Welcome Sports Haters!

I Like 1981
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 08:07 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I have nothing more to say, other than that those who cannot understand the beauty of sporting activity in any way are missing out on one of the true wonders of the human existence, and I feel sorry for you.

To be honest, I don't understand how I'm missing out by not understanding the true beauty of watching men in very tight pants manhandle each other over an inflated pig skin. I also don't understand how I'm missing out on the true wonders of life by not attacking people who have the bare-faced cheek of either not being completely obsessed by team sports or not supporting the same team as I do. Sports fans are so dumb and ignorant they attack other like-minded people just because they support a different team which may be doing better than theirs. So what? Just because some bunch of monkey-boys may not be doing so well in the league doesn't mean you are failing in life. But try telling that to some of the armchair fans whose only way of achieving anything is to let the "team" do it for them.

I don't at all pity myself for not being interested in sports. In fact, I feel quite proud for being a free thinker and not following the crowd and doing only what they do. To make changes in the world, people have to stand up for what they believe and not just let the majority control their thoughts and actions. Judging your actions based on those of the majority is nothing noble, it's just conforming to their expectations. You're nobody special, you're just another part of a whole, an insignificant cog in a major machine, unable to function in its own way. You may do more in life than I do but you're nobody unique. You're just another sports-loving sheep who has submitted to sports because he feels obliged to due to the irregular kindness of some jocks. You experienced a freak occurrence. Jocks being lenient and remorseful. You were lucky to meet such kind athletes in high school.

Congratulations on having a "beautiful wife" and a "loving family". i wonder how they are? I reckon wmwcjr is right - you've forced both your sons into sports. And if one of them gets bullied, I bet your only advice is "toughen up, you pussy, people have to go through worse than you". Yeah, I'd most certainly turn to you for kind advice. You even mention how you're all watching a "football game" - yeah, too scared to let your wife choose, forcing her to like football. Because anyone who dares not like it, female or male, needs to be assimilated by any means possible! And that means - forcing that pile of crap onto them which they call "football" until they realise there is no other choice but to like it!

Good luck in making sports fans out of us. Seriously, you're going to need it, mate. If you think you're going to bully us into admitting our faults you need to think again.

And of course the "bagging groceries" comment doesn't apply to you. No, not all jocks work at checkouts. That's a cruel stereotype. They do work in other places! I know for a fact you do. By the way - when I come up to the drive-thru window I want SPRITE with my burger, not Coke - don't make me have to remind you again.

Merry Christmas.

Best regards,
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 08:29 am
What an awful thing to say. These people are having a civil conversation and you feel justified in interrupting them and calling them "pathetic ******* people"? What is your major malfunction? Are you a bully? I can tell by your attitude that you think you tower over everyone in this forum. I'm glad I don't know you.
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 10:06 am

Therefore, there is nothing perverse about my comparing our institutions to Auschwitz.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
Of course there is, and if you're too dumb to see that,
I can't do anything for you. People in Auschwitz weren't worried about abuses [ ?? ]
or inappropriate behavior or bullying or even beatings [ ???? ].
Are u certain of that, Cyclo?? Thay did not care whether the nazis abused them nor beat them?? That strains credulity.
Since 1945, this is the very first report that I 've known of this indifference.

What is the source of your information on those points??
The next time I find a survivor thereof, I 'll ask whether those were matters of concern or not.

Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 10:12 am
wmwcjr wrote:
Hey, David. Although I'm not into politics anymore, you're MY kind of "extreme right-wing Republican."
U r very kind, Bill. I hope that u 'll reconsider
and that we 'll have the blessings of your company in the forum.
Give it to us for a Christmas present during "Christmas present". (Dickens)
Santa woud approve.

0 Replies
Fat Man 1951
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 10:57 am
Good morning David!

Yeah! I couldn't have said that better myself.

Yes, I'm quite sure the prisoners in Auschwitz were most definitely concerned about abuses, inappropriate behavior, bullying, AND beatings!!!

They weren't just merely being held prisoner, OH NO!

They were also subjected to all of the above, and to beatings and torture and even rape, along with being neglected and allowed to starved!

Then many of them were put to death in the gas chambers and cremated in the furnaces.

The prisoners entered Auschwitz through the front gate, and went out through the smoke stacks!

