hehe! Hannan has moved to Raleigh, North Carolina.
The studio is now run by Nada, of the Reda Troupe in Egypt.
I've been studying fairly exclusively with Abby for the past year.
I know that I've got the Alexandrian piece cemented into my head.
The other piece, not so cemented, but not horrible (and that dance group is big, I can hide a bit
I've been clicking and packing.
Every sparkly thing I can find (and a bag of clip-on hair
) is ready to be dragged along tomorrow.
aktbird57 and the WildClickers have supported 2,937,973.2 square feet!
Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 224,451.1 square feet.
American Prairie habitat supported: 69,117.8 square feet.
Rainforest habitat supported: 2,644,404.3 square feet.