Re: Kuvasz (Post 3594340)
As a middle-aged man who is a member of a health club and is working on a bodybuilding program, I have this to say: The mandatory PE classes of my generation were a cruel joke played on nonathletic kids in a rather hypocritical way. In case you're not able to see this for yourself, there is a difference between promoting sports and promoting physical fitness. You're talking apples and oranges. Those boys who were the most physically unfit, especially those who were scrawny or overweight, never received any help at all. Weightlifting wasn't even offered. Instead, nonathletic boys were forced to play ball games that they were not even interested in, and never received offers of any kind to help improve their poor performance. The only thing I learned from having to take PE was to fear coaches and athlete classmates. In fact, I don't know of a single man of my generation who was either scrawny or overweight as a kid, but became physically fit because he was forced to take PE in school. There might have been a kindhearted coach here and there who took personal interest in a nonathletic kid who was miserable and was struggling in his PE class, but I never heard of any. More than a few boys' PE coaches seem to view scrawny boys as effeminate, which is totally unjustified. Yes, I know that there are people who are trying to reform PE so that it actually promotes physical fitness for all students, instead of just catering to the athletic kids. Not that you would be interested, I'm sure. I enthusiastically support the innovative PE4Life program. (BTW, I don't believe in the "dumb jock" stereotype; and I've always respected athletic prowess and achievement. I just don't like arrogant jerks and thugs, who often are not held accountable for the way they treat others off the playing field.) Your comments "you were a spastic little kid" and "you likely threw a baseball like a little girl" truly give you away. At the same time that you object to athletic men being subjected to negative stereotypes, you apparently look down on nonathletic boys and men and hold them in contempt for no good reason at all. So who's the hypocritical bigot here? Are you aware that there have been intellectual men who have shown great courage? Did you know that some of our brave soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are slightly built men? Ever hear of Raoul Wallenberg, one of the greatest heroes and humanitarians of World War II, a man who detested competitive team sports? (If you haven't, please do a Google search.) You smugly assert "most healthy minded people accept how they were treated in the past and emotionally move on." That's so easy for you to say! What if the treatment was morally wrong and unjustified? Someone who was bullied day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year isn't likely to forget about it soon. You probably were never bullied in your entire life, but received preferential treatment from people who constantly told you how superior you supposedly were just because you were an athlete. And, finally, when some people say they hate sports, what they object to is not the sports themselves, but certain attitudes, mindsets, and practices that are associated with certain (not all) sports.