Welcome Sports Haters!

Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 06:41 pm
I didn't write this but I sure could have. I dig staying in shape, but this hockey-football-baseball-soccer-basketball............bletch...........double blech..........triple blech! Who gives a rat's ass!
Not everyone is a brain-dead sports fan. There are millions of us who can't stand professional sports or loud, ignorant sports fans.

We are not unreasonable or intolerant people. We are your neighbors and friends and relatives. We are completely normal people who live completely ordinary lives except for one thing --we cannot understand the attraction or value of sports. Don't misunderstand us -we believe in fitness and staying healthy. There's nothing wrong with a neighborhood softball game or shooting hoops in the driveway. But we think there is something wrong when people base their lives on the outcome of a game. We think there is something wrong when grown men collect baseball cards and are willing to pay for the opportunity to watch other people play and have fun. We think there's something wrong when people think we're unmanly or not a true patriot because we don't follow sports! And we especially think there's something wrong when our favorite show is interrupted for a *&@!^%$#@!! sporting event!!! This site is dedicated to free-thinking people everywhere who have enough self-assurance to resist the influence of the common herd.

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Free Our Schools!
We believe schools should be sanctuaries of learning and education, not state-sponsored gymnasiums! Sports teams are not required fixtures at school! They have nothing to do with learning! Remove mandatory physical education and sports teams now!
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Type: Discussion • Score: 18 • Views: 54,183 • Replies: 629

Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 06:51 pm
An Essay on the Superficiality and Naivete of Physical Education in High School

“You know, we had a saying, uh, that those who can't do teach, and those who can't teach, teach gym.” -Woody Allen, Annie Hall

Physical education n., 1. Education in the care and development of the human body, stressing athletics and including hygiene.

Upon thinking, I’ve come up with a list of seven reasons that mandatory physical education classes are unnecessary and even contradictory in high school. I have no problem with such classes in primary schools or elective high school physical education, but the classes against which I am arguing are clearly unnecessary for these reasons, which I shall now explain. I would be happy to debate anyone on the topic, if any problem is found with my argument.

1. Uneducational

To begin with, though it may seem a bold statement, Gym teaches nothing. I’ve heard it said often that it teaches how to maintain fitness, how to measure fitness, how to tell if exercise is effective, and so on, but there are two answers for that: we already have a Health education course, for one thing, and otherwise if a student is interested in such things, they could take extracurricular classes or read books on the topic. Such research is easy to do without spending hundreds of hours in a class. The only real statement I can come up with to defend Gym in this case is that it teaches the valuable lesson, sometimes you’ve got to do things you don’t want to do. But really, doesn’t the rest of school (and for that matter, life) teach it all the more effectively? It may teach how to play sports, but that’s really irrelevant compared to everything else taught in school. Sure, it’s “important” to learn to achieve lifetime fitness, but not so much that it should be forcefully taught in school. I’d even go so far as to say that our Gym classes don’t teach lifetime fitness, but that’s off the main topic. So, unless someone can prove something Gym teaches that nothing else could, this is a central reason. Clearly, all high school courses should teach something.

2. Distracting

Secondly, Gym class is distracting in that it takes a student’s mind away from the important classes, such as English, math, science, or history; these are classes which must be learned for the student to be effective adult or future college student. High school, as it is, affords literally thousands of things for students to remember throughout the year and having to remember additional facts each day for Gym doesn’t help. Preparing, getting supplies, and thinking about it takes thought away from other classes, thereby confusing the student (to this, I can attest) and deducting from the focus they put on the rest of school. If there were no Gym class, all of this time could easily be spent thinking about other things, causing students to forget less significant information, which would be an asset in improving performance. This would open up whole new windows and possibilities to better our schools, all with the elimination of an unnecessary class. Obviously, high school courses should help students learn and concentrate more, not less.

