To be honest, much as I think the man an evil buffoon, I hate seeing progressive discourse degenerating into using terms such as "un-American" ....just as the right did in relation to dissent from the awful Bush policies.
What on earth do terms such as "un-American" mean?
It's like denigrating women who failed to park their brains in the mall in the fifties and sixties as "un-feminine".
Whatever an American professes is American...it may be appalling crap, but if it comes from an American it's American.
To use "American" or "feminine" or "masculine" or human" to mean only aspects of these things that we happen to approve of is, to my mind, outrageous chauvinism.
It is clear when those of whom we disapprove use such phrases to attack those of whom we approve that the attack is ridiculous.
Howsabout seeing it when we use such phrases?