Quote: "9/11 changed everything! This nation is under attack! Don't you know there's a war on? Shut up and support the troops!" How do you distinguish your argument from the tired right-wing rhetoric that was so common ca. 2001-2006? And when on Earth did free speech become a fair-weather virtue?
I disagree with this one however (I read your post from bottom to top) 9/11 changed nothing about proper demenaor. In fact after 9/11Bush got his hugest bump in approval, about 90% this was across the board. This he then squanderd after having his posse lie us into a worthless war which has become difficult to extract ourselves from.
The state of the economy , unlike IRAQ, IS a real challenge that requires the same "coming together" as did 9/11's aftermath. BUSH used 9/11 to snooker us all and anyone who called his attention to this fact was only called a traitor by the Bush spin machine, not (as it later turned out) 70% of the AMerican people.
There was a small anti war movement that began shortly after 2003's march to Baghdad. This was mostly coordinated throught the Quakers. These first attempts at demonstration WERE met with shouts of traitor and the singeling out of individuals by Rush and Beck and HAnnity and OReilly (these were coordinated character assanitation attempts) However, as more AMericans began to,wake up and realize that "hey these guys have a point about this war". Suddenlt the ANTI war movement began a groundswell that was responsible(IMHO) for the exchange of the congressional makeup in 2006 and 2008
Debate is good , however, Obamas been handed a real mess (of which blame is easily apportioned to both sides, but lack of foresight and the housing mess is heavily on Bush's 2002 push for extreme home ownership). Obamas administration needs some support, help and slack , Jesus, hes been in office ONE week and hes already being stalked and sniped as if hes as bad a president as Bush was .The points that Rush make, arent healthy "debate" its an attempt at mean spirited selfish , extreme partisan spin meistering. Several conservative reporters have come out against him (Its almost like a number of conservatives are lining up as critics of both Limbaugh and Coulter).
If you believe that Rush has feelings that are "best for the country " at heart, you should go rent a copy of the 1950 movie entitled "A FAce in the Crowd". Its probably the only melodrama Andy Williams made. In it hes playing a '"shoot from the hip" demagogue who rose from anonymity to national political prominence by manipulating the public from behind a microphone.