3. Detracting

Yet another reason, perhaps one of the most important, is that Gym detracts from the school altogether. In several ways, it takes away from the rest of the classes and the entire school in general. For one, there’s time. Several classes full of students lose one class every day in Gym. Next, space, in that where the gymnasium, lockers, and offices are, plenty of other facilities could be. I don’t know the specifics, but plenty of money, I’m sure, is spent on the physical education budget, taking away money that could go to many more worthy causes. Another thing Gym takes away from is grades: students (such as myself) may do almost flawlessly in other classes, but still have a lower average grade because of “poor performance” in Gym. Conversely, students may do poorly in other classes, but perfectly in Gym, distorting their grade, however slightly, from their actual accomplishment in school. So many priceless resources are wasted on Gym. Even adding in the dubious education received and the supposed connection between exercise and learning, is it worth it? High school courses should add to the school and its success, not subtract, plainly.

4. Futile

This reason relates a lot to sociology and the real world. Now, we live in a postmodern age in which we don’t have to run the fastest, jump the farthest, or fight the best in order to eat and live. We have peace and business, thereby making it unnecessary. I’ll admit people must stay fit and healthy to lead long, happy lives, but Gym class, especially the reasons given for it, don’t really add to that, as I’ll go into later. This has to do with my “grudge” against organized sport in general and the fitness testing in specific. Some would say the purpose of Gym is to help people stay fit for sports, at least for those who are in them (they may also say I’m in the minority, not participating in one.) In this way, you could claim Gym class helps in real life and actual skills. Then again, how? The ultimate goal, apparently, would be to be the greatest athlete one could be. What then? It accomplishes nothing and is therefore futile. The furthest you can go is to run the fastest in the world, play the sport the best in the world, or to be the best at what you do. Does this get anything done in your life, by any standards of what a “good life” is? No. I’d be glad to argue the point outside of this essay. The basic design of Gym is utterly futile. High school courses should have some ultimate, relevant goal.

5. Superfluous

This reason is mainly supported by the rest. As I’ve stated previously, the knowledge taught by Gym can be obtained by any inquisitive student in community education which already exists, or through books easily found at the library. In general, through the media, sports, government, and more, society already influences students to be physically active. In fact, it’s common sense to and natural behavior to be active on a basic level. The forced, nonsensical activities promoted by Gym rarely even help. If anything, they merely herd students along like sheep, with yet another barrage of encouragement to stay fit, this one costing money and time in school. What with school sports (even though I essentially disagree with those, my incessant unsatisfaction and revulsion showing themselves) and voluntary activity, it becomes completely unnecessary, contributing to the point of this essay, which is the “unnecessity” of Gym. We just don’t need it, like we need so many other classes so much more. To make Gym an elective would be to make this a nonissue. All high school courses, it should be apparent, need to be necessary.

6. Ineffectual

Continuing off of other reasons, Gym is ineffectual and here’s why. A central reason given for the class, as I have said, is to improve the general fitness of American students. With obesity and lack of fitness as a leading cause of death and illness, the government is pressured to do something about it, causing some people to deem Gym class more necessary than ever. But if you think about it, does Gym (especially our own) really benefit students in terms of health? I know for a fact that our school’s ninth and tenth grade classes do not. They simply “encourage” students to, perhaps, take a more active role in their physical well-being, or something of that sort. For one thing, the time, while able to deprive students of so much when it comes to other potential classes, doesn’t achieve much when spent on Gym. One class a day for a semestre with virtually no homework and most of the time spent on basic, mild physical activities hardly has any advantage, in my opinion. The only motivation I can think of is the grade, which to me hardly matters, because for one, Gym is an unimportant class to me, and for two, I’m already getting a lower grade thanks to the biased, unrealistic fitness tests which I don’t have time to discuss now. I don’t know about anyone else, but I get no profit from Gym that I can think of. I personally doubt that students throughout America get any unless enrolled in rigorous, time-consuming, and all the more unnecessary classes. Comparing the time spent in and out of class, the enforcement of physically healthy behavior, and the actual gain reaped, I’d say it adds all the more to Gym being unnecessary. Surely, all high school courses need to be effective in schools and throughout the country, to fulfill their purpose, whatever it may be.

