I'm not going to dissect your post, where you spread falsity,
making up definitions for words that are far from meaning what you claim.
As a conservative, you should stuck to the traditional etymology of words..
liberal (adj.)
late 14c., from O.Fr. liberal "befitting free men, noble, generous," from L. liberalis "noble, generous," lit. "pertaining to a free man," from liber "free," from PIE base *leudheros (cf. Gk. eleutheros "free"), probably originally "belonging to the people" (though the precise semantic development is obscure), from *leudho- "people" (cf. O.C.S. ljudu, Lith. liaudis, O.E. leod, Ger. Leute "nation, people"). Earliest reference in English is to the liberal arts. Sense of "free in bestowing" is from late 14c. With a meaning "free from restraint in speech or action" (late 15c.)
liberal was used 16c.-17c. as a term of reproach.
It revived in a positive sense in the Enlightenment,
with a meaning "free from prejudice, tolerant," which emerged 1776-88.
Purely in reference to political opinion, "tending in favor of freedom
and democracy" it dates from c.1801, from Fr. libéral, originally
applied in English by its opponents (often in French form and with
suggestions of foreign lawlessness) to the party favorable to individual political freedoms.
But also (especially in U.S. politics) tending to mean
"favorable to government action to effect social change,"
Definitions of liberal on the Web:
broad: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness;
"a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies";
"a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant ... having political or social views favoring reform and progress tolerant of change;
not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition a person
who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties
The statement about imaginary friends was only a joke, David. Please, i_like_1981 is not always very serious in his discussions but I think it is time to cut the crap and talk real, debating the true reasons why sports, and especially jocks, have such a negative effect on our lives.
No I did not ever sue the jocks. I tried not to get myself into any more trouble than I was already in, socially of course. Snitching on these more popular thugs will only cause further bullying as these people tend to do what they want and will not accept any authority from elders. Believe me, I would very much have liked to make them pay for all the harm they did to me but when you're going through things like that, sometimes the best idea is to just shut up, keep your head down and occasionally make the odd wise-ass, defensive remark when a good opportunity comes. But I tried to keep it under control myself, not involving parents, teachers or the law, and although it became unbearable, at least I was giving them no trouble back to further agitate them, which can only make things even worse.
Now then, the "girl beating". No, there was no particular reason indicated for that. I was just walking out of school one day, I think shortly after the day I recited 150 digits of pi in April of 1996, and they were hanging out at the gate smoking and talking when they instantly made a beeline for me. Of course, I knew they were coming. I tried to keep walking and ignore them, but it was no use. They knew I was a weak target who wouldn't do much to defend himself so the girl (who was called Heike and one of the top cheerleaders in my year) suddenly grabbed me and headbutted me in the teeth with full force. I went down quite hard. Her jock boyfriends started laughing and then she looked down on me from above. I couldn't believe a beautiful girl like her was inflicting such harm on me. She just sneered "Go on recite your pi now! That won't save you!" and proceeded to punch me eight times in the head as the jocks started laughing. After that, they just left - one of them even kissed her and another high-fived her, leaving me on the ground for dead. Nobody really cared or came to help me. I was pretty alone. I managed to struggle back onto my feet about 30 seconds after they went but my jaw was smeared with blood. They didn't steal anything off me, but another bit of my shockingly low self-esteem had gone. After that incident, I made sure never to stand out again. I wouldn't speak to my math teacher again for another week after that. She'd made me recite the pi, the whole class watching. High school sucked. I have more stories to tell, but only if you want me to.
Things may have been more pleasant at your school, David, but that certainly did not apply for mine. I'll never forget the **** I had to go through back in my high school days. It's over now, and I hope never to see the place or the people again. What I went through, caused by people who considered me inferior and pathetic for the plain reason I preferred academia over sports, is the reason why I hate jocks so much and why I really can't stand sport either. You can call me intolerant or ignorant of sports fans but I wouldn't be like this if the ones I did encounter weren't so ignorant of my interests.
Best regards,
Okay, right. I used to live in inner-city London, the capital city
of the United Kingdom, where I went to both primary and high school.
You do understand that in the heart of big cities, you will encounter
some of the most cruel, unforgiving thugs known to man.
I was too soft for the city, if you want my honest opinion, David.
I enjoyed books and learning and I made quite a big show of
letting everybody know about it. I blatantly showed no interest
in sports and even once when a jock asked me "Why don't you
like sports you queer?", I just replied "Because they don't do me
any good." He just laughed.
Absolutely no getting through to those people.
Of course, over here we don't describe them as being "jocks"
as Jock is actually an offensive term for a Scottish person.
We call them Chavs, morons or just bullies and thugs. But I'm
guessing it's mainly Americans on this board and as I am not a Scot,
I do not mind using the word "jock" on this thread.
Yes, your suggestion that I should have learned martial arts
did cross my mind at some points and I was planning to do karate
but the size of some of the people that picked on me made me
believe that I would not even be able to take them down even
with a weapon. One of the guys was 6'4" and about 200 lbs. at the
age of 15. It'd take a LOT more than a few months of martial arts
training to have whupped his ass. I didn't really have much faith
in my own abilities either so I chose not to react through violence.
I wasn't small but I was far from big and tough.
Beating up the bullies was out of the question at the time.
Sorry I can't answer all of your questions now, time is running a bit thin for me.
But I will inform you that my high school grades were reasonably impressive
and I scored all A's in my subjects apart from Biology in which I got a "B".
One of my bullies actually didn't even scrape a single C, so he
gained no qualifications at O-Level/GCSEs. I thought about going
up to him and calling him a ******* dumbass but I guess the smug
feeling inside me of at last having got one over on him in life
made me feel satisfied enough.
