not have been free.
Dangerous lunatics shoud be isolated.
Thay shoud be prevented from having access to the decent people.
We had a case here in NY wherein a lunatic in a crowed street
smacked a young woman on her lunch hour, a stranger to him, over the head
with a fragment of a cement block, inflicting grievous, life-threatening injuries.

In my perfect world there would be a lot less guns and other nasty weapons but I live in a reality that this will never happen. Canada actually has more guns per pop. than the US. Crimes in this country are increasingly involving guns and gangland type killings.
Most of these killers aren't interested in bomb. Knives certainly, but these cowards aren't willing to look their unsuspecting victims in the eye. These monsters shower innocent or evil victims and anyone else in the vicinity of the spray of bullets. Damming anyone happening by to the quick staccato strafe. It would be wonderful if someone could stop the carnage before, during or after but... generally the damage has been done and the gun owner escapes.
The same way that criminals can have access to alcohol or to marijuana, thay can have access to guns,
even if recourse to underground gunsmiths is necessary.
Prohibitions have never worked.

Violent criminals can be ISOLATED and thereby prevented from
having access to the decent people.


In your perfect world, with cat like reflexes you would live
to be the hero, shooting and blocking the first bullet mid barrel.
The US Constitution does not guaranty that u will win every gun fight,
but it recognizes that u have the right to stand on an equal footing
when u rise to your own defense against predatory violence.
When it was enacted, there were no police
(neither here, nor in England, until the next century)
and every citizen was expected to defend himself.


Reality is not what either of us want or like, however, it's more likely all those gun toting hero's, at the ready to strike down an aggressor, would, at the first sign of trouble, stand out like a meerkat, blinking in stunned fear, then diving for cover and with hands shaking and heart pumping. They would manage to recover their senses and their Piece and the action would probably be over.
Human beings can only do the best thay can
with what is available. Tactical training might help.


I know we all want to be heroes. We've been raised to believe we all have an inner Bruce Willis in us. You may play scenes over and over again in you mind what you would have done, or what other could or should have done... Reality is another thing all together.
I can only speak for myself. I do not play those scenes in my head. I do not wish to be a hero.
However, in some circumstances, I will resist illogic and resist evil and I WILL defend myself
so long as I have the ability to do it.

Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 03:46 pm
This is an interesting area of discussion. Dave, at this time, can an illegal alien from, say, Saudi Arabia legally buy a handgun in the USA and, if not, should he be so allowed?
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 03:50 pm
Advocate wrote:

This is an interesting area of discussion.

Dave, at this time, can an illegal alien from, say, Saudi Arabia
legally buy a handgun in the USA and, if not, should he be so allowed?
If I remember accurately, that is not legal, as of now.

It used to be legal, with no ill effects.

Government shoud have no jurisdiction of that,
but it has the jd to deport any alien.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 04:05 pm
Ceili wrote:
Canada actually has more guns per pop. than the US. Crimes in this country are increasingly involving guns and gangland type killings.

I'm pretty sure that doesn't make the murder victims any more dead than if they had been killed a different way.

Ceili wrote:
Most of these killers aren't interested in bomb.

The ones interested in spree killing would most likely be.

Ceili wrote:
In your perfect world, with cat like reflexes you would live to be the hero, shooting and blocking the first bullet mid barrel. Reality is not what either of us want or like, however, it's more likely all those gun toting hero's, at the ready to strike down an aggressor, would, at the first sign of trouble, stand out like a meerkat, blinking in stunned fear, then diving for cover and with hands shaking and heart pumping. They would manage to recover their senses and their Piece and the action would probably be over.
I know we all want to be heroes. We've been raised to believe we all have an inner Bruce Willis in us. You may play scenes over and over again in you mind what you would have done, or what other could or should have done... Reality is another thing all together.

Reality shows that people successfully use guns for self defense all the time. And without freezing up like you described in that fantasy scenario.
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 04:06 pm
You don't see a problem with him buying a gun? Granted my brother isn't a lunatic... well I guess time will only tell, but I find it ridiculous he was able to buy a gun. No questions at all. In a foreign country.
I'm not American, but I wouldn't want anybody, from far or away, to have that kind of accessibility. This is exactly why Cho could by an arsenal. There are no checks and balances.
I'm confused?
How do you decide to deny man his liberty pre-massacre but show no impulse to deny his access to a gun?
On one hand you say everyone should be armed, have access to weapons, but on the other you say nutcases should be locked up. I think you're missing a step. The nutcases only seem to reveal themselves after they've bought the gun, not before, or in the rare case they when they have shown their nuttiness before they cut up a place of work... They are defended to the high hilt to be allowed the right to buy with out being fettered? Which is it?
If I'm forced to live in a world with your preferred toys, but I can't ask for a waiting period, a piece of id, a registry? We all have to wait till one of you loses it and then you have the balls to blame the non-violent people of the world. We don't put guns or bullets in the hand of the insane, but gun owners don't monitor or care who has access until after a deadly event. The NRA is the biggest lobbiest group in the United States. They don't give a **** about the victim with a bullet in his head, they care about the idiot standing over the blood fountain with the smoking gun. I'm sorry I don't ever wish to carry a pound of death by my side. Don't blame me when one of your brethren goes postal. I wish you would all finish each other off, leave the rest of us in peace.
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 04:10 pm
"Reality shows" that people successfully use guns for self defense all the time. And without freezing up like you described in that fantasy scenario.

Exactly, "reality shows". That's the problem, you're all enthralled with these stupid shows, you're all heroes.

Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 04:17 pm
Gun control does work, albeit imperfectly. For instance, it has been shown that the Brady law has saved many lives.
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 04:21 pm
Regarding the effectiveness of the Brady Law, please see http://www.huffingtonpost.com/paul-helmke/the-brady-law-by-the-numb_b_93929.html
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 04:30 pm
Advocate wrote:

This is an interesting area of discussion.
Dave, at this time, can an illegal alien from, say, Saudi Arabia
legally buy a handgun in the USA and, if not, should he be so allowed?
I missed the word "illegal" in your question. (falling asleep here)
My answer shoud have beeen:
Illegal aliens shoud be deported as soon as possible.

Merchants shoud not be responsible for checking anyone 's citizenship.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 04:45 pm
Ceili wrote:
"Reality shows" that people successfully use guns for self defense all the time. And without freezing up like you described in that fantasy scenario.

Exactly, "reality shows". That's the problem, you're all enthralled with these stupid shows, you're all heroes.

Dodging the point will not change the reality that people successfully use guns for self defense all the time, and without freezing up like you described in that fantasy scenario.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 04:47 pm
Advocate wrote:
Gun control does work, albeit imperfectly.

That statement is so vague as to be meaningless. Whether gun control works depends on the specific gun control and the specific goal being judged.

Quite often gun control doesn't work.

Advocate wrote:
For instance, it has been shown that the Brady law has saved many lives.

Not likely. But the claim (though incorrect) is much better than the previous claim, which was too vague to have any meaning.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 04:51 pm
Advocate wrote:
Regarding the effectiveness of the Brady Law, please see

I didn't see anything there about lives being saved.

It did show that the law prevents criminals from buying guns through legal channels though.

Are you alleging that if a criminal can't buy a gun, and has to use a knife to kill someone, the dead person's life has been saved?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 06:10 pm
You dodged everything I said. I did the same.
I've trained with police forces. I can tell you people freeze all the time. Reaction time and fear is not swayed by hollywood retakes.
Restriction does work, but gun nuts will get their guns regardless. Show me a class room where someone cut up 30 people, hell make it 10 or even 5 students. Not possible. Doesn't happen.
If all these gangland killers were interested in bombs, LA would be shrapnel.
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 08:11 pm
Ceili wrote:
You dodged everything I said. I did the same.

My pointing out that reality differs from your claims is hardly dodging the point.

Ceili wrote:
I've trained with police forces. I can tell you people freeze all the time.

Funny how in the real world people manage to defend themselves successfully all the time.

Ceili wrote:
Restriction does work,

A claim too vague to have meaning.

Which restriction works toward what goal?

Ceili wrote:
but gun nuts will get their guns regardless

Namecalling won't change the reality that Americans are never going to give up our freedom.

Ceili wrote:
Show me a class room where someone cut up 30 people, hell make it 10 or even 5 students. Not possible. Doesn't happen.
If all these gangland killers were interested in bombs, LA would be shrapnel.

Your allegation that gangland killers have little interest in bombs is not likely to have any basis in reality.

But regardless, questioning someone's ability to kill large numbers of people with knives has nothing to do with the reality that they can do so with bombs.

And making questionable assertions about gangs' alleged lack of interest in bombs has nothing to do with the reality that knives can be used quite readily in one-on-one killing.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 08:32 pm
Advocate wrote:

Gun control does work, albeit imperfectly.
For instance, it has been shown that the Brady law has saved many lives.
Gun control (meaning discriminatory licensure by government, of the right to defend your life)
has indeed worked to disarm future victims, thereby making violent crime safe for the predators.

For instance, the case of Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp.
She had recently succeeded in getting her license
as a chiropractor in Texas and wished to preserve it.
Accordingly, she obayed the gun control law that required her
not to take her gun into a fast food restaurant where she and her
parents went for lunch. While thay were eating, a homicidal maniac
drove his truck in thru the front window and he dismounted
and began killing many patrons of the restaurant.

Suzanna and her parents (unarmed in full obedience to the law that u claim saved lives)
hid behind an overturned table. Suzanna said that she 'd have
an easy, clear shot at the murderer, who was 3/4 turned away
from them as he was proceeding with his massacre, but unfortunately her gun was in her car.

He murdered both of Suzanna 's parents, who were both busy obaying the gun control law.
Eventually, the police arrived after most of everyone had been killed
and thay shot the maniac.

For some reason, THAY had their guns with them, and so thay did not get killed.

Suzanna testified before the legislature of Texas
(which had protected the homicidal maniac, during his killing spree)
and she said that she 'd give anything if instead of testifying
in the beautiful wood panelled chamber, she coud be languishing
in prison, because then she 'd have her parents back alive.
She confessed to making the mistake of obaying the gun control law.

The legislature repealed and rejected the discriminatory licensure
law that had protected the murderer; it adopted CCW,
by whose terms a license MUST be granted to any applicant
to carry a gun concealed, unless the applicant has a bad history
of crime or mental disorder, adjudged after a hearing.

After the repeal of gun control and the adoption of CCW, crime dropped
and Suzanna was elected several times to the legislature
which had assassinated her mother and father, by complicity.

I met Suzanna and her family a few times at subsequent NRA meetings.

However, I will admit that gun control worked PERFECTLY to save the life of the murderer,
until armed police arrived, Advocate.

Gun control provided him with maybe an extra 10 or 15 minutes of life,
during which he continued his massacre.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 08:47 pm

I wonder how many 1000s of innocent people have been slaughtered by gun control ?


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