Obama..... not religious?

Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 09:57 pm
Possible. So?
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 09:59 pm
nimh wrote:
Well, yeah. I suppose I just don't see what the problem with that is supposed to be? Or even why it's necessarily hypocritical?

No problem -- but how is this different from what we all, Christians or not, do with any other book?
Robert Gentel
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 10:34 pm
Thomas wrote:
So, if by "religion" you mean the theological content, my guess is that it makes no difference to most people. But if you mean the culture and community experience religion brings, then I agree it works people

I'd go so far as to say that the theology has been a net benefit for millions of people as well. Sometimes people need more than just "because it's wrong" to "not kill" or "not __(fill in the blank)__". For many people, the apple and stick of the theology might be what they needed to have a moral compass.

Because for some people, "it makes sense not to cause unnecessary harm to others in a social contract of reciprocal ethics" just isn't as convincing as "you will burn in hell". Because some people may just have needed the threat of the after-life stick.

In Brazil, a doctor I spoke to told me a story about how a very uneducated group of people could not be convinced to use condoms until they simply started telling them the lie that their penises would fall off.

The explanation that they might contract an STD, even the HIV virus that could potentially kill them was not enough, they did not understand the odds and didn't take the education very seriously as it was presented. They needed an outright lie, they needed the imaginary stick. I have known many people who don't do bad things because they believe God is watching them, and if the threat were not everlasting hellfire, but merely a chance that society might catch and punish them many of them might not have had had the moral compass they did.

I don't know whether religion has been a net positive or a net negative (and I find it ironic that Frank purports to know this) but it's like patriotism for me. It's been an effective tool at controlling the masses. The tool has had positive and negative applications, but I can't easily make the case that they are more negative than positive in society.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 05:17 am
So what's with the 'I don't see the scorn', then?
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 05:22 am
Well, I havent found any single book to offer a moral compass, however imperfectly (warts and all) - have you?

Christians find this one book to offer one - even if many of them have come to realise it's not all divine wisdom from cover to cover.

I don't see what the inherent hypocrisy is supposed to be in that.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 05:32 am
R gemtel said:
Because for some people, "it makes sense not to cause unnecessary harm to others in a social contract of reciprocal ethics" just isn't as convincing as "you will burn in hell". Because some people may just have needed the threat of the after-life stick.

In its own way, that's as insulting as Frank's bombast toward people who've embraced a religion. I know it's hard for those who don't understand or subscribe to it to understand, but for a lot of people its more about living day to day right now than it is about anything else- and most certainly not about worrying about burning in hell.
It's about a promise more than a threat (and not a promise of heaven - for me anyway - so don't get all excited about having more fodder on which to heap scorn).
It's about respect for something outside of and bigger than oneself.
And unfortunately, many humans are not naturally unselfish, unjudgmental, unself-centered beings.
Alot of us need help in those areas.
More power to the ones who don't - maybe ya'll should become prophets- teach everyone else what just comes naturally to you.

Think about it this way if you don't want religion to be embodied and taught via a human or in any way personified:
God is love - now turn it around- Love is God.
God is good - now turn it around - Good is God.

That's what some of us religious folks believe. So simple...and I'm willing to bet my life (this one AND the next one) that Obama really does believe those two little isms.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 05:32 am
@Robert Gentel,
I don't know whether religion has been a net positive or a net negative (and I find it ironic that Frank purports to know this) but it's like patriotism for me. It's been an effective tool at controlling the masses. The tool has had positive and negative applications, but I can't easily make the case that they are more negative than positive in society.

This is always an important question for those who condemn organized religion. It is one of those cases, not dissimilar to the implicit argument between the thesist and the atheist, in which the two sides are not necessarily polar opposites. The theist says there is a god, and the atheist says that he doesn't believe it. The opponent of organized religion (who may or may not be an atheist) says the net effect of religion is bad, and the theist says that he doesn't believe it. But the atheist (who is not a proselytizer of the "religion" of atheism) only denies the existence of god when confronted with the proposition--not necessarily bringing the subject up himself (with the above noted caveat). The theist only denies that there is a net negative effect of organized religion when confronted with such a contention--not necessarily routinely preaching a net positive effect on society from organized religion (although i suppose that one could argue that this is an implicit assumption in adherence to organized religion).

