Guns: how much longer will it take ....

Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2019 07:29 pm
So how many less deaths do you think there would have been had the murderers used rifles without pistol grips?

You seem to be one of those hysterical people who have given the pistol grip mystical powers. And that's okay. I'm not here to judge your seemingly religious beliefs.
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2019 07:43 pm
Talk about religious beliefs. The AR-15 is your cult object.
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2019 07:53 pm
Au contraire! If it weren't for you and your friends' religious-like fixation on, and condemnation of, the AR-15 and its ominous pistol grip, I wouldn't be here discussing it. So don't let yourself become confused as to where the cult worship is coming from.
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2019 07:59 pm
Again, you would have us think that the military adopted pistol grips on their weaponry "'cause it looks kick-ass." Heh.

Bow down to your AR-15.
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2019 08:04 pm
So the answer is yes, you believe that without the pistol grip there would have been less people killed than by a shooter with one on his rifle. Now why don't you back that up with something to show that there is indeed something to your pistol grip mysticism. Got anything? Or are you just going to repeat your "but the military . . ."

How about barrel shrouds? Do those give you the willies, too?
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2019 11:24 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
What are you saying is opinion, exactly?

I assume that he meant to reply to my post that is just above yours. I think he's posting from a smart phone where it's easy to hit the wrong button.

I confess that my inner OCD demon compels me to fix some of the spelling errors when he hits the wrong key. I hope that no offense is taken. None is intended.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2019 11:26 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
Pure blinkered opinion
Not a fact in the lot of it.

That is incorrect. It is a fact that the Democratic Party and Barack Obama conspired to disenfranchise Michigan in the 2008 presidential primary.

It is a fact that the Republican Party doesn't have a record of disenfranchising people.

Note that "preventing illegal immigrants from voting multiple times in the same election" does not count as disenfranchisement.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2019 11:34 pm
Glennn wrote:
farmerman wrote:
your crowd spends time making up nd misrepresenting facts by mere phraseology. Thats all you got?
"pistol Grips" as a constant chant is something presented by the slow headed.

No. Make no mistake, you oppose a rifle because of its style (pistol grip). That means that you're ignorant of the difference between style and function. And judging by your past performance here, you'll continue being ignorant because that's the nature of a one-track minded hound dog.

farmerman wrote:
may I reiterate that MJ started out with the argument that the MASS shootings were accomplished by guns capable of delivering scads of bullets down range and at greater effective distances.

Actually, people like yourself and other dullards jumped on pistol grips because another dullard whose authority you appeal to decided that pistol grips change a semiautomatic rifle into something equal to an automatic rifle. The problem here is that dullards do tend to follow other dullards. It's like you know full well that it's the magazine size that makes the difference between an AR-15 and any other semiautomatic rifle, but being a mindless, slow-witted hound dog, you run to where wherever the authority you appeal to throws the issue-stick. And one of the stupid issue-sticks being thrown is the godawful pistol grip.

farmerman wrote:
So while most of you (not all) have your heads ad posteriori, (and had your ilk been paying attention), may I reiterate that MJ started out with the argument that the MASS shootings were accomplished by guns capable of delivering scads of bullets down range and at greater effective distances. I KNEW WHAT HE MEANT, and all you and Einstein proclaim is that he was arguing anti-pistol grips.

Another slow-witted response, again banking on the hope that no one will notice your ignorance concerning the difference between style and function, and your pretending that you don't understand that your issue is with magazine size.

But to address your non point, as far as MJ is concerned, he just pulls nonexistent facts out his ass, and then hopes they'll fly. And you just follow blindly, reiterating that mass shootings are accomplished by guns capable of delivering scads of bullets down range and at greater effective distances. You should look into the subject before you decide to exaggerate and make yourself look even more foolish. Murders, and what you call mass shootings, are most usually done at close and very close range, which makes your "greater effective distances" comment seen for what it is--hysterics.