But many of them were subject to bullying, beatings, rape and torture, and medical experiments before beiong put to death.

Cycloptichorn - AKA - Cyclops the one-eyed pin-headed retardo is an absolute MORON!!!

Anyway . . . . .

I hope everybody here checks out my links to the You Tube videos on the previous pages.

These are about how disabled children in boarding schools are being subject to electric shocks for minor indiscretions and even having food with-held from them.

And this is happening right here in the USA!!!

Children being tortured!!!

Yet, the jocks have all kinds of extra privileges and can get away with just about anything, and go unpunished for their behavior.


If you liked Auschwitz 1, you're just gonna love Auschwitz 2!!!


0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 11:26 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
If this conversation has helped you to feel better about yourself and your situation, I'm happy for you.
U don 't sound happy for them, Cyclo.
U sound like u r mad at them.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
Otherwise, I must say that it has become rather boring,
and if you don't have anything more interesting to contribute,
I have nothing more to say, other than that those who cannot
understand the beauty of sporting activity in any way are missing
out on one of the true wonders of the human existence, and I feel sorry for you.

Its good to see beauty wherever u can; agreed.

I, for one have detected no beauty in guys running around in circles in the grass,
nor in throwing balls around.
I guess failure to see beauty is my loss; I love to see beauty.
I really do.

If sports fanatics watch to behold the alleged beauty of sporting activity,
then, in theory (if thay are watching to see the beauty), then

thay shoud be equally as happy when the team whose efforts thay oppose
is successful resulting from the skillful play of its members. Do u agree with that, Cyclo?

Accordingly, when the Boston Red Sox are playing against the NY Yankees,
the Red Sox fans shoud cheer in rapturous elation! when the Yankees score a home run,
if it is done skillfully, because thay saw the BEAUTY of it.

Is that how it works, Cyclo ??

Robert Gentel
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 12:10 pm
Fat Man 1951,

Your arguments would be more effective if you weren't flinging wild (and by wild I mean wildly inaccurate) insults all over the place with them. Don't you think you could make a better case for your position by doing it calmly and rationally?
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 12:14 pm
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:

Fat Man 1951,

Your arguments would be more effective if you weren't flinging wild (and by wild I mean wildly inaccurate) insults all over the place with them. Don't you think you could make a better case for your position by doing it calmly and rationally?
I was thinking something like that
and I had an uncomfortable flashback to the dissonance of Abuzz.

1951, Robert is our host on this forum.

0 Replies
Fat Man 1951
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 12:34 pm
@Robert Gentel,
Good morning Robert.

OK you said . . . . .
Fat Man 1951,

Your arguments would be more effective if you weren't flinging wild (and by wild I mean wildly inaccurate) insults all over the place with them. Don't you think you could make a better case for your position by doing it calmly and rationally?

Well, normally, yes.

But Cyclops came into this forum saying that we are whining and that we should get over it.

He was the first to start putting us down.

True, he was more polite in his comments toward us than I have been in my insults toward him.

But as far as I'm concerned, he asked for it! He begged for it!

Those of us who have been bullied around by the jocks and sports fans, have been beaten and even raped, we have been told to stop whining about it, and to get over it!

He comes into a forum topic titled "Welcome Sports Haters" just to put us down for hating sports.

We are here to discuss why we hate sports, and to discuss our experiences with sports and sports fans.


We not suppose to say anything against sports! It's like we have committed blasphemy toward his sports gods.

I don't care how polite he sounds.

Cyclops is an obnoxious sports bore, and he is not really polite. He only sounds polite.

He's just smooth talking scum!
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 01:07 pm
Are u certain of that, Cyclo?? Thay did not care whether the nazis abused them nor beat them?? That strains credulity.
Since 1945, this is the very first report that I 've known of this indifference.

What is the source of your information on those points??
The next time I find a survivor thereof, I 'll ask whether those were matters of concern or not.


I'm sure that you understand my point: that these things were not the problems that were of the greatest concern to the inmates of Auschwitz. Instead, fearing for their very lives and that of their family and friends who were incarcerated with them, which could be taken at any time.