When the Salian emperors made war in Italy on the supporters of various Popes, and deposed or elected Popes as of right, and when Henry II of England instigated the murder of an archbishop, you have an example of powerful men who were not deterred by a threat of punishment in an afterlife or motivated by the promise of a reward in an afterlife. It could be argued that the damage which can be done by powerful men (and Henry and the Salian emperors were not the worst of those who defied religious authority in European history) who are not motivated fear of eternal punishment or hope of eternal reward is far greater than would result from a lack of control of "the masses" by organized religion. Certainly a good many people died in Italy in the 11th century while Henry III and Henry IV campaigned, desposing Popes or aspirants to the Papacy and imposing their own candidates, and the equation would be to attempt to assess who much lawlessness would have resulted had there never been an organized church, and whether that would have done more harm that German kings and emperors fighting Italian nobility over the cause of who should impose and dispose in Tuscany and Rome.

Another argument could be made about the difference between organized religion and unorganized religion. Before anyone laughs, what churches commonly refer to as paganism is often found in the form of unorganized religion. Druids were never the controllers of Celtic societies which Roman propaganda has portrayed them as being--the Romans correctly identified the Druids as a potential source of opposition to Roman rule, and painted them in the blackest terms possible. Roman allegations of common ritual sacrifice were based on a few incidents in which Roman prisoners were burned alive, but that is shaky evidence, as they were most likely executed for being Roman, rather than being the victims of a casual and common practice of ritual human sacrifice.

There are many other examples of pagan societies which lacked anything so formal as the social order of Druids among the Celts (Druids never had more than power than influence with chiefs and kings--they had no organized church in the sense of Christianity). The pagan Saxons and the pagan Norse were not the polar opposites of Christians. Saxons and Norse who were pagan believed in the old gods, and embraced a good many superstitions, but were subject to no priesthood, and often deeply resented the imposition of a priesthood. In such cases, great harm could arise with the failure to successfully impose organized religion. Olaf Tryggvasson parlayed a successful viking career into a claim of a Norwegian throne. He was canny enough to see the value of Christianity as an organizing force which he could exploit, and he went about imposing conversions with all the lusty violence which had marked his former career. Under threat of the descent of Olaf on their island, the Icelanders accepted Christianity--but when news reached them of his death in 1000, a great many Icelanders threw off their conversions as though it had been a garment they had donned in cold weather, and there was a great strife and slaughter as many men turned triumphantly against the priests and their supporters. Leif Eriksson had brought Christianity to Greenland at the behest of Olaf, but had been defied by his father, Erik Raudi (Erik the Red), and when news of Olaf's death reached Greenland, Leif's modest efforts dried up completely. No violence was known to accompany those events in Greenland.

So, the study of history does not offer useful natural experiments. Unlike sciences such as physics and chemistry, which deal in replicable experiments, the study of history can only refer to "natural experiments," in which a thesis or principle is compared to known events, and ideally, lessons are learned. The spread of organized religion outside the Roman empire, and after the collapse of Roman authority in the west is too far back in time to afford sufficient information to conduct a "natural experiment." Whether there were more or less violence and lawlessness among pagan Saxons and Norse before the imposition of Christianity than afterward cannot be shown with any reliability. Personally, i suspect that there weren't much difference. However, to the extent that organized religion usually accompanies the rise of higher levels of organized societies, and to the extent that more organized societies so frequently lay their neighbors under tribute or conquer them outright, with organized religion the handmaiden of justification, it seems to me unreasonable to claim that organized religion typically ameliorates the conditions under with "the masses" live.


Robert's account of the story told to people in Brazil to get them to use condoms, as an example of how ignorance can be manipulated with "the masses" did make me think about the message which either religion or "anti-religion" employs, and its likely effectiveness. Those who oppose organized religion frequently shoot themselves in the foot with messages which are offensive to people, suggesting to them that they are ignorant and credulous to believe as they do. By contrast, the community of believers will suggest to individuals that adherence represents the balance of wisdom. Whether in opposition to or in support of organized religion, the most effective message are likely to be the simplest.