And unfortunately for MJ, I asked him to prove what he said about the AR-15 becoming the choice of these murderers. His claim was bullshit and he knew it. So he foolishly pretended that it was incumbent on me to do the research to prove his case for him. Pretty stupid, huh? You must have missed all that, which doesn't surprise me, since one-track minded hound dogs tend to disregard anything that doesn't smell like what they've been programmed to run after.

farmerman wrote:
You guys , by comparing statistics, seem to want to DIISMISS the mass murders by "Military style semi autos with large mag delivery of ammo". Believe it or not, not all murders are commited by crazy folks. Most of the mass murders seem to have been, I think they know they can score bigger numbers with larger magazines and semi auto fire.

Uh huh. And yet the mass-shooting list that MJ and yourself refer to is full of incidents (142) where no one is killed, and lots of incidents where one or two are killed. But being the good hound dogs that you guys are, you just ignore that cuz you were cued to bark up a certain tree, and that's what you're doing. At least you show a spark of common sense when you mention semiautomatics with large magazines when referring to mass shootings. You should be barking up the tree with the large magazines. You would come across as less hyterical, and that's a good thing.

farmerman wrote:
Dont keep being a douche bag, I think youre capable of arguing more effectively (more like McGentrix or the late Gungasnake) both of whom who , at least, tried to have facts by their side to cobble arguments that are really more thought provoking.

Yeah, I post facts. MJ, and you by association, just spew out whatever you think would support your case even though it turns out to be untrue. If you wish to avoid future embarrassment, do some actual research and then come back and tell me how the assault style weapons are becoming the choice of mass shooters. Like why don't you produce the number of mass shootings in 2018 that involved an AR-15, and then compare that with the number from 2019. Should be a slam dunk for you, Right? Right.

farmerman wrote:
Im not sure where YOUR OPINIONS come from, you seem to just agree with a person, or hunt down another, but with a fairly evidence-free discourse.

This is what I mean about you being a mindless hound dog. Contrary to what your one-track nose is telling you, I've posted lists of mass shootings and the pertinent numbers that show you and your buddy's hysterics for what they are. I'm afraid the lists and the numbers are not opinions. They only seem that way to a fixated hound dog.

farmerman wrote:
I dont feel compelled to argue with you or Einstein

Your lips say no, but your fingers say yes. I'm guessing it's the hound dog in you.

farmerman wrote:
you both use trite- 'lite" arguments that get really tiresome to even acknowledge.

And yet here you are . . .

Bravo. 👏 (That is claimed to be a "clapping hands" emote.)

Now I expect that there will be another round of childish name-calling from Farmerman.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2019 11:38 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
Yeah, the military adopted pistol grips on their rifles "'cause it looks cool." Right. Keep deluding yourself.

I think the AR-15 was developed first, and then sold to the military afterwards when the pistol grips were already part of the design.

But regardless of who it was that decided to design the AR-15/M-16 with pistol grips, what does it matter what their motivation was?

The important question is, is there something so horrific about pistol grips that would give the government a compelling interest in restricting them?
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2019 11:39 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
Talk about religious beliefs. The AR-15 is your cult object.

It is more that we will not stand for having progressives violate our civil liberties for fun.

The real cultish obsession is on the part of progressives who will happily sacrifice all meaningful gun control just so they can violate people's civil liberties for fun.

It shows that all of their ranting about saving lives is a red herring. Progressives don't care about saving lives at all.
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2019 12:02 am
InfraBlue wrote:
Again, you would have us think that the military adopted pistol grips on their weaponry "'cause it looks kick-ass." Heh.

Can you make any case that pistol grips are so horrible that it is imperative that they be outlawed?

InfraBlue wrote:
Bow down to your AR-15.

We will happily prevent progressives from violating our civil liberties for fun.

And progressives will happily sacrifice all meaningful gun control (because progressives don't actually care about saving lives) in a crazed attempt to outlaw pistol grips for no reason.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2019 01:31 am
I think we really ought to stop blaming or forgiving 'pistol grips'. Lethal damage is done with high velocity weapons. The military is normally the place that stores and employs high velocity weapons. If you hunt with a fully automatic high velocity weapon and you make contact with a deer or one of my dogs that is the same color as the deer.....you will pulverize the animal, depending on how many rounds hit the mark.

So, 'pistol grips', 'assault' and any other word(s) people want to split hairs over to justify irresponsible behavior......just flush it down the crapper. You can buy a handgun, a rifle or even an extravagant mega-macho obliteration stick...but lets just be honest about it. I know its laughable to a few folks who think it's propaganda , but my 8 year old grand daughter participates in drills to hide from shooters. All I ever had to do was hide under my useless desk in case the Russians nuked us.

