Spendius said:
Your view, when decoded, means "who cares" doesn't it?
No, not at all - in fact, I thought it was very interesting- the whole thing about men and women and friendships and assumptions of sexual interest and communication and underlying messages received (depending on the listener, certainly) that aren't always explicit or even implicit in the spoken text....yes-extremely interesting.
Spendius said:
Quote:Speaking of which, what do you mean by "cheat"? Is she a free agent or not? You have her on a halter with "cheat".
Well that's a matter of individual interpretation.
No certainly I don't think she cheated by meeting with Diest - what I meant was if she liked him after meeting him, but she had some exclusive arrangement with her boyfriend - she may have felt that she'd have to deal with that before she could move any further forward (as in an actually specified 'date') or else it'd be cheating.
What was surprising to me was to hear that several people felt she was being dishonest (or cheating in one way or another) by even meeting him to hang out.
I found that scary - I would never be able to be in any relationship no matter how formal- in which someone was able to tell me who I could and/or couldn't be friends with.
Isn't it cheating to dress up alluringly when you have a boyfriend.
Is this what you believe? Is that why you subconsciously forgot the question mark?
Maybe she was dressed alluringly at the party (if she was) because her boyfriend was there - maybe she did it for him. Don't guys like to be able to point proudly to their girlfriends and preen when other guys say stuff like, 'Nice little package you got there...wink...wink)
You don't know - maybe she was wearing overalls and hiking boots to her meeting when they had coffee.
And there's nothing with me about looks that most people don't embrace.
Hmmm- universally embraceable huh? That's nice...what are you...cuddly like a teddybear or something?
Quote:And I would guess she was leading him on.
That's the other thing I found interesting - women are supposed to be harder on other women in terms of that stereotypical crap and I saw it just the opposite.
I pictured her as honest and everything

, but that's what I usually do in terms of people in general - especially with people I don't know....and that's what was REALLY the most interesting - to see how differently I'd interpret what someone said than a lot of other posters here would.
If a guy says, 'You're nice and I'd like to spend more time with you' to me, I don't automatically hear, 'I'd like to sleep with you.' I think it means he thinks I'm a nice person. But as per most of the replies here - that means I'm a moron.
But then I do believe in direct communication -so I consciously edit my assumptions when someone's talking to me - it's all too confusing otherwise.
What did you mean in your post on the last page when you said something about people as people and people as products of their upbringing and love transcending upbringing in relation to this topic?