Quote: Rush's comment about Obama failing implies that he fails at deploying his 'liberal agenda.'
Thats my entire point. His addition of the qualifier of "his liberal agenda" was done AFTER about 10 minutes of yadda yadda, and stating that "I hope he fails" and he said it with one of his high volume declarations. Then , I believe that he got some dissent from his audience about being too "out there" and he started adding more qualifiers. Ive heard the actual clips and they were from his program and they werent doctored as Thomas seems to believe.,
His tone connoted that he wanted Obama, as president, to fail , and implicit in that was that the country would be better off in chaos than with a liberal leader. This is NOT true American. It is yelling fire in a theater (IMHO).
I lived through the Bush years and never asked for his downfall. He supplied that unrequested. I dont ever want a president to fail, there are way too many important issues that transcend mere political philosophies. Obama is our president to whom.weve tied an almost impossible . Very childish and Gut sniping from blubber mouths like Limbaugh just are inappropriate at this time. Limbaugh feels safe in his cocoon, hes detached from the mainstream.
Im in an upper middle class and Im scared for our economic future. Weve gotta get it right or its the Long Depression all over. (A period that culminated with the Gilded Age and robber barons)
Limbaugh doesnt care, hes the demagogue like the Lonesome Roads character. He really doesnt give a **** about us. He only cares about short term ratings and this has been a ratings grab game. Ive been listening to Rush this week just to hear, and hes using his clip quite regularly. So Ill rest my case and , although Im disturbed by his speech, It appears Im in a very small minority. I can live with that.