Comparing such a situation to being picked on and bullied in high school is not appropriate. It is not the same situation at all, but instead an exaggeration which is being done for effect by someone whose argument relies on the logical fallacy of Appealing to Extremes.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 01:20 pm

If sports fanatics watch to behold the alleged beauty of sporting activity,
then, in theory (if thay are watching to see the beauty), then thay shoud be equally as happy when the team whose efforts thay oppose is successful resulting from the skillful play of its members. Do u agree with that, Cyclo?

Accordingly, when the Boston Red Sox are playing against the NY Yankees,
the Red Sox fans shoud cheer in rapturous elation! when the Yankees score a home run, if it is done skillfully, because thay saw the BEAUTY of it.

Is that how it works, Cyclo ??

Yes, this is exactly how it works. While sports fans do have their parochial concerns - everyone wants to see their chosen team prevail, a feeling which (as a follower of politics) I'm sure you can understand - true fans do appreciate the beauty of an amazing play, a stunning physical achievement, or an example of excellent teamwork.

I myself am a fan of the sport of Football (for a variety of reasons which I'd be happy to discuss if you like) and have, many times, watched an opposing team perform just such a play against my favored team. I am well acquainted with the twin feelings of disappointment in the fact that my chosen team had a negative event, yet happiness for getting to witness an amazing feat by an opposing player. Sometimes the other team is too good for your chosen team, and there's nothing shameful about that.

In fact, witnessing such events is the highlight of watching sporting activity. Sports evolve over time, they do not stay static; the competition works very much like Capitalism, in that greater strengths and efficiencies are bred by the system itself. Let us pick an individual sport such as, say, tennis; modern players are bigger, faster, stronger, more intelligent, and more skillful than older players. Or a non-competitive (directly at least) sport such as Rock Climbing, which I participate in myself. It pushes the human body to it's limits and celebrates the incredible beauty and complexity of our forms and lives.

Beauty and the appreciation of the capabilities of the human form are one aspect of enjoying sports; another is competition, another is camaraderie, some people enjoy wagering upon them. Sports act as a bonding activity for many men and women who otherwise wouldn't have much in common (like any other activity). It has never been my intention to say that one cannot like or dislike whatever they want; but to claim that people who DO like sports are stupid, or boorish, or all 'jocks' or are all 'bullies?'

Those are ignorant statements, born out of bigotry and prejudice, voiced by fools. I would no more suffer such comments silently than I would blanket condemnations of the intelligence of women or blacks or Muslims. Bad experiences in one's past never give one the right to be a bigot. Part of the human condition, part of being an adult, is to learn to overcome our prejudices and forgive others for what we consider to be their imperfections. Failure to do so is indicative of a lack of character.

Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 01:27 pm
LuckyRay wrote:

What an awful thing to say. These people are having a civil conversation and you feel justified in interrupting them and calling them "pathetic ******* people"? What is your major malfunction? Are you a bully? I can tell by your attitude that you think you tower over everyone in this forum. I'm glad I don't know you.

You may note that their 'civil conversation' was a discussion of how ignorant people like myself are. I would recommend that those who do not wish to engage in confrontations online refrain from going around trashing other people and their beliefs.

I feel justified in posting whatever I want, about whatever I wish, because that is the entire purpose of my involvement in discussions on the internet. Just as you have that right. No greater justification is needed; I felt an emotion and expressed it because I wished to do so. In this case, it was pity - pity for a group of people whose emotional damage has caused them to be so embittered towards their fellow man.

You say that you are glad that you don't know me, but you took the time and effort to join the site specifically to convey this message to me. Your actions belie your message; if you were truly indifferent, you wouldn't have bothered. What is more likely is that one of these other stalwart examples of humanity dropped a comment over at your website devoted to sports haters and you felt it was necessary to come defend your friends. I applaud your solidarity but am not overly concerned with the content of your message.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 02:38 pm
I must express my appreciation to whoever set up the "ignore user" function. I'm perfectly willing to engage in a civil discussion with anyone about sports or any other subject. But I will not tolerate personal attacks and insults from those who have proven themselves incapable of being civil. For that reason, I've chosen to "ignore" both Cycloptichorn and kuvasz, who clearly have shown that they are completely intolerant of anyone who even offers the slightest criticism regarding any aspect of any sport. I like to compare them to the late William F. Buckley, Jr., who thought liberalism was dangerous but was always civil to liberal guests on his PBS TV program Firing Line. Frequently he and his liberal guest would have dinner after a taped show. He even had close friends on the political left. I certainly didn't always agree with him. In fact, sometimes he made me mad. But he truly was a real gentleman, which Cyclo and kuvasz definitely are not. From the very beginning they have sought to personally humiliate anyone who has dared to make any comments in this topic that are less than adulatory about sports and athletes, which is really amazing when you consider the title of this topic. I guess "sports haters" really aren't welcome here after all. Perhaps the entire topic should be deleted.
0 Replies
Fat Man 1951
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 03:26 pm
Hey Cyclops you piece of human garbage!

