Media coverage
can certainly contribute to copycat killings. That's well known. And the article made some very sensible suggestions for helping prevent media coverage from contributing to copycat killings. The same effect is known when celebrities kill themselves, and is one of the reasons news stopped reporting the exact nature of suicides by celebrities.
Media coverage though,
cannot be a critical mass of shootings. That is absolutely necessary before there can be both a critical mass of shootings
and media coverage.
Nor does media coverage, by itself = another mass shootings. You need:
- nutter
- who radicalises or flips out
- access to guns
- guns
- inspirations (of which media may be just one aspect)
I'm all for media reporting shootings in a harm minimisation way - even while you can't
blame the media for the U.S. reaching a critical mass of mass shootings. It
may play a contributing role, but that's it.