People can say I'm over reacting and being silly, but I live less than 2/10 of a mile from the site where 5 newspaper people were killed about 16 months ago, also less than a tenth of a mile from the Mall where a young man brought a gun to a teen grudge match and was stupid enough to shoot the Secret Service agent who tried to break up the fight...the agent was highly trained and shot back critically wounding the dope with the gun....sadly, the dope recovered.,

I'm far from being a pacifist, but I would like to know my grand daughter and the children in my neighborhood and all the others can get an education free from high velocity weapons. I want to wander around my territory, shop unmolested and pray every one I know can go about their day without winding up in a body bag......I don't think that's unreasonable.

Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2019 01:33 am
Body bags give me the willies, you reckon anybody else thinks they're creepy?
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2019 02:05 am
glitterbag wrote:
The military is normally the place that stores and employs high velocity weapons.

That is incorrect. Americans tend to store their rifles in their own homes.

glitterbag wrote:
If you hunt with a fully automatic high velocity weapon and you make contact with a deer or one of my dogs that is the same color as the deer.....you will pulverize the animal, depending on how many rounds hit the mark.

Has anyone proposed hunting with a full-auto weapon?

glitterbag wrote:
So, 'pistol grips', 'assault' and any other word(s) people want to split hairs over to justify irresponsible behavior......just flush it down the crapper.

What irresponsible behavior, and who is justifying it?

glitterbag wrote:
my 8 year old grand daughter participates in drills to hide from shooters. All I ever had to do was hide under my useless desk in case the Russians nuked us.

Hardly useless. It would have been good protection from flying debris.

glitterbag wrote:
sadly, the dope recovered.,

Progressivism at its most compassionate.

glitterbag wrote:
I would like to know my grand daughter and the children in my neighborhood and all the others can get an education free from high velocity weapons.

Sounds like a bad idea. Teachers should keep rifles in their classrooms in case they need to defend their students.

glitterbag wrote:
I want to wander around my territory, shop unmolested and pray every one I know can go about their day without winding up in a body bag......I don't think that's unreasonable.

It is unreasonable actually. People are killed in various incidents (many of them car accidents) every day. Sooner or later something is going to get every one of us.
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2019 02:10 am
I love it when you respond. I wish I was a better person, but I'm not...... your stuff is just too too discombobulated. Do you do it on purpose???
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2019 02:14 am
glitterbag wrote:
I wish I was a better person, but I'm not......

I've noticed.

glitterbag wrote:
your stuff is just too too discombobulated. Do you do it on purpose???

Your difficulties in understanding straightforward factual statements comes from addressing subjects that you are deeply ignorant of. It has nothing to do with me.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2019 02:37 am
oralloy wrote:

glitterbag wrote:
The military is normally the place that stores and employs high velocity weapons.

That is incorrect. Americans tend to store their rifles in their own homes. ((I said normally, but then again, I'm from a military background))

glitterbag wrote:
If you hunt with a fully automatic high velocity weapon and you make contact with a deer or one of my dogs that is the same color as the deer.....you will pulverize the animal, depending on how many rounds hit the mark.

Has anyone proposed hunting with a full-auto weapon? ((Yes, are you not paying attention to the gun enthusiasts))

glitterbag wrote:
So, 'pistol grips', 'assault' and any other word(s) people want to split hairs over to justify irresponsible behavior......just flush it down the crapper.

What irresponsible behavior, and who is justifying it? ((I'm saying carping on about 'pistol grips' is a red herring, it what clueless people use to discredit guns safety)

glitterbag wrote:
my 8 year old grand daughter participates in drills to hide from shooters. All I ever had to do was hide under my useless desk in case the Russians nuked us.

Hardly useless. It would have been good protection from flying debris. ((Oh Dude, do you really think a small wooden desk will protect you during a nuclear hit????..I'm surprised you even attempt to defend such nonsense. What else pray tell, advise people to hold their breath during as poison gas attack???? Thats too stupid to respond to my dear innocent))

glitterbag wrote:
sadly, the dope recovered.,

Progressivism at its most compassionate. ((So you want the boy who shot a man who protects Presidents to recover??? How about damages? maybe he can sue the agent he shot and a brand new gun...don't be a hypocrite))

glitterbag wrote:
I would like to know my grand daughter and the children in my neighborhood and all the others can get an education free from high velocity weapons.