Fear of hellfire was a sufficient motivation for the Church in Europe to engage in the selling of indulgences--a sort of "get out of Hell" card. For literally centuries, people in the Church, quite often scholars and occasionally people of high ecclesiastic rank, had called for reform of the Church. The most notable prior to the Protestant Reformation was Jan Hus, who was executed for his troubles in 1415, at the Council of Constance, which had been convened for the very purpose of reforming the Church. Although Hus' patriotic fellow Bohemians defied Papal and Imperial power in the name of the beliefs of their martyred hero, Hus' death was insufficient to spark a widespread reformation.

But more than a century later, Martin Luther's defiance of ecclesiastic authority did succeed. What was the difference between Luther and Hus, or between Luther and any of the others who had previously demanded reform? I would say the simplicity of the inferential appeal of Luther's protest. Luther was protesting simony--which means, among other enormities, the selling of indulgences, of remission in the after life of punishments for sins in this life. The most ignorant, illiterate peasant in Germany was familiar with the selling of indulgences, and the rudest intellects among the peasants could understand Luther's objection, and were thus willing to support him. Jan Hus might only be appreciated by the Bohemians (Czechs), his fellow countrymen, but his arguments against ecclesiastic practice and authority for which he was condemned were not likely to recommend themselves even to literate commoners in Europe, never mind unlettered peasants.

But peasants in France or in Poland could understand the objection to simony as well as could the peasants of Germany. In many cases, the support which Luther got from influential people came because they saw an opportunity to increase their own power at the expense of the church--but it also came from rulers who were wise enough not to buck public opinion, and who were willing to take a risk because of the popularity of Luther's message with the commons, or at least the popularity of the perceived message. Luther succeeded when so many who preceded him failed because the simplicity of the message was accessible to so many people.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 05:51 am
Interesting take on the subject, Setanta.

I've been of the opinion Luther's message was anything but simple. He posted 95 theses on the door after all. If I had been his counsel, I would have urged him to trim it a bit. "C'mon Marty, can you just list the top 10?"
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 06:10 am
Certainly i would not suggest that Luther was pandering to the masses. Temporal coincidence worked in favor of reformation, as well. Luther was motivated to make the same laundry list of complaints which others had made before him--and specifically, he was motivated by the arrival of Johann Tetzel, who was already notorious in the church for selling indulgences, and who quickly became notorious in Germany. He is said to have quipped: "As soon as a coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs." It doesn't matter if it were true, people believed it.

When they put a match to Jan Hus in Constance, the peasants probably had no clue what everyone was on about, and just appreciated the public spectacle. But imagine the peasants standing around in Wittenberg. Luther's 95 theses were his original salvo against church corruption, and those specifically concerned indulgences. So the commons in Wittenberg would have had a simple context which they could understand . . .

"What's up, Georg, what's all the fuss at the castle church?"

"The monk, Luther, the one who's always on about his bowels, the one who makes all the fart jokes? He just posted some long Latin thingie to the church door."

"Does anybody know what it's all about?"

"It's that bastard Tetzel, the creep who's been suckering the widows and the rubes, so those Italians can build another church in Rome--like they don't have enough already."

Luther's protest against indulgences struck a chord with a great many people whose only power lay in sheer numbers, and coincided with a continuing disgust among powerful men over the by then centuries of corruption and squabbling in the Church--powerful men who understood the power of public opinion. Jan Hus enjoyed no such coincidence.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:07 am

Nimh wrote:
Well, yeah. I suppose I just don't see what the problem with that is supposed to be? Or even why it's necessarily hypocritical?

A lot of Christians (or Protestants, I suppose) believe that finding the divine truth is about communing with God - which, in the end, is a conversation everyone must have for himself. The Bible is a book that offers many wisdoms on that path, and many Christians don't see it as more than that.

Per Frank, of course, Christians who think that way are dishonest hypocrites...

Let's see if I can make my point a different way, Nimh.

Suppose a person here in A2K asserted: “I am a practicing and devote Roman Catholic. However I do not think the Pope really is the head of the Church; I think the college of Cardinals is a farce; I do not “believe” in the Immaculate Conception of Mary; nor in the virgin birth; nor in the resurrection of Jesus; nor in the ascension of Jesus; nor in the assumption of Mary into heaven; nor in the trinity. I also do not “believe” in transubstantiation; I do not “believe” there is a Hell...and the doctrine of infallibility of the Pope when proclaiming ex cathedra is absurd as far as I am concerned. But I do consider myself a devoted Roman Catholic.

My contention is that anyone not calling that person a hypocrite...is, de facto, a liar him/herself.