You still don't get it do you!!!

I am not trying to compare the bullying of jocks against students in school to Auschwitz.

I repeat:

I was talking about the whole spectrum of crimes against people which happen to include Auschwitz.

And you have not made any comments in reference to the links I had posted on previous pages in this forum topic to the You Tube videos about handicapped children being tortured with electric shocks for minor indescretions!

What is happening in the USA right now is similar to events that occurred in Germany in the years just before Hitler.

You have ignored everything I have tried to explain to you!

I demand that you click on these following You Tube links!!!

Brainwashing Children, Child Mind Control, School of Shock

Shocking Children!!! School of Shock, Judge Rotenberg, Psychology, Mind Control Report

I want you to click on these links, and see for yourself what is happening RIGHT NOW in the USA.


I repeat!


I repeat!


I repeat!


I repeat!


I repeat!


I repeat!


I repeat!


I repeat!


I repeat!


Now, how many times to I have to repeat myself before it finally sinks into that **** you have for brains???

Again here are the you tube links!

Brainwashing Children, Child Mind Control, School of Shock

Shocking Children!!! School of Shock, Judge Rotenberg, Psychology, Mind Control Report

Handicapped children are being tortured in the USA for minor indescretions.

But athletes go unpunished for their far more seriouys crimes!


I want to see you opinion of these videos!

But if you continue to ignore the evidence I have presented to you, then I shall know the you are uncaring, that you don't give a damn what happens to innocent children, and that you approve of it.

In which case, you are not a human being, but an inhuman one-eyed monster that thrives on the suffering of the innocent!

I expect a response real soon!

Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 03:40 pm
@Fat Man 1951,
Why don't you picket the boarding schools? Cyclo probably can't do much about it. It could look like you're getting your social conscience off without much effort.

Write to your senator. Write to the boarding schools. Is Cyclo seeing the vids going to change anything?

There would be thousands picketing the boarding schools if that was going on here.
Fat Man 1951
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 04:54 pm
In response to Spendius

"Why don't you picket the boarding schools? Cyclo probably can't do much about it. It could look like you're getting your social conscience off without much effort.

Write to your senator. Write to the boarding schools. Is Cyclo seeing the vids going to change anything?

There would be thousands picketing the boarding schools if that was going on here."

I was not aware of this until recently. I discovered these You Tube videos quite by accident.

I have heard nothing about this on any of the NEWS broadcasts on TV. I have seen nothing about this on any of the Internet NEWS web sites.,

I subscribe to The New York Times on line, to BBC, to ABC NEWS on line, to all kinds of NEWS services on line, and I have read nothing about this.

I had to accidentally discover this while browsing You Tube!

So, it's only been during this past week that I became aware of these particular boarding schools.

But now that I have become aware, I am going to raise a big stink by writing to the Whithouse if I have to. I'm going to write to anybody I can think of.

Why is this information being kept from us by the media?

I'll tell you why!

All people care about these days is sports, or fashion, and the latest diet products to reduce down to 87 pounds, achieve an 18 inch waist, and to get down to wearing a size zero!

That's all people care about these days.

Nobody seems to give a **** about anything else.

0 Replies
Fat Man 1951
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 05:11 pm
One more thing I forgot to add.

No, I know for a fact, that Cyclops seeing the videos is not going to change anything! I don't expect it to.

I only wish to get his reaction or opinion concerning the videos.

Then, judging by his reaction, or lack thereof, I'll know exactly what kind of a person he is, besides being an obnoxious sports bore.