7. Irrelevant

The final reason relates to the others, especially the futility of the class. We do live in a world where, though it may seem as if sports are sometimes akin to a religion, athletic ability is unnecessary and irrelevant. Unless you are a professional athlete, for whatever reason, you don’t need to be able to “perform at your peak” to succeed in work, relationships, and life. An average level of fitness, or whatever may suit the individual, tends to be perfectly fine for living. The unrealistic standards set forward by Gym class (at least ours) have nothing to do with life in the real world. Will everyone need to run a mile in five minutes on the average day? Answers may vary from person to person and lifestyle to lifestyle, but in general, it’s no. Gym is required for all students, clearly not fitting the reality of life. All students will not be athletes and all students, unavoidably, will not be physically fit. Regardless of Gym and its many mantras and concepts, little changes. As explained before, it’s futile and ineffectual. Perhaps in ancient times, such as in prehistoric caveman dwellings, or in ancient Sparta, where militaristic order was taught to schoolchildren, or in Rome, or even as recently as a few centuries ago, it would have been necessary to be (by today’s standards) an accomplished athlete in order to survive. But now we live in an age of technology, business, and stores. It is no longer “kill or be killed.” The fitness tests say I am “unfit,” despite my ability to function (at least, physically) in everyday life, sometimes beyond expectations. Are these tests, and by extension the requirements and beliefs set forward by Gym class, realistic? To insert a pro-Gym argument, students enjoy it and find it fun. Perhaps that’s part of the reason so few have complained or done anything about it. Well, in school, fun doesn’t matter. Classes are meant to educate and prepare. As demonstrated here, Gym does neither. There are complaints that cutting physical education budgets in worse-off schools deprives students of a necessary class. As I’ve just shown, Gym is unnecessary. I think everyone can agree that high school courses should be relevant to real life. This course is not.

Those are my seven reasons that physical education in high school is unnecessary. I personally propose turning it into an elective. This gives a choose on the decidedly unneeded class, lowers class sizes, and makes it into a less major class. This has already been done in our school for eleventh and twelfth grade; why not the rest? I have often wondered why Gym hasn’t been argued against before and previously been made optional. I suppose it’s just one of those idiocies that’s been around for a long time and no one thought to complain about- like slavery, centuries ago, but on an infinitely minour scale. Well, I’m complaining and I insist that anyone who reads this and continues to hold an attitude in favour of mandatory physical education in high school should put forward their argument to me immediately. Otherwise, I hope that at the very least, gradual changes will be made. I have had to suffer through years of idiotic, unnecessary physical education classes and currently am, classes which contribute to the shallowness and thoughtlessness of the school. Gym is but a (I say it once more) unnecessary relic of a bygone era, and one that needs to be eliminated or made elective in order to make the education of students as efficient, focused, and inexpensive as possible. If not- I feel sorry for the hundreds of thousands of students and (perhaps I hyperbolize) the future of America.

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Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 06:56 pm
The reasons people are beginning to hate sports

Steroids in baseball, premeditated assaults in hockey, and delusions of grandeur in football.

The latest in sports news: A professional football player, who wanted to be traded to one team and wound up being traded to another, announced that his civil rights have been violated and he compared himself to Rosa Parks.

A hockey player remains in a Vancouver hospital with a broken neck while his league investigates the semi-annual life threatening assault by one player upon another.

And Congress today got its yearly visit from the commissioner of baseball, summoned this time, to testify about illegal steroid use by his players.

