farmerman wrote:you got me on the constitution issue . I looked into Heller which clearly Identified knives as included under arms. The nunchuk issue wouldnt be applicable anywhere but in the NY district (unless the other side took it higher).
The premise of Heller (which is that unjustifiable gun laws are unconstitutional) applies nationwide.
Unless someone can provide an actual good reason for banning a weapon, any ban against it is unconstitutional anywhere in the US.
farmerman wrote:My argument remains that guns will kill way more than a knife per attack. WAAY more. "Bringing a knife to a gunfight" is an example of inequivalent units.
The fact that virtually all killings are close-range one-on-one affairs renders your argument rather pointless.
farmerman wrote:NRA will, I believe, lose more and more of its "political stance begun in the 1970's".
The NRA will continue to represent the moderate gun rights position in the legislative process.
farmerman wrote:I quit the NRA in the mid 80's when it asked for MY money to address industrial output. True , it is a lobby, but its a lobby of an industry that does not welcome anything but a deadly way of marketing its product.
That is incorrect. The NRA does not represent gun manufacturers.
farmerman wrote:The comparison to Planned Parenthood is invalid. PP celebrates CHOICE on the birth control issue. Anti-Choice as a way of dealing with "Planning" is more like NRA's mantras.
The fact that you are so upset by the NRA is proof that they defend civil liberties.
If the NRA didn't prevent you from violating people's civil liberties, you would not be so upset by them.
farmerman wrote:Im a multi gun owner but do not see why we protect clowns, nutz, and future terrorists, using a single hazy phraase in a 200+ year old document.
Luckily, very few Americans share your disdain for civil liberties.
farmerman wrote:I hope we see the "bump stock" defined as deadly as other dangerous weapons and add-ons,
Already done. And with the support of the NRA.
Since the NRA led the way on this, are you sure you don't want to change your mind and oppose restrictions on bump stocks?
farmerman wrote:and that we control large capacity clips
There is rich irony here, since you do more than anyone to prevent passage of laws controlling large magazines.
farmerman wrote:and eliminate doctor-able semi-autos for more rapid fire by simple workshop tricks.
That was done more than 80 years ago.
farmerman wrote:Heller set a plane that says we can meet the Constitution and still keep firearms within the realm of sanity.
Violating people's rights for fun though, very much violates Heller.
Heller only allows restrictions that can be justified with a good reason.
"I think it's fun to violate people's rights" doesn't count as a good reason.
farmerman wrote:I consider myself a responsible gun owner and user
It is funny that you think that you would somehow be immune if your stance against responsible gun owners ever became policy.
farmerman wrote:Im not buying his bullshit.
Notice your inability to point out anything that I'm wrong about?