Her work is marvelous, isn't it?
msolga, the resident wildcliker expert is our own ehBeth. Believe me, if you have questions about how to join the team, or register at the site, she's the lady with the answers.
Our team members, and those who haven't joined the Aktibirds but still click at the Care2 site are also welcome to begin a Rainforest thread. We are equal opportunity clickers.
You'll see the reminder from either dannon or ehBeth at a posting when a new thread is suggested.
We are an enviornmental group, with emphasis on saving the rainforests of the world, and welcome articles and comments pertaining to issues of importance. If you've read prior threads, you'll see we also comment on just about everything from the enviornment, to politics, or just stopping by to say 'hi' after we've clicked for the day.
Read the intro to the thread, and you'll see a link to the Care2 site. If you haven't registered at the site yet, i'd begin there. Once you've entered you own distinctive log-in name and password, you'll be able to begin clicking. With the rainforest, there are also other good causes you can click for each day.
ehBeth can give you more information about the team.
I must go click now! Dang - so busy today almost forgot!