This Wednesday, it only seems to be emphasized: here are more reasons that people seem to be beginning to hate sports. It is the second time in four years that police in Vancouver will investigate an attack during a National Hockey League game. Monday night, repaying an old debt, Todd Bertuzzi of the Vancouver Canucks performed an triple header mover on Steve Moore of the Colorado Avalanche. Bertuzzi first grabbed Moore from behind, then he sucker punched him in the face, then he drove Moore‘s head into the ice. Moore is out for the season, the aggressor Bertuzzi is likely to be suspended for the rest of the season. He has been sat down indefinitely and after a disciplinary hearing Wednesday, he will learn his fate soon. Such hearings are becoming routine, as ordinary hockey-related violence is supplanted by what even the game‘s true thugs consider too much.

Another story that‘s beginning to make people hate sports is the steroid scandal hit Capitol Hill Wednesday. Whatever the percentage of people fed up with sports, the percentage of those fed up with politicians talking about sports has to be higher, still. Congress has conducted hearings about franchise moves, franchise contraction, recreational drug use by athletes, free agency, stadiums paid for by taxpayers, sports on TV, and three or four high-profile sessions on whether or not sports leagues should have anti-trust exceptions. Yet, they have never has never passed a major piece of legislation about professional sports.

Today‘s blah-blah-blah was given by Commissioner Allen H. “Bud” Selig and player‘s union chief Donald Fehr, and the blah-blah-blah was received by the Senate commerce committee.

Within the cocoon of sports, steroid may or may not be much ado about nothing. In baseball particularly, since the 1920‘s, the owners have answered every scandal and every fall off in attendance, by increasing the ease with which players hit homeruns. Steroids and other muscle building cheating may, in fact, not be the evil, but the cure.

MSNBC's Natalie Allen, was among the fans at an exhibition game in Fort Myers, Florida, a game that involved the New York Yankees, the team that features two of the players at the center of the steroid storm: Jason Giambi and Gary Sheffield.

The fans that Natalie talked to still paid their way into an exhibition baseball game, steroids or no steroids, and nobody‘s going to be boycotting the next Vancouver Canucks game over the latest on-ice mayhem.

The country used to be divided into two groups, sports fans and people who just were not interested. But, is conduct like we‘re seeing now creating a third class? People who really are beginning to hate sports?

Is all this beginning to make a layer of fans, either not be as devoted to the game, or sort of peel off in disgust?

This was the fifth story on 'Countdown with Keith Olbermann.' 'Countdown' airs weeknights, 8 p.m. ET on MSNBC.

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Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 09:31 pm
Count me in on this score. Don't watch any sports. I much rather prefer to watch a good movie anytime.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 10:58 pm
Right, I'm not much of a spectator when it comes to sports either.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 11:25 pm
I understand the idolization of athletes far more than the idolization of the vanishing anorexic 'stars' of Hollywood. Not that I'm a major sports buff, but I do enjoy a good game of rugby.
Robert Gentel
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 11:37 pm
We think there is something wrong when grown men collect baseball cards and are willing to pay for the opportunity to watch other people play and have fun.

I gave up on watching sports years ago. Nothing against sports, I just didn't have the time and opportunity to keep up while moving around the world (where they care about entirely different sports). But I can understand paying to watch sports a lot easier than I can understand spending time writing about how you hate sports or how there's something wrong with those who don't. It's entertainment, if someone finds it entertaining and worth his time why not?

But we think there is something wrong when people base their lives on the outcome of a game.


And we especially think there's something wrong when our favorite show is interrupted for a *&@!^%$#@!! sporting event!!!

