Hi, Bill.
wmwcjr wrote: I agree with your application of these words in this particular context. Of course, a German living under the totalitarian rule of the Nazis who wanted a return to the political freedoms of the Weimar Republic would be a reactionary; i.e., desiring a return to a previous form of government or social institution. I was using the word "reactionary" in a particular context. I'm sure I don't need to remind you that the word "reactionary" to "Progressives" is a cuss word.
It is antithetical to their intentions and to their self-image.
It is those who erase and void what thay have accomplished,
rendering their efforts futile and of no effect.
wmwcjr wrote:I was speaking in a nonpolitical context. Today among those who promote policies for physical education classes in the schools, there is a division between those who still favor the traditional sports-centered approach to mandatory P.E. and those who recognize that promoting sports is not the same as promoting physical fitness and that having a "sports only" P.E. curriculum does not benefit and even hurts nonathletic students.
Yes; I was a non-athletic student, having
refused to participate in mandatory P.E.
wmwcjr wrote:The "reactionaries" in this particular context are those who want to force nonathletic students to participate
in competitive team sports, even if they're not interested in them.
That is very paradigmatic of liberals of the Roosevelt-Kennedy type:
thay r very willing to be heavy-handed in coercing n extorting Individuals' compliance
with the demands of their philosophy.
wmwcjr wrote:So, I find it truly ironic, if not hypocritical, that this unnamed "Progressive" member of this website sides with the "reactionaries" on the issue of P.E. reform, favoring the "sports only" approach at the expense of nonathletic boys, whom he regards as "smart alecks" because they don't share his love of sports.
Tho I have seldom
DONE it, its fun to hold sports up to logical scrutiny, in argument with them.
wmwcjr wrote: Since he is a "Progressive," "reactionary" is a cuss word to him. But on the issue of P.E. reform,
that's exactly what he is -- a reactionary. He calls himself a revolutionary on the issue of mandatory P.E.,
Like the communist Revolution? Despotic?
wmwcjr wrote:but there's nothing revolutionary about supporting the traditional approach,
which more and more physical educators are realizing has failed nonathletic students.
Since the age of 6, as a libertarian, I have challenged the authority of compulsory education:
a liberal endeavor, resulting from
FAKE authority and from
USURPATION: when governments were created,
thay were
NOT granted power to force this on anyone without his consent.
I remember, in the first grade, asking my mother:
Where in the HELL, do thay get the right to make
ME go over
THERE ??!!
wmwcjr wrote:Just so I'm not misunderstood, I favor the retention of the traditional sports-centric P.E.
for the school athletes and other students who want to participate in sports as an ELECTIVE.
wmwcjr wrote:Our unnamed "Progressive," however, is against this sort of P.E. being an elective;
he wants it to be mandatory on ALL students,
That is very paradigmatic of the
authoritarian Roosevelt-Kennedy mindset.
wmwcjr wrote:thereby taking sports from its rightful role as a voluntary form of entertainment and turning it into a coercive tool of bullies.
He demands that everyone love sports and does not respect other people's personal preferences.
Liberals are pointedly
anti-Individualist, like Stalin n Hitler.
wmwcjr wrote:He will personally attack with derisive insults people who don't like sports, including people he's never met.
This is an intolerant attitude and is indicative of an authoritarian personality.
Of course, "Progressives" deny that they're authoritarian;
Thay r
liars, in addition to being authoritarian.
Thay believe in progress toward their goals, by deception, mendacity and fraud.
wmwcjr wrote:but some of their comments at this website indicate otherwise.
And, by the way, folks, I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican;
and I'm not even a conservative in the sense that David is.
I just call 'em as I see 'em.
I join with Sir William Schwenck Gilbert 's observation that:
"I often think it's comical
How Nature always does contrive
That every boy and every gal,
That's born into the world alive,
Is either a little Liberal,
Or else a little Conservative!"
Not everyone has
consciously identified his own philosophy.