We had no problems with the "Black Friday" shopping rush yesterday - we stayed home. Simple solution.
I'm at the age I look at all the crap I've collected over the years and think to myself - 'myself, what is all this stuff doing here?' and, who the heck wants it after I'm gone? Answer, not any of the kids - nor any of their friends I'm sure.
I'm going to begin donating to our local museum - except they would have to make additions to the space available. Maybe I'll give some to the Texarkana Museum and the Jefferson and Marshall museums..... That should get rid of about half. Hmmmmm, ----------
Speaking of Marshall, TX - just down the road a bit - I rewatched the movie, "The Great Debate" last night. It's a true story about Wiley College in Marshall during the 1930's. The all black college had a debate team that was so successful that they actually debated Harvard ----------- and won. The team and all it's successors never lost a debate during the following ten years. Quite a story.
Oh, down here in TX land the term "a bit" literally may mean anywhere between a mile or threee and fifty miles - depending on who's speaking and to whom.
And, words like - 'FAR' - have little to do with distance - but, really mean something hot - as in, "The far is hot." And, other words like, CHEER - as in, "You come rat cheer now."
Big Grin - Texans really don't talk that way - we only do it for tourists.