@I Like 1981,
Greetings, my friend. I would be delighted to take your test, but you might not like my answers. I’m willing to take my medicine if you flunk me.
1) I have a problem with your question. Most gorgeous women seek out really good-looking guys because they’re superficial. The gorgeous women are superficial, and the really good-looking guys are often superficial themselves. They’re just interested in good looks and social status. They’re not interested in moral values or intellectual pursuits. I’m not saying this is true of every young person who is stunningly beautiful or handsome. I’m just saying that this is true of many of them. Any guy with intellectual depth such as yourself who was married to a gorgeous but superficial woman would find such a relationship to be hellish. When I was in high school, I never had any desire to date any of the social climbers who chased after the football players, because these girls usually were vain and just not decent. They were actually repulsive to me.
You’re looking in the wrong place for a woman. Young unattached women in pubs are likely to be superficial. (I’m not saying that every person in a bar is necessarily superficial. After all, you’ve gone to bars.) To begin with, their motivations for being there are superficial. The reason you’ll hardly find any gorgeous women at “nerdy events” is because gorgeous women have to spend a lot of time to keep looking gorgeous. They have neither the time nor the inclination to pursue intellectual interests. They’re not born gorgeous. It takes a lot of work to maintain that figure, shop for the right clothes, have their hair styled, and do whatever else they need to do. They don’t have much time for intellectual pursuits.
2) Gorgeous women are frequently attracted to male athletes because the athletes are physically attractive and have high social status. Forget moral values and intellectual interests. Sure, no one would want to date someone who was physically repulsive; but young people who place the most priority on good looks are not as likely to find lasting relationships as those who look for someone who shares their interests and have admirable (morally speaking) character traits. My daughter and her boyfriend took notice of each other because they were both majoring in math at the university they were attending. In other words, they discovered that they shared a common interest, which is math. (They also share the same spiritual values.) Their relationship went from there, and they found each other to be attractive. The point is that neither of them placed a top priority on good looks.
3) I wouldn’t say the situation was hopeless. When I was 28 years old, I was a guy who had no interest in sports and was living on his own. The following year I married my girlfriend, and we’ve been happily married for 30 years. I had become a Christian when I was 26 and met my future wife in the first congregation where I worshipped. If you lowered your expectations of expecting to meet a Marilyn Monroe who was proficient in chemistry, say, and sought out women who shared your intellectual interests or values, you might be surprised. It’s amazing how attractive people become when you get to know them.