So it's better to have it revolve around TV shows? To each his own, I don't get the snobbery about where you get your entertainment but the hating on what other people like makes the least sense of all. We all need entertainment and taste is like ass. Everyone has their own, and seems particularly attached to it.
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Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 11:40 pm
bet you got beat up a lot in gym class.

btw there is only one true spectator sport, nude female roller derby. once a red blooded american boy sees that, they don't give a crap about the world series, the super bowl or the world cup.
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 12:08 am
My friends and I would skip out of gym..........if we got caught we would be forced to run around the track while the sheeple played their little game........fair trade-off! As to guidance (as taught by the so-called "physical education teacher") what an embarrassment to anyone with even half a brain!
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 02:47 am
Chumly you're the kind of fellow I used to have to protect from the other athletes in gym class. Like them, I'm sure you were a smart mouthed teen when you were young and gym class simply humbled your ego, but just as much as trigonometry humbled many a football star.

btw: One of my high school gym teachers wrote perhaps the best 5 books on high school football coaching a decade before he moved onto college coaching and a job head coaching a team in the Europen NFL.

Not all jocks are dumb, nor gym teachers. I count three PhDs from my senior year's high school football team, along with a shitload of doctors, lawyers and engineers. Your athletic ability has little to do with how smart you are, but I know that being smarter makes you a better equipped athlete and the discipline of the athletic field carries over to all parts in a person's life.

Athletics can build character, leadership, and personal confidence in otherwise timid and non-confident individuals and a great coach can teach you lessons for life, e.g., John Wooden and his Pyramid of Success.



Wooden did not talk about winning or losing. He talked about being the best person/athlete/teammate you could be and that was his goal, for him, winning meant playing to your potential.

Personally, I coached high school football for 5 years and know for certain that I contributed to the personal growth and maturation of dozens of young men with whom I remain in contact now two decades since I coached them. It is, in reflection, the best, most significant work I have ever done.

You have to understand something about human culture. It has used "rites of passage" to graduate youth into adulthood. We don't send 16 year olds out to kill lions with a spear or hunt down a buffalo, or scar their cheeks anymore, so there has to be something, some communal ritual that children can emerge from that confirms their advancement into the ranks of adult society and responsibility. Sports is one way that does that.

As to watching sports, I'll leave to the Bard:

What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how
infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and
admirable, in action how like an angel

The efforts of world class athletes are poetry in motion, and I like poetry.

Check out Julius Erving at 29 seconds into this film and you will see the greatest single play in an NBA game and tell me that was not poetry in motion.

Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 12:02 pm
In high school I was in better shape than most of your so-called "athletes"; running and swimming works.

Rather ironic then given I've met up with some of your so-called high school "athletes" 35 years later to find them bald-fat-sports-watching couch-jockeys......I'm still running and swimming in great shape with all my hair.
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 12:11 pm
I enjoy a little basketball or baseball here and there...but these rabid idiots sitting in sports bars screaming **** at the top of their lungs at the tv screen and getting into fistfights over the other team.... absolute nonsense.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 12:14 pm
i'll watch the final 7 or less games in baseball and hockey, but never watch any regular season games

don't understand american football or basketball, have no interest in golf or tennis

as for gym class, luckily we could opt out after grade 9, didn't mind the mindless running or other track things but hated having to participate in sports, no real aptitude or interest

Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 01:14 pm
Nice that you could opt out after grade 9! I was stuck with abiding by inane-arbitrary-group-sports-rules until grade 12.

Self-improvement is not married to such lame-ass thinking as per: what should happen in hockey when there is a "two-Line pass".

Schools should be sanctuaries of learning and education, not state-sponsored gymnasiums. Sports teams are not required fixtures at school. They have nothing to do with learning. Remove mandatory physical education and sports teams now.

Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 02:46 pm
Chumly wrote:

In high school I was in better shape than most of your so-called "athletes"; running and swimming works.

Rather ironic then given I've met up with some of your so-called high school "athletes" 35 years later to find them bald-fat-sports-watching couch-jockeys......I'm still running and swimming in great shape with all my hair.

Running and swimming are sports. Your participate in sport, while knocking it. You could quibble about competitiveness vs. working out, but it's an immaterial distinction really.

There exist two distinct parts of the human condition, the Mental and the Physical. It is as important for us to strive to greater and greater development in both areas to move forward as a species; sport challenges mankind to continue our physical development through a series of interesting challenges.