Sounds like a bad idea. (which idea, the one where I want my grand daughter to grow up??? The one where I hope she is never terrorized by a rogue shooter????? WHILE she is in a third grade classroom))

Teachers should keep rifles in their classrooms in case they need to defend their students. ((How do you plan to pay for that?? My daughter-in-law is a teacher and has spent a small fortune buying supplies for students because the schools don't want to use the funds))

glitterbag wrote:
I want to wander around my territory, shop unmolested and pray every one I know can go about their day without winding up in a body bag......I don't think that's unreasonable.

It is unreasonable actually. People are killed in various incidents (many of them car accidents) every day. Sooner or later something is going to get every one of us.
. Well, hopefully you can visit sometime and we can both get shot in the head while touring the Naval Academy (you know, like God intended) You're almost right, none of us will live forever, we are all going to die....But see, I'm on the side of natural causes, old age, hopefully not a terrible cancer and I know I don't get a choice on how I exit...You may be hoping for a sniper to take you out at the laundromat...but I don't watch all the mega-death blood fest 3D movies that you favor...well, then again, maybe you don't think life is worth living.

This might be a foreign concept, so forgive me if this seems strange......but I really enjoy my family, my friends, my friends from DOD..I love to cook, I volunteer I'm not planning to go out with a bullet.............................But Dude, maybe you believe that is now the norm? ..if you do..you need serious help, and I'm sorry your life is so bleak.
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2019 03:40 am
glitterbag wrote:
I said normally, but then again, I'm from a military background

People normally store their rifles in their own homes.

glitterbag wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Has anyone proposed hunting with a full-auto weapon?

Yes, are you not paying attention to the gun enthusiasts


glitterbag wrote:
I'm saying carping on about 'pistol grips' is a red herring, it what clueless people use to discredit guns safety

Whatever reason progressives have for their focus on pistol grips, such bans are unacceptable and must be opposed.

glitterbag wrote:
Oh Dude, do you really think a small wooden desk will protect you during a nuclear hit????

Yes. Protection from flying debris is invaluable, especially considering the unlikelihood of medical attention in the aftermath.

glitterbag wrote:
..I'm surprised you even attempt to defend such nonsense.

Reality isn't nonsense.

glitterbag wrote:
Thats too stupid to respond to my dear innocent

Reality isn't stupid.

glitterbag wrote:
So you want the boy who shot a man who protects Presidents to recover???

Is there any reason to wish him dead?

glitterbag wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Sounds like a bad idea.

which idea, the one where I want my grand daughter to grow up??? The one where I hope she is never terrorized by a rogue shooter????? WHILE she is in a third grade classroom

The one where you keep rifles out of classrooms, thereby preventing teachers from defending their students.

glitterbag wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Teachers should keep rifles in their classrooms in case they need to defend their students.

How do you plan to pay for that??

If teachers do not want to pay for it themselves, the community can pay for it using taxes.

glitterbag wrote:
You're almost right, none of us will live forever, we are all going to die....


glitterbag wrote:
But see, I'm on the side of natural causes, old age, hopefully not a terrible cancer and I know I don't get a choice on how I exit...You may be hoping for a sniper to take you out at the laundromat...but I don't watch all the mega-death blood fest 3D movies that you favor...well, then again, maybe you don't think life is worth living.

This might be a foreign concept, so forgive me if this seems strange......but I really enjoy my family, my friends, my friends from DOD..I love to cook, I volunteer I'm not planning to go out with a bullet.............................But Dude, maybe you believe that is now the norm? ..if you do..you need serious help, and I'm sorry your life is so bleak.

It's always been the norm. Some people are killed before they reach old age.

Hopefully I'll live until I'm old, but there is a non-zero chance that I'll be killed in a car accident tomorrow.

That's just the way it is.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2019 08:58 am
So you think there should be a ban on all semiautomatic guns?
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2019 09:08 am
Sounds like a good idea. Plain old six shooters won the west. Who needs mass carnage?

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