Here you come again
Just when Im about to make it work without you
You waltz right in the door
Just like you done before
And wrap my heart round your little finger
Here you come again
Just when Im about to make it work without you
You look into my eyes
And light those dreamy eyes
And pretty soon Im wonderin
How I came to doubt you
All you gotta do
Is smile that smile
And there go all my defenses
Just leave it up to you
And in a little while
Youre messin up my mind
An fillin up my senses
Here you come again
Lookin better than a body
Has a right to
An shakin me up so
That all I really know
Is here you come again
An here I go
All you gotta do
Is smile that smile
And there go all my defenses
Just leave it up to you
And in a little while
Youre messin up my mind
An fillin up my senses
Here you come again
Lookin better than a body
Has a right to
An shakin me up so
That all I really know
Is here you come again
An here I go
Ahh, once again I get to reply to myself....... Great.
Here is a site to visit - down a little from the page is a link to a Photo Gallery. It shows some things - but, misses all the really great sites. I've been along both sides of the entire boat trip in auto. It's really nice. But, there is sooooo much to see and do along the route that isn't pictured.
been having a temporary lost at sea moment - but am back on the deck and clickety click click click.
Hope all are OK. Dan - how's Patti doing? All resolved - no flares I hope.
Stradee - how're you and yours. Hot there a? <not positive whereabouts you are >
((((Bethie)))) - love you - and your crayons!
Going to be popping Stateside with the little fella for a month - haven't actually booked it yet - but hoping to be in TX in about 10 days or so. Cool.... or hot as the case may be!
Izzie, you're a courageous lady. Texas in August! I can barely imagine going there in December.
0 Replies
Sun 19 Jul, 2009 10:25 am
Hi ya Iz, Beth, Dan, y'all
Iz, we're all fine if not a bit drained from the heat. Sposed to be a few more days till a cooling trend hikes up from the Pacific.
Located at 2100 feet of the Sierra foothills, CA - bout 10 miles east of Auburn along the Corridor (hwy 80}. A forest nestled village is where i be waving from the porch.