I'm sure there are those who consider typing into an internet chat room to be as fatuous as you seem to believe sports are...

Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:00 pm
Good luck with your interpretation of what you consider to be sports.......... given the context of the original text..........your interpretation is specious at best.
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:04 pm
Chumly wrote:

Good luck with your interpretation of what you consider to be sports.............weak!

And this response is somehow, in your mind, strong?

You may want to double-check your definitions of certain words.

It is unarguable that swimming and running are both sports. Now, you may not engage in competition; but that doesn't mean that you are not engaging in sport activity.

What more, your disdain for those of us who do enjoy sports is not indicative of some sort of superiority on your part, but instead some sort of inability on your part to understand the beauty of physical achievement and expression of intense mental concentration through physical actions. The complication involved in getting an 11-man football team to act in concert dwarfs most anything you or I do on a regular basis.

Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 03:20 pm
Schools should be sanctuaries of learning and education, not state-sponsored gymnasiums. Sports teams are not required fixtures at school. They have nothing to do with learning. Remove mandatory physical education and sports teams now.

Nicely done, now replace PE and sports teams with geography and algebra and you have the flip side argument for all the dumb kids who don't believe that geography and algebra will ever be used in their adult lives so there ought not be any reason to learn it.

btw: Just because you learned nothing from the athletic field does not mean other people didn't either, and the fact that you don't have the imagination to consider that other people can glean value about things you consider useless points more to your own ignorance than your wisdom.

Its not your fault that you were a spastic little kid who got picked on in the lockerroom, those who bullied you are to blame, but your remarks are stupid about the benefits of athletics and grounded in your own resentment about your inferior social status as a teenager because you likely threw a baseball like a little girl. That doesn't make you an inferior person unless you let it and clearly you remain impacted in that way considering all the trash you have written about other people who are athletes. Not all athletes are "dumb jocks," nor are all teenage geeks like you inferior people.

Ask people about their experience for their personal "peak performances" and likely as not they will tell you that those times involved physical activity or sports every bit as much as intellectual activity, when all the tumblers of the universe were aligned and you proceeded from your core being to perform a complicated task as naturally as breathing. You just can't separate the body from the mind because bullies kicked sand in your face as a kid.

Its just sad that your childhood affects your adulthood this way because most healthy minded people accept how they were treated in the past and emotionally move on.
Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2009 06:12 am

I'm not at all into sports either

Reading the link chumley provided however, made me think that this person had gone over the edge.

Sports are an annoying, but just simply there, aspect of life for me.

There's no sense in one side trying to convince the other of their superiority in their way of thinking.

Labeling doing an activity one simply enjoy as a sport is an example of this.

What? Are you trying to say "see, you DO like sports! You run."

Not if you run just for the enjoyment of moving your body, or losing weight, being more flexible, etc. Not if you don't have any intent of using it to see who can run farther, faster, etc.

I think some feeling of competition with a party outside of yourself is necessary for something to be called a sport.

Therefore, running for instance, can be a sport, or not.
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Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2009 07:05 am
Definition of "Sport" from the M-W dictionary:

1 a: a source of diversion : recreation b: sexual play c (1): physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2): a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in

Chumly, read 1a.

There are many benefits to be derived from engaging in any sporting activity, whatever it might be. Pleasure, to name just one.

I don't personally engage in any sport anymore, but I used to enjoy tennis, golfing, aquafit classes, jazzercise, to name a few. And I love watching athletes, say at the Olympics, World Championships, Playoffs, etc. I don't, however, think they should be subsidized by taxpayers. And there are quite a few sports fanatics, which I think you're referring to, who seem to be obsessive about watching them (think football, hockey, basketball, baseball, soccer). Then again, if they get pleasure from that, who are we to judge? Some get pleasure from watching Jerry Springer-like shows.

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