I merely want some kind of confirmation one way or the other.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 05:17 pm
WoW!! For sure this is the most eloquently expressed
and dispassionately, deftly well reasoned post
that I 've ever seen from u, Clyclo. I 'm impressed

David wrote:
If sports fanatics watch to behold the alleged beauty of sporting activity,
then, in theory (if thay are watching to see the beauty), then thay shoud be equally as happy
when the team whose efforts thay oppose is successful resulting
from the skillful play of its members. Do u agree with that, Cyclo?

Accordingly, when the Boston Red Sox are playing against the NY Yankees,
the Red Sox fans shoud cheer in rapturous elation! when the Yankees score a home run,
if it is done skillfully, because thay saw the BEAUTY of it.

Is that how it works, Cyclo ??

Cycloptichorn wrote:
Yes, this is exactly how it works.
While sports fans do have their parochial concerns - everyone wants to see their chosen team prevail,
a feeling which (as a follower of politics) I'm sure you can understand - true fans do appreciate the beauty
of an amazing play, a stunning physical achievement, or an example of excellent teamwork.
Well, I hesitate to agree with u about that in that altho I certainly
understand the reasoning thereof in theory, my real-world observations
of sports fanatics (some of whom I 've known) are counter-indicative.
Indeed, I 've observed that when an opposing team is brilliantly successful,
the said fans act as tho thay 'd been deeply stabbed with a red hot sword,
in a favored part of their anatomies. U 've acknowledged this ambivalence.
The only reaction that I 've seen in them is rank despair and alarm.
So far as I can remember (not claiming to be an expert)
I 've never heard them say anything good about the opposing team.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
I myself am a fan of the sport of Football (for a variety of reasons ]which I'd be happy to discuss if you like)
Thank u. I accept your invitation, in that I have a very longstanding interest in human thought processes.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
and have, many times, watched an opposing team perform just such a play against my favored team.
I am well acquainted with the twin feelings of disappointment
in the fact that my chosen team had a negative event,
yet happiness for getting to witness an amazing feat by an opposing player.
That makes sense to me, Cyclo.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
Sometimes the other team is too good for your chosen team, and there's nothing shameful about that.
Very clearly: u r correct, but the other fans don 't appear to see it that way. Thay can get very negatively emotional.
I have held the opinion that thay have really lost nothing, that thay have literally gotten near despondent over nothing.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
In fact, witnessing such events is the highlight of watching sporting activity. Sports evolve over time, they do not stay static; the competition works very much like Capitalism, in that greater strengths and efficiencies are bred by the system itself. Let us pick an individual sport such as, say, tennis; modern players are bigger, faster, stronger, more intelligent, and more skillful than older players. Or a non-competitive (directly at least) sport such as Rock Climbing, which I participate in myself. It pushes the human body to it's limits and celebrates the incredible beauty and complexity of our forms and lives.

Beauty and the appreciation of the capabilities of the human form are one aspect of enjoying sports; another is competition
Well, from the perspective of a baseball fan watching on TV,
I find it difficult to understand Y HE shoud care which group of strangers
from which of 2 distant cities will be better at running around in circles?
I can 't help but wonder: what the hell DIFFERENCE does it make
which group of strangers gets more points than the other?
No matter WHAT happens: HE breaks even.
If its a question of wagering:
its easier n faster to flip a coin or cut a deck of cards.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
another is camaraderie, some people enjoy wagering upon them.
Sports act as a bonding activity for many men and women
who otherwise wouldn't have much in common (like any other activity).
Participating or looking ?

Cycloptichorn wrote:
It has never been my intention to say that one cannot like
or dislike whatever they want; but to claim that people who DO
like sports are stupid, or boorish, or all 'jocks' or are all 'bullies?'
Well, in fairness, it has already been acknowledged in this thread
that some jocks were champions of justice, vindicating the rights
of the victims of abusive jocks.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
Those are ignorant statements, born out of bigotry and prejudice, voiced by fools.
I would no more suffer such comments silently than I would
blanket condemnations of the intelligence of women or blacks or Muslims.
Bad experiences in one's past never give one the right to be a bigot.
I expect to live out my life without ever rebuking nor condemning
the Armenians for resentment v. the Turks,
nor against the Jews for vocal resentment v. the Germans.
I don 't begrudge them that.
(Let 's not re-visit the matter of differences of scale & degree;
we 've done that already.)