I understand there are circumstances, situations, and settings where you (universal “you) would not call the person a hypocrite"but in a setting like an Internet forum designed for discussion of complex and contentious issues...calling that person a hypocrite is not heaping scorn upon him...but is simply stating a fact...in an appropriate way...in an appropriate setting.

The reason I have called certain “Christians” hypocrites, Nimh, is not because I am some kind of ill-tempered scum bag"but because THEY ARE HYPOCRITES...and this is a setting where it is appropriate and reasonable to mention that they are.

Can you identify with what I just said there, Nimh???
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:09 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Nimh...I thought I did a fairly decent job of mocking the "you have to interpret it differently" argument of the Christians.
Main Entry: mock
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: ridicule
Synonyms: buffoon, burlesque, caricature, chaff, deride, flout, hoot, insult, jape, jeer, kid, laugh at, make fun of, needle, parody, poke fun at, rally, rib*, scoff, scorn, show contempt, sneer, taunt, tease, thumb nose at, travesty.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:15 am
@Robert Gentel,
Craven wrote:


I don't know whether religion has been a net positive or a net negative (and I find it ironic that Frank purports to know this) but...

I find it even more ironic that he would actually put these words into a post.

Here is what I actually wrote on that:

Religion has, in my opinion, a net negative impact on humanity. Apparently, Thomas sees things that way, too.

I understand that decent, intelligent, well-intentioned people can disagree with that to the nth degree.

But those of us who are on this side of that particular line have a right (some of us feel it is an obligation) to oppose religion no matter that it “works” for some people.


Ironic, indeed!

Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:38 am
nimh wrote:
Well, I havent found any single book to offer a moral compass, however imperfectly (warts and all) - have you?

No. But I don't call myself an X-ian, where X is a character in any particular book.

nimh wrote:
Christians find this one book to offer one - even if many of them have come to realise it's not all divine wisdom from cover to cover.

I don't see what the inherent hypocrisy is supposed to be in that.

There is nothing wrong with saying "The God of the Bible was fine with slavery. But we reject this part of the Bible today, while holding on to some of the good stuff that we find elsewhere in the Bible."

It is, however, intellectually dishonest to say "the God of the Bible actually condemns slavery, because the meaning of the text is relative to our time, and in our time we read the text differently." The God of the Old Testament plainly says "slaves you may indeed have". He doesn't indicate anywhere else in the Bible that there's something wrong with it. To interpret this as "God is anti-slavery" isn't a modern interpretation replacing a traditional one. It is a either a delusion or a fraud.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:41 am
Oooo . . . shorn of its silly contemporary political references, this thread is starting to look up!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:46 am
nimh wrote:
So what's with the 'I don't see the scorn', then?

I still don't see it. I see an Italo-New Jerseyan bigmouth who just talks the way he talks. And I've seen people take personal offense when he -- correctly -- called bullshit on them. You've been on Abuzz an A2K for longer than I have; I'm surprised you haven't figured out by now when Frank is truly scornful, and when he's just playing.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:52 am
He's right Nimh. I grew up in Jersey - you learn early how to hang. I might say, 'You are so full of ****' to my best friend and we'd both be laughing our asses off.
I talk totally different there than I do anywhere else-and it's accepted and even expected.
I even say 'CAWFEE and SAWSAGE when I'm back in Jersey.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:54 am
nimh wrote:
Well, I havent found any single book to offer a moral compass, however imperfectly (warts and all) - have you?

Neil Gaiman - The Sandman
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:55 am
And you learn early how to hang in Minnesota, where "heaping scorn" means "talking like a New Jersey bigmouth."

-signed, Minnesotan with a dad from NJ

(Didn't Frank already admit he was being obnoxious with the whole "drunken sailor" bit? Or are drunken sailors known for their manners?)
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:15 am
sozobe wrote:
"heaping scorn" means "talking like a New Jersey bigmouth."

Maybe I've never had the dubious pleasure of coming across a New Jersey bigmouth yet. Or a drunken sailor. I suppose the sailors are more fun though.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:15 am
(Didn't Frank already admit he was being obnoxious with the whole "drunken sailor" bit? Or are drunken sailors known for their manners?)

Actually, that's an urban legend, perpetuated by puritanical Americans with a bias against sailors and alcohol.

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