Fighting was not necessary anymore. I had achieved what I
needed to achieve, and for my Sixth Form days, I changed to a
different school as I had to get out of high school. Things were
slightly better there and I did make a few good new friends,
although there was the slightly unwelcome feeling at first of
having to intrude into other people's well-established social
circles. Still, at least I was out of high school.
Yes, the jocks did call my sexuality into question numerous times.
Just the usual insults like "fag" and "queer" really, these people are
very predictable. Plus I was not seen with many girls due to my
lack of confidence and of course, the incident with the notorious
Heike had kind of put me off talking to girls having gotten to see
the aggression of one of them at my own expense.
Regarding your final point, I don't understand.
How does my post sound like gay bashing? Please clarify.
I did not intend to cause any offence - I didn't realise it either -
but if my post may have possessed those sorts of overtones,
please be made aware that it is not intentional. I have nothing
against any kind of people.
Except for JOCKS!!!!! But I have reasons to hate jocks.
I only hate those who do me harm, not those who I choose to hate out of spite.
Best regards,
teenage girls tend to be a bit ditzy and will go for the hunky footballer than the smaller yet far more intelligent and well-conducted young man
Oh, wow. I feel like a total idiot. Don't ask me how; but I assumed, solely on the basis of your username "aidan" that you had to be a guy, not a young woman. Oh, brother. I really messed up and I beg your apology. Believe me, I try to view people as individuals, not as members of a group. Now I understand why you were disturbed by i_like_1981's remark. I happen to be the father of two young women, a 22-year-old and a 19-year-old. My older daughter certainly wasn't ditzy when she was a teenager; and, likewise, the younger isn't ditzy either. They both have excelled academically; and, more importantly, they're both better human beings than I was at their ages. Again, you have my apologies.
Oh, wow. I feel like a total idiot. Don't ask me how; but I assumed, solely on the basis of your username "aidan" that you had to be a guy, not a young woman. Oh, brother. I really messed up and I beg your apology. Believe me, I try to view people as individuals, not as members of a group. Now I understand why you were disturbed by i_like_1981's remark. I happen to be the father of two young women, a 22-year-old and a 19-year-old. My older daughter certainly wasn't ditzy when she was a teenager; and, likewise, the younger isn't ditzy either. They both have excelled academically; and, more importantly, they're both better human beings than I was at their ages. Again, you have my apologies.
No apologies necessary. And congratulations on raising such fine daughters.
They're lucky to have such a proud father who's cognizant of their strengths.
I'm sure you tell them how proud you are of them, but you should
show them this post. I'm sure it would mean a lot to them.
In terms of the use of the word 'jock' with 'dumb' I was thinking
about it and it seems that I've only ever heard that combination
applied to males - mostly by males. I've never heard an athletic girl
referred to as a 'dumb jock' by a studious girl or by anyone really.
Do you think that it comes back to male competition?
And then there's the behavior that you described that warrants that sort of description. You know, the leader and his followers who are given the accolades for their athletic performance which increases their arrogance and leads them to believe that they and their minions are allowed to form some sort of 'pack' that can and does prey on people they see as either less able, or loners, or possibly gay, or whatever weakness they can find to attack.
It's really pathetic isn't it? That anyone would want to or feel they need the security of a 'pack'.
I guess if they can't be smart - this is a way they can at least belong to something in some way.
My question is - what happens to them after their team sports days are over?
I see my comments about all teenage girls being "ditzy" and only attracted to sport players have met with a fair bit of criticism. Well, I speak from personal experiences. At my school, the attractive girls only ever used to go out and enter relationships with the guys of higher social status, many of whom picked on me before. By no means is this the case at every school in the world but I have not been to every school in the world so I can't make comments or judgments about what happens there and how people act there towards others. Aidan, I know you didn't like my comment and I'm sorry if you took offence, but my time at high school pretty much sucked and I got mocked and held up for ridicule by many people who regarded themselves as superior to me for various reasons - not just playing sport. They liked to rant at me about how I'd never get a girlfriend and how my life would just be a sad, lonely and pathetic one. And as I mentioned, I was brutally and callously attacked by one of the popular cheerleader girls at my school who was friends with many of the jocks and who had no more decency or kindness than any of them. She is an extreme example of a jock female - you can't really call girls "jocks" as very few of them display the boorish, thuggish tendencies the male athletes do, but she did. I would have more respect for people if they had shown more respect for me. I know it was all a long time ago now but unfortunately I have let it take control of my life, wondered whether it's worth bothering with people having been put through that by them and it is for that reason why I do not intend to enter a serious relationship any time soon. I know not all teenage girls are interested solely in the popular, strong males. People of both sexes can be of either high or low social status and the kinder girls can take pity on the less popular boys and act friendly towards them. But generally I can be pretty sure that most girls aspire to be the most popular, to have the "best" boyfriend in their clique and I believe that they can be just as biased as any of the boys and this determination to be the best, a common trait in all people, leads to ostracism and a feeling in lesser-popular boys that they will never be worthy to ask out a girl or even talk to them. It's a common human instinct, I know, but it's one I don't like, even though I know I will never change it. Perhaps I am just jealous that I never was, and still am not, very popular in real life but it helps if I am able to vent out my frustrations and make them known instead of just harbouring them inside me and watching them lead to rage and perhaps other more extreme things. Social cliques can make real bastards out of people at times and this is common in all of them. They make people hate those who are different and believe that only their opinions and styles are the right ones. But it is the ones of higher social status, the jocks and cheerleaders, who tend to abuse their popularity and single out for humiliation the people of lower social status and for that I have many bad things to say about them. Some problems with people will never be solved but it helps to discuss about them.
Best regards,