People who 've been abused have the right to complain about it.
Freedom of speech being what it IS, thay also have the right
to condemn various errors n shortcomings of the perpetrators.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
Part of the human condition, part of being an adult, is to learn
to overcome our prejudices and forgive others
for what we consider to be their imperfections.

Failure to do so is indicative of a lack of character.

For MY part, I 'll be slower to condemn the victims' outcries of pain,
and complaints of injustice, however chronic n residual thay may be.

For instance, my dead friend, Neil, told me of an Irishman who 'd
been so severely offended and wounded in his emotions qua English
abuses of the Irish, that he said:
"even if an Englishman saved my life, I coud not like him."
Despite my own English ancestry, I can understand that
and I reciprocate no ill will.

If a rape victim refused to forgive her rapist,
I coud not find it in my heart to condemn her nor to denounce her character.

The issue of forgiveness is most profound indeed;
in my judgment: it's the proper subject matter of another thread.

Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 05:39 pm
@Fat Man 1951,
Most Respectfully,
I wonder if u will u consider an appeal to your better nature
that u restrain excesses of emotion in furtherance of your point of vu?

Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 05:58 pm
Thanks David, great response. I've highlighted a few phrases to respond to in particular, and later - when I have more time - I'll go into depth about the particulars of what I like about football.

Very clearly: u r correct, but the other fans don 't appear to see it that way. Thay can get very negatively emotional.
I have held the opinion that thay have really lost nothing, that thay have literally gotten near despondent over nothing.

You are correct, this is an immature response, and - like other areas of life - many people are prone to immaturity. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that it's a subject I struggle with from time to time in other areas. Humans have always had difficulty controlling their emotional responses; and stress is a funny thing, yaknow? We tend to care about things equally, whether or not we HAD to or CHOOSE to.

Many think that you and I are silly for caring about politics. To many common people, it's useless and doesn't make a difference. You or I could patiently explain why it does make a difference, but it doesn't matter much to them. Sports is very similar. People become emotionally (and sometimes financially) invested in a team because they choose to.

When my football team loses, it does make me sad. At least in College, the players on the team are members of one's fellow class, and in the NFL, to a lesser extent, the players are fellow citizens of our cities. Nowadays this is less meaningful than it was when cities or towns were smaller, but I can tell ya it is an extension of the same thing. For example, I participated for a few years in a baseball league full of my friends from various college organizations. We were competitive but also light-hearted; it was a lot of fun. Due to an unfortunate injury I had to quit playing for a few seasons (all better now) but I still enjoyed watching my friends play, and I felt a close kinship to MY group of friends and MY team. This doesn't mean we didn't clap for home runs, though, no matter who made them!

You've heard the phrase 'Good Sport' and 'Bad Sport.' Some people are good sports, some are bad. Bad Sports are hateful and spiteful towards their opponents, good sports celebrate their opponents strength and tenacity, and honor them. I cheer for the University of Texas football squad, for it was my Alma Mater and I have a soft spot in my heart for them. Our big rival is Oklahoma University. Our football teams have been playing ever year for over a hundred years, so there is a long tradition of rivalry. And I must say, Oklahoma University is damn good at football. This is tough because they have beat us a LOT and it has ruined our chances at being champions many times in my life, which is disappointing. But, does that mean I don't want us to play them? Hell no! I'm glad we play them, because in order to be the best, you have to play the best. I respect their program and players and fans, who I have always found to be classy folks.

That's what Good Sportsmanship means to me - looking beyond one's personal wants and desires to see the beauty of the game, and to honor your opponents for their heart and spirit.

If a rape victim refused to forgive her rapist,
I coud not find it in my heart to condemn her nor to denounce her character.

The issue of forgiveness is most profound indeed;
in my judgment: it's the proper subject matter of another thread.

Of course, you are correct, and I will participate in such a thread if you start it.

I would say, however - what about a rape victim who decides that ALL men are scum and that none of them, even you, are to be trusted? Is that right? Is that proper judgment? Nobody is asking anyone to forgive people who did bad things to them (though I recommend it, because it helps one heal); just not to stereotype everyone based on bad experiences had with a member of a group in the past.

Merry Christmas,

ps- because I know you will get a kick out of this - I went to the firing range with my dad yesterday, and got off some great shots from his new Ruger Mk. II target pistol.
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